Friday, May 31, 2019

Radio Recap (Friday 05/31/19)

Bible Trivia Question:During Noah’s time, what caused the flood waters to recede from the face of the earth?
A. Caves
B. Oceans
C. Sunshine
D. Wind

In The News:
- On this day in 1943: The comic strip “Archie Andrews” debuted on the Mutual Radio Network. Archie, Veronica, Betty, Jughead, and the gang lasted on radio about five years.

- Heat Awareness Day

- A new study suggests that kids who are bullied about their weight might end up gaining even more weight as a result. The study found that kids who were teased about their weight tended to gain about 91% more weight than kids who weren't teased - even kids who weren't overweight to begin with. Researchers say teasing can also lead to eating disorders or other negative effects.

- United Kingdom study finds that dog owners are more active than those without dogs. According to a Scientific Reports story, dog owners in the U.K. reported spending 300 minutes per week walking their dogs, 200 more than those without dogs. The report also says dog owners spend more time exercising without their dogs suggesting other forms of exercise were used. It’s unclear if active people more often own dogs, however, dog owners are four times likely to meet the standard exercise requirements of 2.5 hours of exercise per week.

- FedEx will deliver packages seven days a week starting next year. The delivery giant also plans to bring to customers’ doorsteps many of the packages it currently drops at local post offices.

- A car traveling on a highway in Switzerland lost all four wheels simultaneously, coming to an immediate halt in the middle of the road. The car’s passengers had just switched the vehicle from winter to summer wheels, but they used the wrong nuts when mounting the new wheels.

Fun Fact:Until the 1960s men with long hair were not allowed to enter Disneyland. #funfact

Social Media Fun:Coca-Cola & Coffee blended drink… would you try it?
Coca-Cola wants to bring together soda and coffee lovers for their latest drink. Coca-Cola Blak is a combination of both and it's a previously released drink. The beverage company had Coca-Cola Blak on store shelves way back in 2008. They are trying again in countries including Australia and Thailand. A company spokesperson is optimistic they can bring the drink to the United States.

Matt's Musing: Hate mosquitoes? It could be worse. Spiders could have wings... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“He’ll Come Walking On Your Water” by Crystal River

Bible Trivia Answer:D. Wind (Genesis 8:1)

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Radio Recap (Thursday 05/30/19)

Bible Trivia Question:What was the name of Moses’ father?
A. Issac
B. Amram
C. Joshua
D. Samson

In The News:
- This day in 1981: The compact disc was first introduced.

- Are you eating your hamburgers the right way? Japanese researchers — “experts in fluid mechanics, engineering, and density” said you should hold your burger with thumbs and pinkies on the bottom, middle three fingers on top. The uniformly spread fingers help keep the burger together at all times, thus keeping the contents from mushing out preemptively.

- A woman in the UK was arrested after she smacked her husband for not loading the dishwasher correctly. The point of the knife down, spoons up!

Fun Fact:Each year, around 17,000 American men are injured… in the kitchen. #funfact

Matt's Musing: I figure if there were little basketball hoops above every garbage can, littering would greatly decrease.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“I Get Down” by Gold City

Bible Trivia Answer:B. Amram (Exodus 6:20)

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Radio Recap (Wednesday 05/29/19)

Bible Trivia Question:What tax collector repaid the people he had cheated 4x the amount?
A. Matthew
B. Zacchaeus
C. Judas
D. Levi

In The News:
- It was this week in 1919 (May 29) that Charles Strite patented the pop-up toaster.

- For many years, parents have raised concerns that their child might be addicted to video games. Now, a new ruling by the World Health Organization (WHO) gives credibility to those beliefs, as the agency agreed a couple of days ago to recognize gaming addiction as a mental health disorder. To be diagnosed with this disorder, people must be playing video games so much that it ‘takes precedence over other life interests.’

