Bible Trivia Question:
An apple tree is mentioned in the Bible only once, in what book is it found?
A. Genesis
B. Song of Solomon
C. Psalms
D. Proverbs
In the News:
Fellow gentlemen… do you find yourself bored while your wife shops at the mall?
Perhaps you should travel to overseas!
The Global Harbor mall in Shanghai, China has unveiled four video game-equipped "husband storage pods." They are glass booths containing chairs and PC gaming set-ups, complete with multiple peripherals. They are aimed at giving the men something to do while the woman does her browsing through the stores.
What’s your thoughts?
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Adult pigs can run at speeds of up to 11mph, or in other words, they can run a seven-minute mile. Could you do any better? #MidDayFact
Matt's Musing:
If pigs really could fly... I bet their wings would taste delicious! #musing
Matt's Pick Song:
“I’m Glad I Know The Lord” by N’Harmony
Bible Trivia Answer:
B. Song of Solomon
*Sadly, our Bible trivia resource was incorrect...! An apple tree is mentioned three times: Song of Solomon 2:3 ,8:5 and in JOEL 1:12