Yesterday was the 9 year anniversary of the infamous Springfield Ice Storm 2007. It was a surreal night. We had just taken a test and found out Lydia was pregnant with Malachi, so we did some calling around. We were on the phone with my parents, telling them the news, when we lost power. Understanding that it wasn't coming back on, and we only had electric heat... we packed up our stuff and headed to spend the night with my parents and family.
The drive was unique. If you're familiar with Springfield, we pretty much traveled the entire length of Kearney, from Glenstone through Kansas, in complete darkness. No power anywhere! The rain/ice mixture hitting the car, making it hard to drive, and the street being very slippery. Not many vehicles where on it either. We seen "blue lightning"... which was the transformers blowing out in the area. It sounded as if we were on a battleground or in war, with the booms as the tree limbs popped and broke, falling to the ground due to the ice accumulation.
My parent's were out of power as well, but they had gas fireplace to keep all warm. We spent several days, camping out at their house. Mysia was a few weeks from turning 2 years old. Whew... what an experience.
I'm hoping it never happens again.