- A Massachusetts woman has been charged with animal cruelty after police in Connecticut say they found her living in a van with 21 dogs — and one bird. 58-year-old Suzanne Muzaffer Eser was arrested Monday after a traffic stop. Eser told police she and the animals had been living in the Ford Transit van for several months. The dogs and the macaw were taken to local animal shelters.

- Ever thought you were having a bad day? In Germany, a senior citizen man was robbed twice in six minutes. First he was mugged by some teens who stole his phone and ran. While he was chasing them a car pulled up with three guys who said they were plainclothes police. But they weren’t. They took his wallet and drove away.

- Be careful which cart you choose — there may be a slithering surprise waiting inside. A cart attendant at a Walmart in Texas got a scare after discovering a large rat snake in a group of shopping carts. The reptile had worked its way into the group of carts at a return area of the Walmart north of Dallas.

- Yes, it's still only May. Hallmark thought it would be a good time to give us a sneak peek into their Countdown to Christmas movies. We previously found out that Hallmark is preparing 40 movies for the season. That's a record number to celebrate 10 years of filling the holidays with the made for TV films. This year, Hallmark will include 2 movies celebrating Hanukkah during the countdown.

Fun Fact:Invented in 1957, bubble wrap was originally intended to be used as 3D wallpaper.#funfact

Social Media Fun:There’s this little boy is surely bound to be an original, out-of-the-box fellow. He took matters into his own hands during a group performance of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” by overtaking the microphone and singing something completely different... “The Imperial March” from the legendary “Star Wars.” The video was captured approximately a year ago, but posted on Twitter only this week along with the caption: “Sometimes when I need to laugh, I think about the time my cousin’s son took over a group rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to sing the Imperial March.” Little Boy Interrupts ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ Performance To Sing ‘The Imperial March’

Matt's Musing: 45 minutes on the treadmill is no big deal if you don't turn it on... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“He Touched Me” by the Gaither Vocal Band

Bible Trivia Answer:B. Zacchaeus (Luke 19:8)

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Radio Recap (Tuesday 05/28/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Boaz and Ruth had a son, what was his name?
A. David
B. Jesse
C. Obed (Ruth 4:13-17)
D. Daniel

In The News:
- An Indianapolis man called police Saturday evening to report a theft of a Subway Footlong sandwich. It is unclear who stole the sandwich or how they did it, but no arrests were made.

- On this day in 1954: President Dwight Eisenhower signed a law that added the words “under God” to the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance.

- Italian police are searching for a man known as “The Tickle Bandit.” As you’ve probably figured out, The Tickle Bandit has been going up to people on city streets and in parks, tickling them and then fleeing. Police aren’t sure they can arrest the man, but would like to find out why he’s doing what he’s doing.

- I love ranch dressing. Why not? It complements almost any main dish at the dinner table. • Well, how about buying clothes to celebrate our infatuation with the flavor? Hidden Valley Ranch has come to the rescue… The Hidden Valley Ranch summer shop is selling ranch-themed outfits like bathing suits and swim trunks. They also have ranch bottle-shaped pool floaties and beach towels.

Fun Fact:In the first five years of marriage, two percent of women will lose their wedding ring. #funfact

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):Got tingling legs? You may have what’s called “tingling thigh syndrome”. The condition can happen when constant pressure cuts off the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, causing a numb, tingling or burning sensation along the thigh. Typically, sufferers of the nerve condition include construction workers or police officers with heavy, low-slung belts, pregnant women or obese people; it also can result from a pulled-tight seat belt in a car accident. But over the last several years, experts say they’ve been seeing more young women at a healthy weight complain of symptoms. The culprit: too-tight jeans.

Matt's Musing: Anything is possible when you have no clue what you're talking about... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“I Want To Thank You” by Karen Peck & New River

Bible Trivia Answer:C. Obed (Ruth 4:13-17)

Monday, May 27, 2019

Radio Recap (Monday 05/27/19)

Bible Trivia Question:What was the name of the Old Testament prophet who foretold the virgin birth?
A. Moses
B. Elijah
C. Isaiah
D. Daniel

In The News:
- Memorial Day - Sun Screen Day - Hamburger Day

- On this day 1939: DC Comics published its second superhero in Detective Comics #27 — Batman.

