Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Radio Recap (Tuesday 04/30/19)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who was sold into slavery by his older brothers?
A. Moses
B. Joseph
C. Daniel
D. Joshua

In The News:

- National Honesty Day

- Americans are tired of celebrating birthdays, and it’s not because they live in a society obsessed with staying young. According to a survey the majority of Americans say their birthday feels no different from any other day of the year, and a third of those surveyed say their lack of enthusiasm stems from the hassle of planning a party.

- Having a dog is good for your social life. In a survey of dog owners, almost half say they’ve met new people while on their walks. And 60 percent of dog owners believe their pet has ‘dog friends’.

- According to a new study, energy drink consumption in the United States has increased substantially over the past decade among adolescents, young adults, and middle-aged adults. A Harvard researcher involved in the study (Sara N. Bleich, PhD) says, “Although the beverages are marketed to reduce fatigue and improve physical and mental performance, frequent consumption of these highly caffeinated and sugary beverages has been linked to negative health consequences.”

- A drill sergeant tortures his men with Baby Shark. (See facebook)

Fun Fact:
According to a recent study, the number one U.S. city that people misspell is … Pittsburgh. Really? It’s not Albuquerque?) #funfact

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):
A shop owner in Egypt was charged with inciting violence after he “jokingly” told his three-year-old son to attack an employee with a shoe. It was all fun and games until the employee lost an eye after the toddler smacked him in the head with a high-heeled shoe.

Matt's Musing:
If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would have put them on my knees.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“All My Hope” by Gold City

Bible Trivia Answer:
B. Joseph (Genesis 37:26-28)

Monday, April 29, 2019

Radio Recap (Monday 04/29/19)

Bible Trivia Question:On what day of creation were the sun, the moon, and the stars created?
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth

In The News:
- An eight-year-old boy is the world’s youngest person to be fitted with a bionic arm and celebrated by eating burger with two hands for the first time. Freddie Cook, of Britain, was given his new arm days before his eighth birthday.

- A motorcyclist in Spain brought traffic to a standstill after he pulled over to look for his false teeth, which flew out of his mouth when he sneezed.

- Don’t believe everything you see on the internet. Especially when your friends post about their vacations! A Nebraska company is making money by using fake photos to create fake vacations for people’s social media accounts. https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2019/04/25/Company-offers-to-Fake-a-Vacation-with-doctored-photos/5981556217528/

- A raid on a factory in China last week discovered $30 million worth of fake Legos.

- 11pm - A security camera in California captured the moment a would-be burglar was chased away from a resident's car by an unusual member of the neighborhood watch -- a coyote. The video shows a man breaking into the car when a coyote suddenly appears. The coyote chases the man, who gives up on the burglary attempt and hides from the wild animal. https://www.facebook.com/cristina.trujillo.1232/posts/2088936167808926

Fun Fact:About 2.1 percent of U.S. garbage is made up of diapers. #funfact

Matt's Musing: Failure is not falling down, it is not getting up again… #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Bottom Of The Barrel” by the Collingsworth Family

Bible Trivia Answer:D. Fourth (Genesis 1:14-19)

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Remedy for sore throat!

Many times, sore throats can be a pain. Especially if you have to talk as part of your job. Working as on on-air personality is no different.

Thankfully, my boss, David Taylor, as a "tried and true" method. It seems to work.

It's nasty, but the best remedy ...

"Make a quarter cup consisting of 3/4 warm water and 1/4 apple cider vinegar. Low (deep) slow (glug gargle, not bubble making) every 4 hours. Also helps to take the strongest antihistamine you have (w/Pseud) when they go to bed and rise."

May this help you!

Friday, April 26, 2019

Radio Recap (Friday 04/26/19)

Bible Trivia Question:On what mountain did Moses receive the law?
A. Mount Sinai
B. Mount Carmel
C. Mount Ararat
D. Mount Saint Helens

In The News:
- Hairball Awareness Day

- A study shows 84 percent of adults struggle to open child-proof packaging on medicines. Experts said this meant adults put pills and tablets into other containers which are accessible to children. Researchers said packaging should be easy to open, but in a way that is too complex for young children to work out.

- Want to give your child or spouse a boost today? How a good, long hug. Research shows that if we hold a hug for at least six seconds, we optimize the flow of mood-boosting chemicals. According to studies, a family member is 47 percent more likely to feel close to a family member who often expresses affection than to one who rarely does. Also, frequent huggers have lower blood pressure and higher levels of oxytocin, a chemical that promotes bonding.

