Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Mid-Day Recap (Tuesday 10/31/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who was King David’s father?
A. Saul
B. Jesse
C. Solomon
D. Goliath

In the News:
On this day in 1517 (500 years ago), the priest and scholar Martin Luther approached the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, and nailed a piece of paper to it containing the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation.

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
The stickers on fruit are edible. Yes, if like eating stickers or sometimes you may forget.. It’s okay. They're made out of “edible paper”. Even the glue holding the stickers to the fruit is food grade.#MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
Digging holes in a cemetery at night... is a grave crime. #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“When They Ring The Bells Of Heaven” by Goodman Revival

Bible Trivia Answer:
B. Jesse (1 Samuel 17:12)

Monday, October 30, 2017

Mid-Day Recap (Monday 10/30/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
How many sons did Abraham have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 5
D. 8

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Unlike ordinary paper that is made of wood pulp, United States currency is composed of 75% cotton and 25% linen. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
I've tried numerous times to apply myself, but nothing seems to stick.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Shouting Time” by The Hoppers

Bible Trivia Answer:
D. 8. Including Ishmael and Isaac, he had 6 more. (Genesis 25:1-2)

Monday, October 23, 2017

Mid-Day Recap (Monday 10/23/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
What type of insect did John the Baptist eat in the desert?
A. Termites
B. Locusts
C. Ants
D. Crickets

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
The most dangerous animal in Ireland: the bumblebee. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
Have you ever realized that everything begins with E...? #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Tangled In The Middle” by The Old Paths

Bible Trivia Answer:
B. Locusts (Matthew 3:4)

Friday, October 20, 2017

Mid-Day Recap (Friday 10/20/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who wanted to kill Jesus when he was a baby?
A. Nebuchadnezzar
B. Pilot
C. Herod (Matthew 2:16)
D. Pharaoh

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
The average hen lays one egg approximately every 26 hours, which is about 265 eggs per year. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
So, am I the only one who calculates how much sleep I can get before going to bed...?  #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Give Me Jesus” by Ernie Haase & Signature Sound

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. Herod (Matthew 2:16)

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Mid-Day Recap (Thursday 10/19/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
For how many pieces of silver did Judas betray Christ?
A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
D. 50

Viral Video:
People online are baffled by video of a two-car crash in Singapore involving a vehicle that seemingly appears from out of nowhere. What do you think?
In the news:
New-sites across the nation are warning parents of a new social media “game” should cause concern. Children as young as 14 are taking part in an online game that encourages them to deliberately vanish for up to 48 hours.
To take part, kids must fake their own disappearance and have no communication with their family of friends for as long as 48 hours. Points are awarded for every social media mention they receive while they're missing. This means any concerned posts or appeals for whereabouts online only serve to encourage the kids to stay missing.
Since it’s often difficult to stand up to peer pressure, parents should talk with their children om how to make proper choices and discuss way of how to say no.

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Peanut butter is gooey and delicious, yet it can remain at room temperature for months without spoiling. It can go rancid in about a year and lose its flavor. #MidDayFact

More News:
Like candy? Here’s the most popular halloween candy sold online in every state! https://sploid.gizmodo.com/the-most-popular-halloween-candy-sold-online-in-every-s-1819642029

Matt's Musing:
I’m starting to have a hard time imagining what people did at red lights before cellphones.… #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Get About God’s Business” by Karen Peck & New River

Bible Trivia Answer:
B. 30 (Matthew 26:15)

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Mid-Day Recap (Wednesday 10/18/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
What woman was a seller of purple goods?
A. Hannah
B. Priscilla
C. Ruth
D. Lydia

FB Fun:
Tell us… What would your favorite Christmas movie smell like?

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Compared to pure water, salt water heats up faster and eventually gets to its boiling point first. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
Take note: No matter how hard you push the envelope, it’ll remain stationary…  #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Where There Is A Will He Has A Way” by Brian Free & Assurance

Bible Trivia Answer:
D. Lydia (Acts 16:14)

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Mid-Day Recap (Tuesday 10/17/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
What kind of water did Jesus discuss with the Samaritan woman at the well?
A. Salt Water
B. Living Water
C. Holy Water
D. Lemon Water

FB Fun!
Name a candy from your childhood that kids these days won't recognize.