- Memorial Day is much more than just a three-day weekend and a chance to get the year's first sunburn. It's a time to remember the men and women who sacrificed their lives for their county. Here are some facts to give the holiday some perspective.

- Memorial Day was a response to the unprecedented carnage of the Civil War

- The holiday was long known as Decoration Day for the practice of decorating graves with flowers, wreaths, and flags. The name Memorial Day goes back to 1882, but the older name didn't disappear until after World War II. It wasn't until 1967 that federal law declared "Memorial Day" the official name.

- It is customary on Memorial Day to fly the flag at half staff until noon, and then raise it to the top of the staff until sunset.

Fun Fact:Two hundred million of these are sold each day in the U.S. (M&Ms) #funfact

Matt's Musing: Dove chocolate taste better than their soap... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Wonderful Love” by Chosen Few

Bible Trivia Answer:C. Isaiah (Isaiah 7:14

Friday, May 24, 2019

Radio Recap (Friday 05/24/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who was buried by God?
A. Joseph
B. Elijah
C. Moses
D. Jesus

In The News:
- National Polka Day

- This Memorial Day weekend, many homeowners might be trading in their backyard grill for a paintbrush. Although the long weekend is synonymous with recreation and relaxation, a survey finds that many will use this time to give their home a quick, mid-year spruce-up. According to the survey, 40 percent of Americans are planning a home improvement project of some type during this holiday weekend.

- Music is good for us! It doesn’t matter if it’s country or classical, listening to music will give your soul a quick jolt of happiness. That’s the word from researchers (Penn State University) who have shown that when we hear music we like, bad moods are banished and good moods are enhanced… What music does: It makes listeners more optimistic, joyful, friendly, relaxed, and calm, and helps vanish feelings of pessimism and sadness… What music doesn’t do: It won’t ease feelings of fear, sadness, hate, or aggression, and it does nothing to increase feelings of love.

- Officials in Houston are asking neighbors to check inside their storm drains after a big screen TV was found clogging a drain in the city. A resident of a Houston neighborhood (Greensbrook Place) said the TV had been in the storm drain for some time before it was removed. Witnesses said the TV appeared to be a 40-inch flat screen.

- Yoga is dangerous! A woman participating in a yoga class in Miami Beach was taken to the hospital after a tree snapped and struck her in the head. Part of the class involved tying a tight rope between two trees in a park. At one point, one of the trees snapped and struck the woman in the head.

- The key to long-lasting marital happiness sounds a bit jaded, but researchers (Ohio State University, University of Florida) nailed it: lower your expectations for marriage, and you won’t be so disappointed with the relationship’s normal ups and downs. 82 couples who had been married less than three months participated in the four-year study in which each spouse was independently questioned. Seventeen couples divorced by the end of the four years. Those who believed their partner would be unfailingly kind and loving and agree with their every word managed to retain this positive outlook by being forgiving and having charitable explanations for their partner’s negative behavior. But those individuals who had extremely high expectations and did not have these excellent relationship skills were more likely to be sorely disappointed with their one true love.

Fun Fact:What is the biggest selling restaurant food? (French fries) #funfact

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):Before you upload that photo to Facebook or Instagram remember this: there is no such thing as “delete.” Researchers (Cambridge University) found that nearly half of the social networking sites don’t immediately delete pictures when a user requests they be removed.