- If you’re heading to the theater this weekend, skip the popcorn — or order a mini or small. Nutrition experts say in 2019, the typical medium bucket of movie theater popcorn contains 1,200 to 1,500 calories.

- Is the frenetic pace of life forcing families to spend less time together? According to a recent study, 79 percent of those surveyed believe that eating dinner together is the best way to keep up with what’s going on in one’s family. Unfortunately, more than half of respondents (53 percent) described dinner with their family on most nights as a “sit-down” meal with the whole family.

- It happened again! A man in the UK had to be rescued after setting the front of his house on fire. Firefighters say the man had been trying to set fire to a spider as it crawled up the front of the property. Sparks reached material behind the cladding and caused a fire within the walls.

- When an 18-foot reticulated python was found slithering across the roof of a house in Detroit, police responded to a frightened 911 call, but they weren’t sure what to do about the snake. Luckily, someone else was already looking for her. The owner, named Devin, told police, “It was my fault that she got out. I was scared for her.” Devin says his snake is a docile 8-year-old and would “never intentionally” harm a human. Her diet, he says, consists of “thawed rabbits.”

Fun Fact:287 billion emails sent per day worldwide. #funfact

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):There’s a decent chance the guy sitting in the cubicle next to you is wearing 7-year-old underwear. That’s the average length of time men hang on to their undies before buying new ones.… Even more disturbing: Roughly 22% of men say they don’t change their underwear every day.

Matt's Musing: I dusted once. It came back. I'm not falling for that again... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Testimony” by the Mark Trammell Quartet

Bible Trivia Answer:
A. Mount Sinai (Exodus 24:12-16)

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Radio Recap (Thursday 04/25/19)

Bible Trivia Question:On what mountain did Noah’s Ark came to rest?
A. Mount Sinai
B. Mount Carmel
C. Mount Ararat
D. Mount Saint Helens

In The News:
- 8 months until Christmas

- on this day in 1901: New York became the first U.S. state to require automobile license plates. They were inscribed with the owner’s initials. The fee was $1.

- Zucchini Bread Day

- A new survey finds three-quarters of photos taken on mobile phones are never looked at again. And the number of unviewed is even higher for selfies: 87 percent of selfies taken are never looked at again. Probably because we take six of the same selfie and use the last one.… The survey found the average person does a digital declutter about once every six months. However, 20 percent of you never dump old photos.

- Merriam-Webster has announced the addition of 640 words to its dictionary. We’ve posted the link on our facebook page this morning!

- Swiping your debit card at checkout is mostly convenient — mostly, but not completely. That’s because every often you still have to enter your PIN and touch YES a time or two. In the UK a bank is testing a new type of debit card with a built-in fingerprint reader. You’ll place your finger on the card’s small reader and swipe — that’s it.

Fun Fact:In a poll of expectant moms, what Nachos ranked as the most-craved food. #funfact

Social Media Fun:If part of living your #bestlife is owing the most amazing pool float known to man, Amazon is selling one shaped like an avocado with a removable pit that can be used as a beach ball. Customers have given the $21.95 pool float 4.5 out of 5 stars. So you can avo good time! https://www.amazon.com/LetsFunny-Avocado-Inflatable-Swimming-Decorations/dp/B07BV71BLT/ref=as_li_ss_tl

Matt's Musing: Writing a long story is a novel idea... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Yes I Know” by the Gaither Vocal Band

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. Mount Ararat (Genesis 8:4)

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Radio Recap (Wednesday 04/24/19)

Bible Trivia Question:How many times did Paul pray to have his thorn in the flesh removed??
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Me: Look it’s raining again
Son: How do you know it’s rain.
Me: Ummm. Water… Water falling… down from the sky….

In The News:
- Today is Administrative Professionals Day

- TO LIVE LONGER, MARRY A HAPPY PERSON _ Research suggests that having a happy spouse leads to a longer marriage, and now study results show that it’s associated with a longer life, too. Researchers (at Tilburg University) said spouses’ life satisfaction was an even better predictor of study participants’ mortality than participants’ own life satisfaction. Participants who had a happy partner at the beginning of the study were less likely to pass away over the next 8 years compared with participants who had less happy partners.

