Monday, October 31, 2016

Mid-Day Recap (Monday 10/31/16)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money?
- Simon (the sorcerer)
- Thomas (the doubter)
- Zacchaeus (the tax collector)
- Judas Iscariot (the traitor)

In the news:
An officer in the small city of Haines City, Florida, ran a red light. He was on his way to lunch making a left turn when the light turned red. After seeing video evidence of his “crime” Officer Tim Glover turned himself in to his boss and wrote himself a ticket. Glover wants people to know most cops are honest and do the right thing, and they’re willing to pay the price if they make a mistake on a lunch break.

More news:
The quest for the “Fountain of Youth” is getting a boost from an international team of researchers who may have stumbled upon a compound that appears to make cells act younger than they are—at least in mice.
In a paper published in Cell Metabolism, researchers led by the Washington University School of Medicine reported that they found an agent that can balance out what happens in aging cells to essentially make them behave as they would in a younger mouse. That substance, as it turns out, is also found in a number of natural foods, including broccoli, cucumbers, and cabbage!
Yes, eating your greens may be worth it!

Matt's Musing:
I think that a lot of conflict that happened in the Wild West could've been avoided had architects in those days just made their towns big enough for everyone...

Matt's Pick Song:
“Jesus Saves” by The LeFevre Quartet

Bible Trivia Answer:
Simon (the sorcerer) - Acts 8:18

Friday, October 28, 2016

Mid-Day Recap (Friday, 10/28/16)

Bible Trivia Question:
The fifth trumpet in Revelation is a plague that was also a plague upon Egypt in Exodus. Which one?
- Frogs
- Locusts
- Boils
- Darkness for three days

Friday Fun:
It looks as if we found Andy's dream home in Chicago! Watch the video and tell us your thoughts... and will you be following the game? Who are you rooting for?

Interesting News:
What’s your unique skill?
At age 35, Brent Fraser has had a "natural knack" for catching things in his mouth and the odd talent has finally paid off. He is boasting the world record for the "greatest height catching a grape in the mouth" at 101 feet. Fraser succeeded the feat on Tuesday, using walnut-sized grapes dropped from a hot air balloon at an airport in Thetford, Vt.
I’m not so sure how this amazing talent will “catch” him any money though.

Matt's Musing:
Have you ever realized that a birthday cake is the only food you can blow on and spit on... and everybody still rushes to get a piece?

Matt's Pick Song:
“In Everything Give Thanks” by Charlotte Ritchie

Bible Trivia Answer:
Locusts (Revelation 9:1-4)

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Mid-Day Recap (Thursday, 10/27/16)

Bible Trivia Question:
What false god did the Philistines offer sacrifices to?
- Zeus
- Molech
- Baal
- Dagon

In the news:
Good grief! It's the great pumpkin theft!
In Wayne, New Jersey, thieves were caught on camera swiping nearly 200 pumpkins from a farm stand overnight on Tuesday. They estimate that the pumpkins are worth between $2,000 and $3,000 by weight, and the owners are offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to an arrest.

Some fun:
For Throwback Thursday…
The Cubs have not been to the World Series since 1945, and have not won one since 1908. There were only 6,210 spectators at the final game of the 1908 World Series in Detroit, in a game that lasted just 1 hour and 25 minutes.
In 1908, there were only 46 states, TV and mass-marketed radio had not yet been invented, and movies were still silent.  

Matt's Musing:
It’s amazing how television has redefined the word 'marathon' to the exact opposite of physical exercise...

Matt's Pick Song:
“Gone” by Teddy Huffman & The Gems

Bible Trivia Answer:
Dagon (Judges 16:23)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Mid-Day Recap (Wednesday, 10/26/16)

Bible Trivia Question:
Which disciple brought the boy with five loaves and two fishes to Jesus?
- Andrew
- Peter
- Matthew
- James

In the news:
Almost everyone has looked at “selfies” posted on social media where the people in the photo look deliriously happy and wildly popular. But a new study suggests that some are doing it so much... that it may lower their self-esteem.
Penn State researchers conducted an online survey to assess how online viewing of selfies and groupies affected people's mental health. The more often people viewed their own or other people's selfies, the lower their self-esteem and life satisfaction was.
However, the study also found that viewing selfies and groupies on social media boosted levels of self-esteem and life satisfaction among people with a strong desire to appear popular. Researchers suggested that it likely because doing so satisfied their desire to be seen as popular...

Unsettling Fact:
At a restaurant? You might consider washing your hands AFTER ordering... The menu is generally the dirtiest thing you can touch! #hungrynow

Matt's Musing:
Your secrets are safe with me! Odds are, I wasn’t even listening...