Matt's Musing: The older I get the earlier it gets late.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Child Of The Light” by Gold City

Bible Trivia Answer:C. Moses (Deuteronomy 34:5 & 6)

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Radio Recap (Thursday 05/23/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who owned a coat that was dipped in blood?
A. Joseph
B. Daniel
C. Elijah
D. Jesus

In The News:
- Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Day

- It’s official — women are better with money than men. Researchers who carried out a detailed study found women to be more financially responsible than men… According to the report, women are more likely to know exactly how much money they have in their checking and savings accounts… Men spend more on impulse purchases, dropping about $82 each month on spur-of-the-moment buys compared to $60 for women… Women are also more likely to set a budget — and stick to it — than men… A third of us have hidden an irresponsible purchase from their other half… 15 percent of adults admit they have no idea what their bank balance is.

Fun Fact:The average person consumes 286 eggs each year. #funfact

Social Media Fun:A woman from New York married ten different men from that city, yet she did not break any laws. None of these men died, and she never divorced. How was this possible? - Answer: The lady was a Justice of the Peace.

Matt's Musing: If I could go back in time I would put cheese on a lot more things.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Treasures In Heaven” by the Mark Trammell Quartet

Bible Trivia Answer:A. Joseph (Genesis 37:31)

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Radio Recap (Wednesday 05/22/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who was renamed “Israel”?
A. Joseph
B. Daniel
C. Isaac
D. Jacob

In The News:
- Sherlock Holmes Day

- Buy a Musical Instrument Day

- All that stuff in your life? It’s not making you any happier. In a survey of over 10,500 people, numbers are showing that 50% of people would live happily without most of their possessions. And two-thirds of the consumers polled make it a point to get rid of unneeded stuff at least once a year.

- The 2019 Most Dangerous Jobs list is out and it contains pretty much the dangerous jobs it’s had for a number of years: firefighters; loggers; fishermen, construction workers; pilots (mostly of small aircraft and helicopters); and extraction workers (workers on oil rigs, in mines, on construction demo cleanup, and other industries that involve extracting or cleaning up natural resources).

- The 2019 Most Dangerous Jobs list is out and it contains pretty much the dangerous jobs it’s had for a number of years: firefighters; loggers; fishermen, construction workers; pilots (mostly of small aircraft and helicopters); and extraction workers (workers on oil rigs, in mines, on construction demo cleanup, and other industries that involve extracting or cleaning up natural resources).

- September 13th…. When Downton Abbey the movie is released to theaters.

- You can now have ice cream for breakfast. General Mills has just launched two Drumstick ice cream inspired cereals for breakfast. The cereal will hit shelves this summer and will come in two flavors, Classic Vanilla, and Mint Chocolate. The cereal will be available in select stores, and Walmart has already confirmed that they will be one of the stores carrying the cereal.

Fun Fact:One in three men say they are “very good” at ...Cooking #funfact

Matt's Musing: Robots can do anything we set their mind to... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“So Glad It Rained” by Hope’s Call

Bible Trivia Answer:D. Jacob (Genesis 32:28)?

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Radio Recap (Tuesday 05/21/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who owned a seamless coat?
A. Joseph
B. Daniel
C. Elijah
D. Jesus

In The News:

- Strawberries and Cream Day
- In England, a midwife in training made a shocking discovery after helping deliver her first baby: her instructor had delivered her 19 years earlier. Laura Woffendin had always dreamed of working in the medical field. Her grandmother had been a midwife, and when she passed away, Woffendin followed in her footsteps. Woffendin recently helped deliver her first baby, assisting Emma Reevell, an experienced midwife. Woffendin was unaware of their connection until they started talking.

- A new study (University of Naples) shows dogs can smell fear. And it’s not just fear. Dogs can sense or read different kinds of human emotions and moods through smell. Researchers found that when owners smelled happy and fresh, their dogs were happy and inquisitive, and much more amenable to strangers. However, when they were afraid, the opposite was true. The dogs could smell their owners fear, and they were generally much more guarded and afraid themselves, sticking close to their owners, and not interacting with humans.

- Here’s a surprising tip for making people admire your conversation skills: Count the number of times a person blinks. Research shows that people will be more receptive to what you have to say if they feel like you’re riveted to every word they say. One of the easiest ways to signal that you’re paying attention is to make eye contact — so start counting blinks. It’ll force you to maintain extreme eye contact.

