Monday, April 30, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Monday 04/30/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
Where was Saul going when he was blinded by the light from heaven and heard Jesus speak to him?
A. Emaus
B. Damascus (Acts 9:1-5)
C. Jerusalem
D. Jericho

My story:
Seeing that there’s a chance of storms later on this week, my boys and I mowed the lawn yesterday afternoon. I wanted to get it trimmed before it remained too damp and thick later on this coming week.
Since this now makes the second time for me to mow my yard this year, I believe that that officially, spring is here. What about you?

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Known for his popular catchphrase “What’s up, doc?”...  Bugs Bunny first appeared in a short film on this day, April 30, 1938. #MidDayFact

More News:
Through emails obtained through a freedom of information request, it’s been uncovered that FDA scientists have detected a weedkiller in an array of commonly consumed foods. They found a fair amount of glyphosate in wheat crackers, granola cereal and corn meal. However, one of the FDA chemists  wrote in an email that broccoli was the only food he had “on hand” that he found to be herbicide-free.

Matt's Musing:
When I was a kid, actually "rolling down" a car window took real effort... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“He’s Still Working On Me” by the Hemphills

Bible Trivia Answer:
B. Damascus (Acts 9:1-5)

Friday, April 27, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Friday 04/27/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who was the mother of John the Baptist?
A. Ruth
B. Martha
C. Elisabeth
D. Anna

In The News:
Two recent studies by scientists at Loma Linda University have shown that eating dark chocolate can make people smarter. In other studies, dark chocolate has previously been shown to be an antioxidant and have a positive impact on heart health.
Do we really need an excuse…?

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Hallmark now sells a line of "encouragement" cards you can send to people who've lost their job. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
I really enjoy my computer chair... it totally ROCKS! #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“The Other Side” by the Diplomats

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. Elisabeth (Luke 1:13-15)

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Thursday 04/26/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
What was King Solomon known for?
A. Strength
B. Wisdom
C. Good Looks
D. Humor

In The News:
Only a few days old, and the still-unnamed Prince Cambridge wields some serious influence and spending power. It’s estimated that the Royal baby is already worth  £50 million.
I think I’m only worth the cost a happy meal… ~Matt

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
The Procrastinators' Club of America newsletter is called Last Month's Newsletter. #MidDayFact

More News:
Time to Power Up! A new study from the Université de Montréal found that three-dimensional video games like Super Mario 64 might help seniors (55+) fend off mild cognitive impairments, or even Alzheimer’s disease. According to MRI scans, only the participants who played Super Mario 64 for 30 minutes a day, five days a week, enjoyed increases in grey matter in the hippocampus and the cerebellum. The gamers’ short-term memory also improved.
I guess I need to schedule and devote more time in the evenings… ~Matt

Matt's Musing:
As for me and my recliner... we go way back. #musing

Matt's Pick Song:

Bible Trivia Answer:
B. Wisdom (I Kings 3:28)

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Wednesday 04/25/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
What did the sign on Jesus’ cross say??
A. King Of Jerusalem
B. King Of The People
C. King Of The Word
D. King Of The Jews

In The News:
Spring is here... with flowers, bushes, trees in bloom. But with the good, along comes the bad: Poison Ivy.
Yes, it’s already starting to grow. For those allergic to the annoying plant, an online search will provide you with several remedies.
There’s an “old time cure” that only requires a brown paper bag and apple cider vinegar. You simply cut the bag in strips as big as the spots you’ll be covering, then soak those strips in the vinegar. Apply to the areas and allow to air dry (about 15 min). The oil is pulled from the ivy spots!
Can you share a great hack if you’re prone to the itchy red monster?

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Alaska is the only state that can be typed on one row of keys on a keyboard. #MidDayFact

Thanks to the rain over the weekend, I was finally able to mow my lawn yesterday evening. It was a chore since the lawn had grown over 6 inches a few spots. However, it’s a sign that winter is finally behind us… right?
Reminder: Now only 8 months until Christmas...!

Matt's Musing:
I have come to the conclusion that dryer lint is the cremated remains of all my missing socks.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Gettin’ Ready Today” by the Taylors

Bible Trivia Answer:
D. King Of The Jews (Mark 15:26)

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Tuesday 04/24/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
What prophet foretold of the Messiah riding into Jerusalem on a donkey?
A. Daniel
B. Zechariah
C. Ezekiel
D. Malachi

In The News:
According to a report published by, Springfield made #1 in a list of the 20 cheapest US Cities for College Students. What do you think?