- The wealthy have higher levels of pesticides in their bodies — because they play golf. They also have more mercury in their systems because they eat a lot of seafood. That’s according to a leading scientist in England (Michael Depledge at Exeter University). This doesn’t mean the bodies of the rich are more polluted — rich and poor suffer very different effects of pollution and their bodies are polluted by very different chemicals.

- A New Hampshire homeowner is under court order to clean up his yard that’s littered with thousands of boxes. If he doesn’t, the town will do it for him and stick him with the bill. The town of Brentwood, New Hampshire, estimates that there are around 2,000 boxes containing printers in the yard. No word as to why the homeowner (Michael Bates) has 2,000 boxed printers in his backyard.

- OBVIOUS: PEOPLE CHOOSE JUNK FOOD TO SATISFY THE MUNCHIES _ There’s a certain stereotype associated with ‘the munchies,’ one that describes a person who, after getting suitably high, gravitates toward junk food to satisfy their increased appetite. A new study looked at whether there’s an element of truth to this and the results are anything but surprising: most people experiencing ‘the munchies’ choose junk food over healthy alternatives.

- Bouquets aren’t the only thing flying high at weddings this year. A recent study finds the average cost to attend a wedding is now over $1,100. That’s for travel, accommodations, gifts, a new dress or a suit/tux rental… Costs are slightly higher for members of the wedding party, an average of $1,400.

- According to a survey… 57% of us describe ourselves as “amazing” at kissing. S how was this done? Do you just kiss you hand and then exclaim… “wow! That was amazing!”?

Fun Fact:Can you snap? A third of adults can’t, according to a survey. #funfact

Social Media Fun:Do you sleep with... the Radio on, lamp on, tv on, or the fan on?

Matt's Musing: When it's time to mow, can't we all just get a lawn? #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Go And Tell Somebody” by the Kingsmen

Bible Trivia Answer:B. 3 (2 Corinthians 12:7 & 8)

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Radio Recap (Tuesday 04/23/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who had a spear with the iron head weighing 600 shekels?
A. Samson
B. Goliath
C. David
D. Saul

In The News:
- 1564: This date is believed to be the birth date of English poet and dramatist William Shakespeare. He died 52 years later, also on April 23.

- National Picnic Day

- Everyone complains about potholes popping up in the spring, but one man may have potholes to thank for saving his life. Rescuers in Gretna, Nebraska, rushed to help a 59-year-old man with a racing heart at work. He had no history of heart problems. The squad had a 20-minute drive to the emergency room, and at one point the patient’s heart was running at a rate of 200 beats per minute. During the ride to the hospital the ambulance hit a pothole. Medics said the jolt of the pothole converted the patient’s racing heart to normal rhythms.

- GARBAGE SAVES FALLING MAN’S LIFE _ In South Africa a man survived an 10-floor fall from his balcony at a hotel and escaped with just a few broken bones. The lucky guy’s fall was cushioned by hundreds of garbage bags which had piled up because the hotel hadn’t paid its waste removal company in some time.

- Almost as soon as Samsung’s new foldable phone, the Galaxy Fold, made its way into the hands of early reviewers and analysts, things started falling apart. One reporter (Bloomberg) shared images of his Galaxy Fold review unit “just two days in” with an unusable display, one that looked like a large smartphone with ink spilled on it. Another reporter (CNBC) posted a video to Twitter of the display on a Galaxy Fold flickering like a strobe light in a club. … Evidence of malfunctioning Folds left Samsung little choice: The company is delaying the release of the new product, which was supposed to officially go on sale on April 26 for the low, low price of $1,980.

Fun Fact:36% of Americans eat this fast food every day.#funfact

Matt's Musing: I wish the "Refresh" button worked on more than just the web browser… #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Rumormill” by the Cathedrals

Bible Trivia Answer:B. Goliath (Samuel 17:4 & 7)

Monday, April 22, 2019

Radio Recap (Monday 04/22/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”?
A. Job
B. David
C. Jesus (Luke 12:34)
D. Paul

Easter egg hunts… proof that your kids can find things.

In The News:
- GUESS WHAT THE MOST USED PASSWORD IS? _ Every few months one of the internet security companies looks at a list of hacked user accounts to share what the “most used” password is. A new list is out… so would you care to guess? If you said 123456 you’d be right. The second most popular password is 12345678, followed by the six letters on the top row of your keyboard — qwerty — and then ‘password’.