- Pringles has a brand-new mystery flavor (coming) exclusively to Walgreens, and one lucky fan will win a cool $10,000 grand prize if they correctly guess what the flavor is. Previous mystery flavors have included Jalapeño Bacon, Sweet Chili Tango, and Jamaican Jerk.

- A week-long festival in China offered a lot of tasty foods from different parts of the world, but it also showcased some advanced technologies for which at least one parent is very grateful. Thanks to the facial recognition technologies, a father was reunited with his lost 12-year-old daughter in eight minutes. Police asked the anxious father for two pictures of the girl. At the police command post the images of the girl were fed into facial recognition software which quickly pointed out the girl, who was about 200 yards away from the father.

Fun Fact:80% of the food items in the U.S. have added sugar... #funfact

Matt's Musing: All my passwords are protected by amnesia... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Canaanland Is Just In Sight” by Heavenbound

Bible Trivia Answer:D. Jesus (John 19:23)

Monday, May 20, 2019

Radio Recap (Monday 05/20/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who talks about “The twinkling of an eye”?
A. Jesus
B. Paul
C. John
D. David

In The News:
- If you’re a fan of Hostess Ding Dongs, Twinkies, Sno Balls and Honey Buns, rejoice. You can now sip those sweet treats in coffee form, because Hostess-branded K-Cups are now available in select stores.

- Why are Americans so tubby? Research shows the obesity epidemic in the U.S. is due solely to… increased food intake. Yep, turns out if we eat more than a couple thousand calories a day we’re gonna get bigger. The research showed physical activity — or rather the lack of physical activity — has played virtually no role in the rising number of expanding American waistlines.

- Ever get so tired at work you fall asleep on the job? It happened to a guy in Russia. The guy was busy at work — stealing a car — and fell asleep inside. The next morning the owner of the car was about to go to work when he saw the crook still snoozing in his vehicle.

Fun Fact:American businesses lose $450 billion a year in lost productivity because of Meetings… #funfact

Social Media Fun:Three percent of births are twins.

Matt's Musing: A friend dared me to jump off a cliff, but it was just a bluff... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Hard Trials Will Soon Be Over” by the Cathedrals

Bible Trivia Answer:B. Paul (1 Corinthians 1:1 & 2, 15:52)

Friday, May 17, 2019

Radio Recap (Friday 05/17/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who stood on Mars Hill?
A. Peter
B. James
C. John
D. Paul

In The News:
- National Bike to Work Day

- in 1846: The saxophone was patented by Adolphe Sax.

- - In Spain three men robbed a man at a train station, but instead of handing back the victim’s wallet after emptying it of cash, one of the crooks gave him his own wallet by mistake. It contained his ID and the cops quickly arrested him.

- A new study examining people’s cleaning frequencies and their personality traits revealed Americans who are “super clean” are twice as happy with their overall lives than those who believe themselves to be “messy.” The study surveyed 2,000 Americans and divided them into three self-identifying groups: super clean, moderately clean and messy… The super cleans were found to be more content in family matters, have a better sex life, get better sleep, have more career satisfaction, and felt less stressed.

Fun Fact:Around 12½ million of these are born each year in the U.S. (Kittens) #funfact

Matt's Musing: I do all my own stunts, but never intentionally.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Love Came Calling” by Triumphant

Bible Trivia Answer:D. Paul (Acts 17:22)

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Radio Recap (Thursday 05/16/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who said, “No prophet is accepted in his own country”?
A. Jonah
B. Daniel
C. Jesus
D. Malachi

In The News:
- On this day 1866: Charles Elmer Hires invented root beer.