Matt's Pick Song:
“I Wish It Would Rain” by Perfect Heart

Bible Trivia Answer:

Andrew (John 6:8)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Mid-Day Recap (Tuesday, 10/25/16)

Bible Trivia Question:
After returning from their exile in Egypt, what was the name of the city where Joseph, Mary and Jesus lived?
- Bethlehem
- Jerusalem
- Nazareth
- Cana

In the news:
A human tree was spotted blocking traffic at a Portland, Maine, intersection Monday afternoon. The man dressed convincingly as a tree was moved out of a crosswalk by police.

Matt's Musing:
I wish I could have the Price Is Right audience around whenever I’m making important life decisions.

Matt's Pick Song:
“Take It From Me, Meshach” by the Triumphant Quartet

Bible Trivia Answer:

Nazareth (Matthew 2:23)

Monday, October 24, 2016

Mid-Day Recap (Monday 10/24/16)

Bible Trivia Question:
698 Who was the father of Abraham
- Isaac
- Terah
- Jacob
- Boaz

In the news:
Einstein's life gets turned into a board game!
When visitors would enter Albert Einstein's house, the physicist would often hand them a small handheld puzzle. He wanted to see how quickly they could solve it. A man of science, he was also interested in playful ways to keep the mind occupied.
It is with that spirit that a small Massachusetts-based company called Artana has created a new board game celebrating the life of the beloved genius. Last week, they launched the game on Kickstarter and the project became fully funded within a matter of hours. Pre-orders are now being accepted for the Einstein game, which will be shipped next summer.

More news:
Why can some people enjoy a cup of coffee just before bed and sleep peacefully, while others lie awake for hours?
A new study suggests genes may hold the answer. After linking variations in genes to patterns of coffee consumption, the study looked for a connections between these gene variations and chemicals that appear in the blood after people consume caffeine. It was found that gene variants linked to lower levels of caffeine chemicals -- which suggest faster caffeine metabolism -- are the same variants previously linked to higher levels of coffee consumption.

Matt's Musing:
I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

Matt's Pick Song:
“Call Me Gone” by the Hinsons

Bible Trivia Answer:
Terah (Genesis 11:31)

Friday, October 21, 2016

Mid-Day Recap (Friday, 10/21/16)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who wrote the line: “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want”?
- Jesus
- Solomon
- David
- Paul

In the news:
Define Addiction… Two decades of advancements in neuroscience convinced American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) to change definition of addiction. Formerly considered a behavior issue, it is now defined as brain disorder. "Many behaviors driven by addiction are real problems and sometimes criminal acts. But the disease is about brains, not drugs. It's about underlying neurology, not outward actions." The report suggests that addicts may not have a choice over their behaviors, but choice does play a role in getting help.

More News:
Since Trump claimed a “rigged” presidential election during the 3rd debate with Clinton, the Russian media revealed on Tuesday that Russia has sought to send monitors to the US polling stations on November 8th. In response, the US State Department has called it a “PR Stunt”, and rejected the offer. However, it is interesting to note that the United States often sends monitors to observe elections in other countries with a history of voter fraud and that U.S. officials participated in a similar observation mission for Russia's parliamentary elections in September.

Matt's Musing:
I made a huge TO DO list for this weekend. I just can't figure out who's going to do it.

Matt's Pick Song:
“Keep Walking” by Mark Lowry

Bible Trivia Answer:
David (Psalm 23:1)

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Mid-Day Recap (Thursday, 10/20/16)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who closed the door of Noah’s ark?
- Noah
- God
- Noah's sons: Shem, Ham, & Japheth
- Methuselah

In the news:
The circus would like you to stop calling the 2016 election a circus. On Monday, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey launched a new campaign titled “The Circus Wants The Circus Back.” The goal: to get rid of the negative association the presidential election has brought to the words “circus” and ‘clowns.”

A fact:
Look to your left. Look to your right. Do you see two people? Congrats on being social today. One of those two people is probably included in the FBI’s massive facial recognition database.
A new Georgetown report says there are 117 million Americans in the database. That’s about 50 percent of the population. However, This FBI project isn’t exactly news. In fact, the agency has been slowly building this database—with the help of a couple dozen state laws and regulations—for years.
So when you leave your house, and venture out in public… smile!

Matt's Musing:
The loudest possible way to open a bag of chips is to try and do it quietly.