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
All physical land in Canada is the property of the Crown, Queen Elizabeth II . #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
When you're right, no one remembers. When you're wrong, no one forgets... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Little White Church” by Doug Anderson

Bible Trivia Answer:
B. Living Water (John 4:10)

Monday, October 16, 2017

Mid-Day Recap (Monday 10/16/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
Jesus was designated to be high priest by whom?
A. Samuel
B. David
C. God
D. Himself

Happening in Singapore. Should we do the same thing?

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
A golf club remains in contact with the ball for half a thousandth of a second. #middayfact

Matt's Musing:
I always find myself delighted when the electricity goes out... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Count Me In” by the Hoppers

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. God (Hebrews 5:10)

Friday, October 13, 2017

Mid-Day Recap (Friday 10/13/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
Ruth’s second husband was Boaz. Who was Ruth's first husband?
A. Zechariah
B. Elimelech
C. Mahlon (Ruth 1:4-5, 4:10)
D. Chilion

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
You can create a small sonic boom just by cracking a bullwhip. The whip is probably the first human invention to break the sound barrier. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
The trouble with being punctual, is that nobody's there to appreciate it....  #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“He Will Never Let You Down” by Chosen Few

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. Mahlon (Ruth 1:4-5, 4:10)

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Mid-Day Recap (Thursday 10/12/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
What city was founded by Noah's great-grandson Nimrod?
A. Jericho
B. Sodom
C. Nineveh
D. Babylon

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
The human brain takes up about twenty percent, or 300, of a resting body's 1300 calories a day.  #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
I've discovered that bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.… #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
When We All Get to Heaven” by Brian Free & Assurance

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. Nineveh (Gen 10:8-11)

Mid-Day Recap (Wednesday 10/11/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
Mary, Martha, and Lazarus (close friends of Jesus) lived in what city?
A. Nazareth
B. Bethlehem
C. Jerusalem
D. Bethany

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
In the U.S., passenger cars travel an average of 12,500 miles per year. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
Remember, a day without sunshine is like, night… #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Sometimes It Takes A Mountain” by the Gaither Vocal Band

Bible Trivia Answer:
D. Bethany (John 11:18)

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Mid-Day Recap (Tuesday 10/10/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
What was also known as the "city of palm trees"?
A. Jericho
B. Bethlehem
C. Nineveh
D. Babylon

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Only one home in the U.S. receives more visitors per year than Elvis Presley's home in Graceland: the White House. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
I wish the dollar store would start selling gas..... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Total Praise” by Voices of Lee

Bible Trivia Answer:
A. Jericho (Deut 34:3)

Monday, October 9, 2017

Mid-Day Recap (Monday 10/09/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
What city did Abraham try to convince the Lord to preserve?
A. Jericho
B. Sodom
C. Nineveh
D. Rome

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
The only vegetable or fruit never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any form but fresh… lettuce. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
I don't have a sleeping disorder... I just don't like waking up! #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“The Fourth Man” by the Anchormen

Bible Trivia Answer:
B. Sodom (Genesis 18:23-32)

Friday, October 6, 2017

Mid-Day Recap (Friday 10/06/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
In the parable of the lost coin, the woman's lost coin was made of?
A. Gold
B. Silver
C. Copper
D. Brass

In the News:
Pumpkin Spice… could be hazardous?
An unusual smell prompted an evacuation and a hazardous materials response at a Baltimore high school Thursday afternoon. But after four people were taken to the hospital complaining of upset stomachs, fire officials discovered the source of the smell: a pumpkin spice air freshener.

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Queen Victoria was the longest-reigning British monarch, ruling the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for 64 years. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
The fridge is a fantastic example of it’s what on the inside that matters.  #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“There’s Peace In Knowing” by N’Harmony

Bible Trivia Answer:
B. Silver (Luke 15:8)

Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...