One of my new favorite Southern Gospel songs that we’re currently playing on KWFC radio is “Living In Harmony” by the Triumphant Quartet. It has a great message, and very enjoyable to sing along with as well. It has gotten me to thinking too.
As Christians, we’re to live in harmony with one another. There is a common melody, but we’re not to live totally in unison. We all have a part, in one accord. Our goal is to live in the will of God, being a reflection of His grace and mercy. We’re to share the Gospel… the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ. He came to die that we might live. What greater news is that?
Christians may disagree on things, but that doesn’t mean we should fight over those little things. Each of us have a different view, but our common goal should be live for Christ on how we believe He would have us to. Don’t fret over others.
If we all lived our lives in God’s harmony, what greater good we’d do for Him!