- National Barbecue Day

- In Oklahoma City, a couple window washers had to be rescued 50 stories up when the wind got a hold of them and began whipping them around mercilessly. Firefighters rescued the two after about 47 minutes that probably seemed more like 47 days

- According to a survey, one in four European workers has fallen asleep on the job, with the Irish leading the snoring. The poll showed 24 percent of workers fell asleep either at their desk, in a meeting or in the rest room, with the number going to 40 percent in Ireland.

- A squirrel sparked panic by diving into a busy public swimming pool in England. The rodent caused swimmers to flee the pool and gave lifeguards the slip. No one knows how the rodent got into the indoor pool complex, but after causing squealing and panic, it paddled around in circles while swimmers scattered.

Fun Fact:67% of workers say they are happiest when? (When the boss is away) #funfact

Matt's Musing: A person who is bad at math should never take a calculated risk. ... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Sky Full Of Angels” by Taranda Greene

Bible Trivia Answer:C. Jesus (Luke 4:24)

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Radio Recap (Wednesday 05/15/19)

Bible Trivia Question:What was the occupation of Peter?
A. Tentmaker
B. Fisherman
C. Carpenter
D. Tax Collector

In The News:
- Chocolate Chip Day

- If you’re planning on grilling out this summer, here’s a tip from Men’s Health: don’t use a water bottle to squirt out flare-ups. Their sources say it can create burn-causing steam, and even worse it can damage the finish on the grill. Men’s Health says to avoid flare-ups all together, trip the fat from the meat and cook with the lid on the grill.

- Earlier this week I told you about a study that says ride share vehicles are 35,000 times more germy than toilet seats. Please add movie theaters to the list … A Houston media outlet went “undercover” into movie theaters, collecting samples of what lies very close at hand. It found bacteria that can lead to intestinal problems, staph, fungus and organisms that can cause skin infections. In just one inch taken from a movie chair armrest, a Texas A&M microbiologist found millions of organisms. It’s not life-threatening, but according to researchers all of the microorganisms they came in contact with do add up.

- A new study establishes what researchers are calling the first definitive limit of how much coffee is really too much coffee. The study (University of South Australia) recognizes that a cup or two of Joe is OK for some caffeine enthusiasts. Three, four or even five cups, all is still good. But stop there. The researchers determined that six or more coffees a day can be extremely detrimental to an individual’s health, causing higher blood pressure and increasing vulnerability to disease… In fact, drinking six or more cups per day will increase your risk of heart disease by up to 22 percent. The link between caffeine and heart disease stems from the risks associated with high blood pressure, which can be triggered by excessive caffeine consumption.

- In Italy three guys noticed a woman taking pictures with a nice camera. They walked up and one of them grabbed it right out of her hands. Bad idea. She was an undercover officer doing surveillance and backup officers immediately swarmed the thieves.

Fun Fact:We don’t need them as much anymore, but there are still about 95,000 Payphones in the U.S. #funfact

Social Media Fun:Which button would you press?
Lose weight
Sleep better
More energy
Less body fat
More muscle
More money

Matt's Musing: All cookies are "bite size" if you believe in yourself enough.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Excuses” by the Kingsmen

Bible Trivia Answer:B. Fisherman (Matthew 4:18)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Radio Recap (Tuesday 05/14/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who said “How can a man be born when he is old”?
A. Methuselah
B. Job
C. John
D. Nicodemus (John 3:5)

In The News:
- Comedy actor Tim Conway dies at age 85

- Chili lovers sap up new released toothpaste! People who can’t get enough spice in their life and want to practice good dental hygiene can now get a burst of heat first thing in the morning and last thing at night with a new toothpaste that comes in mild, medium and extra hot. The three levels of hot toothpaste have sold out in China.

- Want to reboot your mind and body? Go for a walk in the woods. Actually, three walks. After just a few walks in the woods researchers say there’s a noticeable difference in your mental and physical health... I would like to point out that the three walks should probably be close to one another, perhaps one a week or more. Don’t space them out over three years.

- A new survey from Charles Schwab revealed many milllennials are living paycheck to paycheck. The survey found 62 percent of those 23 to 38 are living paycheck to paycheck — but also revealed that the average person in this age group spends about $478 a month on nonessential purchases.

