Thursday, May 30, 2013

In Stitches

If you are on Facebook, you'll notice that there is a lot of drama from time to time. I try not to take part in it. I leave it to others. My goal is to have fun. So, I usually make humorous posts and try to keep things on the positive side.

However, I decided to have some fun last Saturday when I stabbed myself with a pocket knife… I posted pictures! My drama of the month I guess. It wasn't anything major or life-threatening.

I asked if it was okay to take the pictures in the patient room, and the nurse assured me that patients do it all the time. It's now commonplace thanks to smartphones.

I'm happy to report that it all went well, and I'll be more careful with my pocket knife. Lesson learned from the incident? Stick with computer, it's safer!

~ Matt

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Oh, The Things A Boy Can Do

I've often thought about writing a book about the adventures I have with my 5 year-old son Malachi. In fact, I could actually be a series. I could focus on several thoughts. Titles could include: "Bathroom Adventures", "Bedroom Disasters", "Shopping Tragedies", etc.

Malachi is so energetic, very smart, and interactive. At times, he's hard to describe. His attention varies, but you'll be surprised on his knowledge and what he picks up.

He almost seems to have a touch of ADHD, but at times, his attention is right there. Most of the time, he's as active as one on a high sugar rush. However, there will be those nice occasions where he'll be settled down to cuddle.

One thing is for sure, you never know what he'll do when in public!


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Raising A Daughter

I'm raising a daughter. What a responsibility! Thankfully, she is smart and seems to have a good head on her shoulder for an 8 year-old. It's a scary thought to realize the things she'll be facing as she grows up.

Welcome to the generation of kids with cell phones. Passing notes is a thing of the past. Kids don't even email that much anymore. Texting, chatting… even Facebook! Then, there's those crazy pictures. Instant snapshots and videos. The internet at the touch of a screen. Oh my.

Lydia and I are constantly trying to keep conversation with Mysia on the things that happen in her school and at the boys & Girls club. If she has a question, we want her to feel free to ask us or talk about it. We want to be involved, and hopefully train her to know to do what's right in any occasion.

Boy, talk about a responsibility. There are a lot of things to deal with, and it's not going to get easy as she gets older. And I have a son to raise too.

Of course, there are those who love to tell me the best way to raise my children. For the most part, I listen. I'll take things into consideration. But the fact that they aren't the ones dealing with my kids every day, they can't expect their 'knowledge' on the matter to work in all situations.

Sometimes, those who don't have kids telling me what I should do, aggravates me. It's like someone who doesn't own a computer telling me how to best operate it. I'll take suggestions, and I'll offer mine. But don't tell me that you know better than me. I can guarantee that my two children are unique. And they are mine to raise.

Yes, I'm not perfect, and I don't expect to be. I'm trying my best to be the best father to my children. Only I can do it. The result is on me, not anyone else. I can't tell others how to raise their kids… I'm too busy focusing on my own!

So far, it seems that Lydia and I are doing good. All the results show that our kids are excelling in their education and other aspects in their life. They are loved, well fed, and enjoy their lives. Both are full of compassion toward others as well. Yes, we have difficulties along the way, but we learn.

Raising a daughter will be difficult, and is a big responsibility. But it is a challenge. I accept it.

Seeing that smile on her face and knowing that this is God's gift and blessing… makes it worth it all!!!


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Daily Picture Challenge - May 2013

Welcome to the month of May! And once again, I have created another picture challenge. However, it's a little different this time. I've gone with a specific theme. 

Almost every day is based of the "Day of the Year". For example, today is "Lei Day", so the challenge is to take a picture of a Lei! 

This month is going to be fun..! I post every picture in an album on facebook. Check it out!


Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...