- In China, a piece of cotton came out of a woman’s nose when she sneezed. She says the cotton was left up there about six months after getting a $3,800 nose job. The plastic surgery clinic has refused to take responsibility.

- There’s a new world record for seeing the same movie the most number of times. The old record was 103, but chiropractor Steve Ruppel of Wisconsin decided to break it by seeing Captain Marvel 116 times… The most showings he saw in a single day was seven. To prevent boredom, Steve would do different things like pay attention to things in the background… The 116 viewings totals 14,268 minutes he was sitting through the movie.

Fun Fact: In its lifetime one Dollar bill is touched by over 10,000 people. #funfact

Matt's Musing: The main trouble with mental notes is... the ink fades so fast. #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Satisfied” by the Gaither Vocal Band

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. Jesus (Luke 12:34)

Friday, April 19, 2019

Radio Recap (Friday 04/19/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who said that in the last days, scoffers will come?
A. Peter
B. James
C. John
D. Jesus

In The News:- Good Friday
- Bicycle Day
- Police in Ohio (Painesville) arrested a man accused of using a pet as a weapon inside a Perkins restaurant. Officers responded to a disorderly conduct complaint at the restaurant and learned that a 49-year-old man removed an iguana from inside his shirt and swung it around his head by the tail before throwing it at the restaurant manager. The suspect fled before police arrived but was picked up a short time later. Police say the iguana, named Copper, is being checked out by a veterinarian.
- Struggling to find a little “me time”? You’re far from alone because the average American only gets five hours of “me time” in a week — that’s just 43 minutes a day.
- Police in Indiana shared an unusual warning about a goose blamed for attacking at least two shoppers in a Walmart parking lot. The Fishers Police Department said the goose attacked at least two people at the local Walmart store Tuesday morning without being provoked. Police said the shoppers suffered minor injuries from their encounters. "Geese can be territorial and aggressive. Please be aware of your surroundings and keep a safe distance from wild animals," police wrote, using the hashtag "#gooserage."

Fun Fact:Feeling old? The Walkman and Discman are no longer made.#funfact

Social Media Fun:Our next full moon will rise over North America on Good Friday, and according to folklore, it symbolizes the beginning of spring.
The moon won't look pink like the name suggests. This Friday's Pink Moon got its name because of tiny pink wildflowers called Phlox that usually bloom around the same time. The moon will actually look a deep orange as it begins to rise.
The moon will begin rising over North America at around 8 pm. Will you check out this month's Pink Moon?

Matt's Musing: Every machine is a smoke machine... if you operate it wrong enough... #musing#musing

Bible Trivia Answer:A. Peter (2 Peter 3:3)

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Radio Recap (Thursday 04/18/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who said, “Silver or gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee”?
A. Matthew
B. Peter
C. Paul
D. Jesus

SG NEWS:Squire Parsons has announced that due to physical constants, he is discontinuing his regular public appearances. After over 40 years of live concerts, he’s prayerfully decided that it’s time to step away from the road. We’ve shared his post on Facebook this morning. https://www.facebook.com/891KWFC/posts/10157302406860439?notif_id=1555593318067920&notif_t=page_post_reaction&ref=notif

In The News:- Animal Crackers Day
- Welcome to National High Five Day. San Diego resident Connor Lastowka and his friend Wynn Walent came up with the idea during a late night conversation as a way “people can freely exchange high fives between all different genders, races, heights and social classes.” The first year, the guys held the event on the University of Virginia’s campus and by the second year, it had spread across the U.S..
- A survey of parents of kids four to 16 found three in five consider their child a ‘fussy eater’. Fussy kids will refuse to eat two meals a week, while two more are thrown away practically untouched… 22 percent of parents will try to disguise the fuss-causing food so their child doesn’t even know they are eating it… The foods most fussy eaters dislike: mushrooms; onions; cauliflower; pesto; peppers; tomatoes; peanut butter (whaaat?); broccoli; lettuce; fish; eggs; cucumber; sandwich meats such as ham.
- For a voice assistant to work a device has to always be listening. For some reason seem to be OK with Alexa, Siri and Hey Google to be waiting for us to give an order, but will we be as trusting with Facebook? A report (from NBC) says Facebook has been working on the idea since early 2018.
- Police in British Columbia, Canada (Burnaby) are asking for the public’s help to identify a “camera-shy” suspect they’ve nicknamed the Umbrella Bandit. The alleged robber entered the bank holding a blue umbrella over his head which obscured him from security cameras.
- International Delight has just added a flavor jolt to your morning cup of joe with S'mores coffee creamer.