Matt's Pick Song:
“I’m Going Up (When I Die)” by The Cathedrals

Bible Trivia Answer:
God (Gen. 7:16)

Mid-Day Recap (Thursday, 10/20/16)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who closed the door of Noah’s ark?
- Noah
- God
- Noah's sons: Shem, Ham, & Japheth
- Methuselah

In the news:
The circus would like you to stop calling the 2016 election a circus. On Monday, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey launched a new campaign titled “The Circus Wants The Circus Back.” The goal: to get rid of the negative association the presidential election has brought to the words “circus” and ‘clowns.”

A fact:
Look to your left. Look to your right. Do you see two people? Congrats on being social today. One of those two people is probably included in the FBI’s massive facial recognition database.
A new Georgetown report says there are 117 million Americans in the database. That’s about 50 percent of the population. However, This FBI project isn’t exactly news. In fact, the agency has been slowly building this database—with the help of a couple dozen state laws and regulations—for years.
So when you leave your house, and venture out in public… smile!

Matt's Musing:
The loudest possible way to open a bag of chips is to try and do it quietly.

Matt's Pick Song:
“I’m Going Up (When I Die)” by The Cathedrals

Bible Trivia Answer:
God (Gen. 7:16)

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Mid-Day Recap (Wednesday, 10/19/16)

Bible Trivia Question:
What was the name of James’ and John’s father?
- Abraham
- Joseph
- Judah
- Zebedee

In the news:
Good Grief! It’s the Great Pumpkin folks… The former world record for the biggest pumpkin — 2,323 pounds — has been broken, or squashed, by Belgian Mathias Willemijns, whose 2,623 pounds pumpkin took the top prize at the Giant Pumpkin European Championship held in Ludwigsburg, Germany.
Read more:

More news!
Have you had your fill of “pumpkin spice” everything? Mars has announced a new flavor of M&M's — caramel. With the same candy shell as other M&M's, this new variety will have a "smooth caramel center". It will be in a blue bag and is due out in May of 2017.

Matt's Musing:
They say a dog can retrieve a tennis ball from over a mile away. Seems a bit far fetched to me...

Matt's Pick Song:
“Get About God’s Business” by Karen Peck & New River

Bible Trivia Answer:
Zebedee (Mark 10:35)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Mid-Day Recap (Tuesday, 10/17/16)

Bible Trivia Question:
271 Who preached, “repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”?
- John the Baptist
- Jesus
- Jonah
- John

In the news:
The Christmas Goat, also known as the Gävle Goat in its native Sweden, is back for its eighth year in a town near the capitol of Iceland. But many are wondering for how long. The enormous goat decoration, made of straw fastened around a thin metal frame, has not had the best run in Iceland. In both 2010 and 2012, vandals set fire to the goat. In 2011 and 2013, unusually high winds tore down the goat, whose thin metal frame was unable to stand up against Iceland’s trademark gusts.
Last year, the goat committed suicide, in a way – faulty wiring in the Christmas lights reportedly sparked an ignition of the straw, catching fire. How long the Christmas goat will last this year still remains to be seen.
Video here:

A fact:
Boomers brace yourselves! Contrary to popular belief, a new study finds that “Baby Boomers” don't have a stronger work ethic than those in later generations. An analysis of 77 studies turned up no significant difference in work ethic between boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), Generation X (1965 to 1980), and millennials (1981 to 1999).

Matt's Musing:
Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address... you turn down the volume on the radio?

Matt's Pick Song:
“Hey Everybody” by the Soul’d Out Quartet

Bible Trivia Answer:
John the Baptist (Matthew 3:1-2)

Monday, October 17, 2016

Mid-Day Recap (Monday, 10/17/16)

Bible Trivia Question:
What was the name of the woman who hid the spies at Jericho?
- Miriam
- Ruth
- Rahab
- Martha

In the news:
Have you purchased an carbon monoxide alarm online? Going for cheap could be deadly.
10 dangerous carbon monoxide detectors have been withdrawn from sale from Amazon and Ebay thanks to an investigation by the organization “Which?” in the UK. They warn that many alarms seemingly indistinguishable from those that so badly failed their tests are still available for purchase online. So buyer, beware.

A fact:

A heads up! Some of your coworkers are disgusting.
Why? Studies show that a third of workers take their phone to the bathroom with them so that they can text, browse social media and play games. Yuck!
And that’s not all…. One out of twelve are taking food and drink in there as well!

Matt's Musing:
The only thing preventing me from smashing my alarm clock against the wall in the morning is the fact that it's also my smartphone.

Matt's Pick Song:
“Part The Waters/I Need Thee Every Hour” by Gold City

Bible Trivia Answer:
Rahab (Joshua 2:3-4)

Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...