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Kool-Aid was originally marketed as "Fruit Smack." #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
I've often wondered how much longer I'd be on hold if my call WASN’T important to them.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Movin’ Up To Gloryland” by the Cathedrals

Bible Trivia Answer:
B. Zechariah (Zechariah 9:9)

Monday, April 23, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Monday 04/23/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who said, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
A. Abel
B. Jacob
C. Esau
D. Cain

FB Fun:
“Tell me something you can never find when you need it.“
- Screwdriver
- rubberband
- paper scissors
- pencil
- band-aid

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
From the French word “piquenique”, picnic means a meal eaten outdoors. A mid-18th-century French dining, when all you needed was a bottle of wine, a loaf of bread, some cheese and fruit. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
We men would be way more excited about cleaning if those spray bottles made a laser noise... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Jesus, What A Wonderful Name” by the Williamsons

Bible Trivia Answer:
D. Cain (Genesis 4:9)

Friday, April 20, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Friday 04/20/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
What city did Jesse, David and his seven brothers live?
A. Bethlehem
B. Nazareth
C. Bethany
D. Jerusalem

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Every 14 minutes an American loses, breaks or sits on a pair of sunglasses. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
I thought I was having déjà vu, but it turns out I do the exact same things every day... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“His Name Was John” by the Perrys

Bible Trivia Answer:
A. Bethlehem (1 Sam 16:1, 10-13)

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Thursday 04/19/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
What kind of bird returned to Noah on the ark with an olive branch in its beak?
A. A seagull
B. A raven
C. A dove
D. A goose

FB question:
Do you prefer a handshake, high five, or a fist bump? #NationalHighFiveDay

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
A 2014 medical study found that fist bumps and high fives spread fewer germs than handshakes. #MidDayFact #NationalHighFiveDay

Matt's Musing:
How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink? #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“The Potter Knows The Clay” by the Perrys

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. A dove (Genesis 8:11)

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Wednesday 04/18/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who was summoned by King Belshazzar to interpret the handwriting on the wall?
A. Daniel
B. Jeremiah
C. Isaiah
D. Joseph

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Animal Crackers originated in England during the 1800s where they were known as animal biscuits. #MidDayFact #NationalAnimalCrackersDay

Matt's Musing:
Some days I wonder if there’s too much blood in my caffeine system… #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“I’ve Been WIth Jesus” by the Cathedrals

Bible Trivia Answer:
A. Daniel (Daniel 5:13-15)

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Tuesday 04/17/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who was the orphan girl who became queen of Persia?
A. Ruth
B. Bathsheba
C. Esther
D. Jezebel

In The News:
Today is the 49th Anniversary of KWFC!

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
In one hour, a bat can eat up to 1,000 mosquitoes. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
I'm taking it to account... for some people, today may be a bit taxing... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“He’s In The Midst” by the Bishops

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. Esther (Esther 2:7, 16-17)

Monday, April 16, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Monday 04/16/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
In which town did Mary, the mother of Jesus, live?
A. Bethlehem
B. Nazareth
C. Bethany
D. Jerusalem

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Taxes were due yesterday. So now is time to let go of the stress and wear your pajamas to work. Yes, it is National Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day! #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
The worst about the weekend? The ending part... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Sweet Beulah Land” by Squire Parsons

Bible Trivia Answer:
B. Nazareth (Luke 1:26-27)

Monday, April 9, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Monday 04/09/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
What did Nehemiah want to do in Jerusalem?
A. Rebuild the walls
B. Rebuild the Temple
C. Rebuild the palace
D. Rebuild the homes

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
One in every 204 Americans is named MATTHEW, ranked at #54 in the most popular names in USA. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most, live the longest... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Step Into The Water” by the Cathedrals

Bible Trivia Answer:
A. Rebuild the walls (Nehemiah 2:5-8)

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Thursday 04/05/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who opened the door when Peter miraculously escaped from prison?
A. Mary
B. Martha
C. Dorcas
D. Rhoda

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Although burritos are one of the most popular examples of Mexican cuisine outside of Mexico, they are only popular in the northern part of Mexico. They are mainly sold to tourists. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
What I hate about technology is when my book's battery dies... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“It’s A Hallelujah Moment” by the Kingsmen

Bible Trivia Answer:
D. Rhoda (Acts 12:13)

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Wednesday 04/04/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
What did David and Bathsheba name their second son?
A. Adonijah
B. Absalom
C. Solomon
D. Jonathan

Is your Wednesday full of errors? If so, it could be because today is April 4... otherwise known as 4/04, the calendar's answer to the internet’s infamous 404 error message.
(Reminds me of the weather as well!)

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
The 404 error is one of the most recognizable errors encountered on the World Wide Web when a user attempts to follow a broken or dead link. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
Sometimes my mind wanders. Other times, it leaves completely.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Find Me Faithful” by the Perrys

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. Solomon (2 Samuel 12:24)

Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...