Fun Fact:The average one of these will last for 35 miles. (Pencil. If you drew a continuous line with one, that’s how long it would last. That about 45,000 words.) #funfact

Social Media Fun:Are they still a favorite of yours? #AnimalCrackersDay

Matt's Musing: I'm starting to realize that some people are their own punishment in life... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Don't Let the Sandals Fool Ya” by Triumphant

Bible Trivia Answer:B. Peter (Acts 3:6)

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Radio Recap (Wednesday 04/117/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who wrote on the ground with his finger?
A. Matthew
B. Mark
C. Luke
D. Jesus

In The News:- 1969, KWFC Radio started broadcasting in Springfield MO
- I’m pretty content to live in the Ozarks… Authorities in Florida were called to remove an eight-and-a-half-foot alligator from Walmart.
- Ever delayed a dental or medical procedure because of your wallet? You’re far from alone since one in two Americans have postponed a procedure due to cost, according to new research. The study found it took the average respondent 2½ years to completely pay off a hefty medical or dental bill.
- In February Motorola confirmed that its first foldable smartphone will be arriving in 2019. Now, a source says the launch of the upcoming Razr foldable phone isn’t far off. The device will be available exclusively at Verizon Wireless in the US.
- the long-delayed live-action Minecraft movie has a new release date: March 4, 2022. Warner Bros. and Microsoft have also revealed some story details. The movie will focus on “a teenage girl and her unlikely group of adventurers. After the malevolent Ender Dragon sets out on a path of destruction, they must save their beautiful, blocky Overworld.”

Fun Fact:On average, a greeting card is touched 25 times before someone buys it. #funfact

Social Media Fun:Pickle lovers rejoice, Vlasic is welcoming pickle chips to the world. Like real chips made entirely of pickles. https://www.popsugar.com/food/Vlasic-Pickle-Chips-46038736

Matt's Musing: Some people have trouble sleeping, but I can do it with my eyes closed… #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Sustaining Grace” by Karen Peck & New River

Bible Trivia Answer:D. Jesus (John 8:6)

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Radio Recap (Tuesday 04/16/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Which of the 12 disciples was in charge of the money?
A. Matthew
B. Mark
C. Luke
D. Judas Iscariot

In The News:- Stress Awareness Day… but just being aware cause stress?
- As the temperatures rise, please remember about the children left in cars. Experts say 51 children died in hot cars in the United States last year -- the highest toll on record.
Here are some of its recommendations:
Maintain a routine to reduce the risk of forgetting a child in a vehicle.
Keep parked car doors locked so children cannot get inside, and teach children that cars are not play areas.
Place a purse, briefcase or even a left shoe in the backseat of a vehicle so you have to look there before you lock the vehicle.
- There are few things in the US that are as wonderful as the nation's national parks. Lucky for you, the National Park Service (NPS) is inviting you to enjoy the national parks for free on Saturday, April 20. National Park Week starts on April 20 and runs through April 28. To kick off the festivities, the park system is opening its doors to everyone. It's one of five days in 2019 where the NPS is offering free entry at parks that usually charge admission fees. Though, services like campground or bike rentals will not be waived.

Fun Fact:If you want this at your wedding reception it will cost you around $4,000. (Live band #funfact

Matt's Musing: I expect my kids to use the outdoor trampoline more. Yes, it’s spring time… #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Mighty Big God” by Karen Peck & New River

Bible Trivia Answer:D. Judas Iscariot (John 12:4-6)

Monday, April 15, 2019

Radio Recap (Monday 04/15/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Which of the 12 disciples was a tax collector?
A. Matthew
B. Mark
C. Luke
D. Judas Iscariot

In The News:- Income Tax Pay Day
- Today in 1912: After hitting an iceberg the previous day (just 2½ hours earlier) the British passenger liner RMS Titanic sank in the North Atlantic.
- A study has found that men with beards carry more germs than dogs — including deadly bacteria — in their facial fuzz. Researchers discovered that nearly half of all sampled beards hosted bugs dangerous to human health. The study described dogs as ‘cleaner’ than bearded men.
- In Germany, a truck driver lost control of his rig and crashed into a sausage factory. He lost control after a series of violent sneezes. No one was seriously hurt.
- The police in Jackson, Mississippi have a problem. Someone keeps stealing the tires off their squad cars.

