Monday, May 19, 2014

Blessings through Facebook

Over the past several days, I've seen the power of facebook on how it can be a blessing. Oft times facebook gets a bad reputation. Many use it, but at the same time denounce it as an "evil" in their lives. Some take 'breaks' from it, 'de-friend' individuals over posts, and some have even deactivated their account due their annoyance of others. Yes, there are many times I get frustrated on some of the things people post on Facebook.

There are others that "hate" it. Some are even afraid of Facebook. To me... I see it as a tool. Just like email, letters, and phone calls, it is the modern way of sharing the news of you life and what's going on. It is what it is: Social Networking.

Growing up, we used to send out news once a year to friends and relatives through our Christmas newsletter. This let them know what was going on. Other times, we'd write letters or pay long-distance to make phone calls. Then along came email. We were more connected. We could then find out what's going on much quicker and sooner. We were then sending daily jokes, forwards, and chain-mails. Scanners and digital cameras made the scene and we were sharing those.

By the time I reached college, blogs and MySpace hit. What a better way to share what's going on with our friends and connect with them. Cell phones started getting more common, and after 9/11, they were able to take pictures! I used to send out a weekly email to those on a list to keep them informed of our lives, but then moved to a family blog. Instead of filling up everyone's inbox, you can now check it out whenever you want.

Facebook has been our way of sharing news and recent pictures of our family. I've also been able to use it as my outlet for my strange humor. Sometimes I'll make posts of my own thoughts that have offended others... but it wasn't intentional. 

Anyway... why do I like Facebook? It keeps me updated with friends and family. Those I care about. Just recently, it's been used as an awesome prayer request news outlet for friends! There are several that have posted on Facebook on their needs of prayer. What a blessing it has been to be able to reach out and add their requests when talking with God. Not only that, we've been able to see how He's worked in the situation!

Then, I've heard from friends how others' posts have helped them throughout the day. Sometimes I wonder if more people focus on the negativity of Facebook, and we hardly hear the positive. Now there's a thought...

I just think that I too can make a difference from time to time in what I share and post. Can you?


Monday, May 12, 2014

"National Limerick Day"

On this day (May 12) in 1812, English artist, illustrator, author and poet Edward Lear was born. Lear is known mostly for his literary nonsense in poetry prose and limericks. So in his honor, today is celebrated as "National Limerick Day".

A limerick is a very short, humorous, nonsense poem. Within a limerick there are five lines. The first two lines rhyme with the fifth line and the third and fourth line rhyme together.

I decided to share a few limericks on-air during my show at KWFC Radio.Yes, I couldn't resist. So I'm also sharing them here!

- - - - -

Vinyl records are still around
They carry some amazing sound
If you are able, 
get yourself a turntable
The music you hear will astound.

- - - - -

My neighbor came over to say
(Although not in a neighborly way)
That he'd knock me around
If I didn't curb the sound
Of the gospel music I play.

I told him, "Get out of my place
You're an utter uncultured disgrace;
You're a simpleton loon.
Don't you know a good tune?"
Then he walloped me square in the face.

- - - - -

Have a great day!


Monday, May 5, 2014

Bug Tags

When I bought my VW Beetle, I noticed that there wasn't a spot on the front of the vehicle for a license plate. That worried me. In the state of Missouri, it is required to have one on both the front and back.

I looked to see what I could do. There were several options, most of them would cause me to drill into the bumper to place a frame. If I got it wrong, repair would be $500 or more. Yikes!

I then did what any normal computer geek would do, I took my research to the internet. Someone had posted a great idea... Zip-ties.

Sure enough, they work very well on the plastic grill underneath the front bumper! And it works very well. I'm satisfied.


Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...