Fun Fact:Each day, $7 million worth of phones are lost around the globe. #funfact

Matt's Musing: Children may be deductible, but they are still taxing.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“By Your Grace, For Your Glory” by Gold City

Bible Trivia Answer:A. Matthew (Matthew 10:3 & Mark 2:14)

Friday, April 12, 2019

Radio Recap (Friday 04/12/19)

Bible Trivia Question:

Who was a cupbearer to a king, and also an engineer?
A. Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1:11, 2:5)
B. Daniel
C. Nathan
D. David

In The News:

- Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
- A home in southwest China was hit by lightning, not once but five times. While no one was hurt by the strikes — which occurred over seven years — every one of the appliances in the home has had to be replaced at least one time.
- This sounds like a story right out of Florida, but it’s not. In China a man was walking by a car and noticed a plump rooster in the passenger seat. It was a fancy, show rooster worth almost $500. The man snatched it up, took it home and ate it.
- A New York (Cairo) woman crashed her car Wednesday after she saw a spider. After noticing the spider in the front seat, police said the unidentified woman “panicked and crashed.” She suffered a leg injury and totaled the vehicle.
- A Brazilian man was shocked to hear that his phone bill was $43 million. The bank called to ask how he wanted to pay the bill which was usually withdrawn automatically from his checking account. The man called his phone company and they quickly resent another bill, this time for only $31.

Fun Fact:

Americans will miss more than 3 million days of work this year because of allergies #funfact

Matt's Musing: 

So without geometry, life is pointless... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:

“Sweeter As The Days Go By” by Canton Junction

Bible Trivia Answer:

A. Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1:11, 2:5)

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Radio Recap (Thursday 04/04/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who was mad that his preaching caused an entire city to repent?
A. Paul
B. Elijah
C. Jonah
D. Daniel

In The News:- National Pet Day
- Eight Track Tape Day
- A high school teacher attending a wedding of two former students returned an old love letter he had confiscated during their school days, melting the hearts of the newlyweds and guests. The bride and groom were high school sweethearts and had invited their teacher to make a speech about their early days as a couple. When he got up to make his speech he returned the love letter.
- The male engagement ring — once a jewelry industry pipe dream — is becoming a reality, thanks to millennials and a handful of trendsetting celebs like Michael Buble and Ed Sheeran. Searches for male engagement rings are up 66 percent since last year.
- In a study, married people (43% very happy) are happier than unmarrieds (24%). And it holds up for men as well as for women, and for the old as well as the young. Overall, parents are happier than adults who have no children, but this gap disappears once a person’s marital status is considered. That is, married people with children are about as happy as married people without children. And unmarried people with children are about as happy as unmarried people without children.

Fun Fact:A hippopotamus has a stomach that’s 10 feet long. #funfact

Matt's Musing: If age is just a number, can I get mine unlisted...? #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Give It Away” by the Gaither Vocal Band

Bible Trivia Answer:C. Jonah (Jonah 3:1-5; 4:1)

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Radio Recap (Wednesday 04/03/19)

Bible Trivia Question:In what book of the Bible do you find the Ten Commandments?
A. Genesis
B. Exodus
C. Leviticus
D. Numbers

In The News: - Sibling Day
- A new study (Oregon State University) reveals that people who live near national parks are not only healthier but also wealthier… Protected areas that draw tourists — like national parks — had 17 percent higher levels of wealth compared to households that were far from a protected area.

Fun Fact:It takes your food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach. #funfact

Matt's Musing: I don't suffer from stress. I'm a carrier... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Soul On Fire” by Browns

Bible Trivia Answer:B. Exodus (Exodus 20:3-17)

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Radio Recap (Tuesday 04/02/19)

Bible Trivia Question:How many years did Jacob work for his Uncle Laban in payment for marrying his daughters?
A. 5
B. 7
C. 14
D. 30

In The News:- In China, a sleeping man’s two roommates used the facial recognition function on his phone to unlock it and steal $1,500. The man was surprised and confused when he saw that his account was suddenly $1,500 smaller than it had been the night before. After police investigated the roommates were charged.
- A study of parents with kids under the age of 16 reveals the top traits most like to see in their child’s friendships: kind; helpful; and funny. Parents would also like their kids to have eight good friends… Other traits parents want their kid’s friends to have: hard working; generous; empathetic; confident; protective.
- Want to avoid ticks? Avoid sitting on logs. Researchers (University of California, Berkeley) used themselves as bait to see where the greatest risk of picking up a tick was, and found logs were the worst places to sit. They sat on logs for only five minutes at a time, and in 30 percent of the cases it resulted in exposure to ticks.
- Name Yourself Day

Fun Fact:One in every eight American workers has been employed by McDonald’s. #funfact

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):Next time you consider holding a fart in, you might want to rethink that decision. According to one expert, that gas will find its way out of your body in a very surprising way. In a piece for The Conversation, Professor Clare Collins from the University of Newcastle revealed that the gas built up from avoiding the release will become "reabsorbed into the circulation and exhaled in your breath". The nutrition and dietetics expert also noted that the pressure could cause other issues like diverticulitis, but the jury is still out on that. As for how many times a day a person breaks wind on average, Collins says it's about eight in a 24-hour period, which includes individually and in series.

Matt's Musing: The more candles on your birthday cake… the longer you live! #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“I Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now” by the LeFevre Quartet

Bible Trivia Answer:B. 7 (Genesis 29:18-28)

Monday, April 8, 2019

Radio Recap (Monday 04/08/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who lifted up the infant Jesus at the temple and praised God?
A. Joseph
B. Simeon
C. John The Baptist
D. Three Wise Men

In The News: - 65 years ago the modern process of making Peeps began. In the old days, a three-dimensional marshmallow Easter Peep was made by hand-squeezing marshmallow through pastry tubes and the eyes were painted on by hand. This process took 27 hours. In 1954, Bob Born of the Just Born company helped develop a mechanized forming process to create Marshmallow Peeps. Using his process it now takes only six minutes to create and package a Peeps… 1.2 billion Peeps a year are made for all holiday seasons. That’s enough Peeps to circle the earth twice.

Fun Fact:For every human on Earth, there are 200 million insects #funfact

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):Ready for a tasty hangover cure? Here it is: a bacon sandwich. Scientists say a bacon sandwich really does cure a hangover by boosting the level of something called amines, which clear the head.

Matt's Musing: Light poles are actually quite heavy.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Where Would You Be” by Brian Free

Bible Trivia Answer:B. Simeon (Luke 2:8 & 12)

Friday, April 5, 2019

Radio Recap (Friday 04/05/19)

Bible Trivia Question:
What relationship was Mordecai to Esther?
A. Father
B. Uncle
C. Cousin
D. Brother

In The News:
- We have several months to go before Christmas but that hasn't stopped the Hallmark Channel from getting ready for their movie lineup. They will be releasing 40 brand new tv movies this holiday season. The movie content will be spread across their sister station Hallmark Movies & Mysteries. Hallmark is breaking their previous record of 38 Christmas movies last year.
- Build-A-Bear is stepping away from their regular bears for a childhood favorite. The retailer is releasing a pink unicorn stuffed animal into their stores for you to purchase. The Pink Plush Unicorn is available now for about $26.
- Police in Brown Deer, Wisconsin were summoned to a domestic dispute that broke out over grocery-store chicken. Police say a 40-year-old woman called 911 Sunday night to report a 'verbal argument' with her 37-year-old husband. According to the police report, "the subjects got into an argument because the male brought home the wrong type of chicken". The dispute was resolved when the man agreed to spend the night at his father's home. Details on the disputed chicken are not known at this time.
- John Legend can now be heard as a special guest Google Assistant. Legend is the first celebrity voice to do a cameo for Google. For a limited time, you can ask Legend about the weather, tell him to sing "Happy birthday" to you and answer questions. To activate, say "Hey Google, talk like a Legend." Note: Legend’s voice is a cameo voice, and it’s available for a limited time and it only works for very select commands.
- Walk To Work Day

Matt's Musing:
A true successful diet is the triumph of mind over platter... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“What The Blood Is For” by Jason Crabb

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. Cousin (Esther 2:5-7)

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Radio Recap (Thursday 04/04/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who offered thirty changes of garments for solving a riddle?
A. David
B. Moses
C. Joshua
D. Samson

In The News:- On this day in 1818: The United States Congress adopted the flag of the United States with 13 red and white stripes and one star for each state (then 20).

Fun Fact:The typical shower is 101 degrees (F). #funfact

Matt's Musing: Procrastination: the art of keeping up with yesterday… #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“So Close To Home” by Brian Free & Assurance

Bible Trivia Answer:D. Samson (Judges 14:12-18)

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Radio Recap (Wednesday 04/03/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who fell on his face and laughed?
A. David
B. Abraham
C. Joshua
D. Daniel

In The News:- National Walking Day
- Failing to brush your teeth properly can increase the risk of a heart attack by half. A study found that if two specific bacteria are found in the mouth there is a greater chance of a heart attack. One bacterium increased the chance of a heart attack by 50 percent and the other by 35 percent.
- Say “Thanks.” According to a study done by The Pew Research Center, feeling appreciated means more to people than feeling like they’re being treated fairly.
- In a survey of people who eat peanut butter, 49 percent prefer it smooth, while 29 percent want theirs crunchy. The rest have no preference.

Fun Fact:Every second A photo is posted on Facebook... 4,051 times online. #funfact

Social Media Fun:If you wish hard enough, you too can become your favorite food! And if you’ve ever said to yourself, “Man, I wish I could just wrap myself up inside a 59-inch tortilla and not move for the rest of the day,” — your dreams can come true with the tortilla/burrito blanket. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HYKCJZ2/

Matt's Musing: I believe that change is inevitable... except from a vending machine. #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Joybells” by the Taylors

Bible Trivia Answer:B. Abraham (Genesis 17:17)

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Radio Recap (Tuesday 04/02/19)

Bible Trivia Question:In the story of the rich man and Lazarus, how many brothers did the rich man have?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

In The News:- Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
- It’s no secret that most of us could probably stand to eat more fruits and vegetables. A recent study found that eating more than five servings of fruits and veggies per day can reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer, and early death. In fact, the researchers in London (Imperial College) found the greatest benefit came from eating 10 portions of fruits and vegetables a day.
- A couple in Charlotte, North Carolina, just celebrated 82 years of marriage. D.W. Williams, age 103, and Willie Williams, age 100, said the secret to a successful marriage is to be nice to each other.
- A new survey reveals your spouse doesn’t trust you … to wake them in the morning. In the survey, 86% of people said if they have to be up at a specific time after their spouse, they don’t trust them to remember to wake them.
- Coffee is life, and new research (published in Consciousness and Cognition) says just looking at a cup of coffee in the morning is enough to perk us up. The effect, which can even be sparked by just thinking of anything that reminds us of a latte or espresso, is more ­pronounced than with tea.

Fun Fact:The average cost of one of a speeding ticket is $152 #funfact

Matt's Musing: I’ve discovered that worrying works! Yup, 90% of the things I worry about, never happen... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“That Little Baby” by Gold City

Bible Trivia Answer:D. 5 (Luke 16:27 & 28)

Monday, April 1, 2019

Radio Recap (Monday 04/01/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who said that laughter is mad or foolish?
A. Moses
B. Solomon
C. Daniel
D. Abraham

In The News:- A Texas man has entered the record books with the world’s largest video game collection. He has 20,139 video games. Antonio Monteiro’s collection includes full North American sets for several consoles. The collection took officials eight days to count.
- A scary moment was captured on video which shows a man in Turkey being lifted into the air by strong winds. Footage shows three men running to secure a sidewalk umbrella as strong winds moved it and one of them is blown into the air after stepping on the base of the umbrella. The man jumped off after being lifted ten to 13 feet from the ground and was uninjured.
- Some people find them annoying, but those speed bumps that force motorists to slow down in neighborhoods and near schools can significantly cut the risk of injury or death to children. A review found that children who lived on streets near a speed bump were up to 60 percent less likely to be hit and injured by an automobile than youngsters in areas without them. Motor vehicle-related incidents are the leading cause of death for children age 1 to 15.
- According to a survey, nine out of 10 toddlers are allowed to eat junk food and eight out of 10 parents admit their children have worse diets than they had at that age — but few think they are to blame. The survey also showed more than half of children do not eat the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables each day.
- That cup of coffee that many gym rats, bikers and runners swill before a workout does more than energize them. New research suggests it kills some of the pain of athletic exertion. And it works regardless of whether a person already had a coffee habit or not.

Fun Fact:Pound for pound, which animal has the most powerful muscles of any animal? The hummingbird! #funfact

Matt's Musing: It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Home” by the Gaither Vocal Band

Bible Trivia Answer:B. Solomon (Ecclesiastes 2:2)

Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...