- If carrying a loaded gun for protection isn’t for you, consider nunchucks. They are now legal in Arizona after the state’s governor signed a law lifting the ban on the martial arts weapons… Nunchucks, or nunchaku as they are also known, were described in the legislation as “two or more sticks, clubs, bars or rods to be used as handles, connected by a rope, cord, wire or chain, in the design of a weapon used in connection with the practice of a system of self-defense.” They were reportedly added to the state’s deadly weapons list in response to the Kung Fu movie craze in the 1970s.

Fun Fact:15 percent of women say they made a big life decision based on a conversation with their hairstylist. #funfact

Matt's Musing: Despite the high cost of living, it still remains popular.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“He Is Alive” by the Browders

Bible Trivia Answer:
D. Nicodemus (John 3:5)

Friday, May 10, 2019

Radio Recap (Friday 05/10/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Eve was given her name by Adam because she was the Mother of WHAT?
A. Mankind
B. Creation
C. The earth
D. All the living

In The News:
- 1908: Mother’s Day was observed for the first time in West Virginia.

- Clean Your Room Day

- A dog in St. Louis ran away from home and straight to his doggy daycare, Happy Tails Pet Hotel and Playland. Surveillance video shows Hugo the dog running into the business to be with his friends. Hugo is a frequent boarder at the business and apparently just wanted to be with his pals.

- A cup of coffee first thing in the morning is an essential part of the daily routine for many people. But a study suggests that it may be better to stretch out the daily dose by drinking smaller amounts throughout the day. The study (Rush University Medical Center) found sleep-deprived people who took low-dose caffeine tablets did better on cognitive tests than those who took a placebo. It’s proposed that shift workers, medical residents and others who need to stay awake take frequent but low doses of caffeine.

- The most popular diet is not Keto, Atkins, Whole 30 or Weight Watchers — it’s one that people create themselves to fit their own unique situation, according to research. Fully 25 percent of Americans have tried doing this at one time or another. Even the most popular diet plan, like a Weight Watchers or an Atkins, is tried by less than 20 percent of us.

- Police in Michigan (Clinton Township) said a man kicking himself along on a shopping cart left a store without paying for energy drinks. Video shows the man riding the shopping cart out the doors of the store. The man was concealing Red Bull and other energy drinks when he left the store.

- A North Carolina woman was arrested after authorities said she called 911 to complain about her pizza being prepared wrong.

- In China, a husband helped his pregnant wife get a seat on a bus by pinning a note on her back without her knowing before she went out. After getting a seat as soon as she got on the bus, another passenger showed her the note, which read: “Please look after the pregnant woman.”

Fun Fact:In a year, the average American eats 8.5 pounds of pickles. #funfact

Matt's Musing: "I before E except after C" has been disproven by science... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Yahweh” by the Hoppers

Bible Trivia Answer:D. All the living (Genesis 3:20)

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Radio Recap (Thursday 05/09/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who was called “The Gloomy Prophet?
A. Daniel
B. Jeremiah
C. Malachi
D. Jonah

In The News:
- Lost Sock Memorial Day

- A man in China wasn’t home when he was alerted by his smartphone’s remote monitoring app that a thief had entered his house — so he shouted into his phone and scared the thief away.

- A new study (University of California Riverside) has debunked the stereotype that women gossip negatively more than men. However, it did discover that everyone gossips nearly an hour a day — about 52 minutes on average… Gossip was defined by the researchers as talking about someone who isn’t there and isn’t inherently negative.

- In California a guy did his time in jail on drug possession charges. When he left, he stole a jail issued T-shirt with the word “Prisoner” on the back. A couple of days later he was involved in a traffic accident while riding his bicycle. He wasn’t injured but the investigating officer noticed the unique shirt he was wearing. The officer ran a check and discovered it was the shirt he had stolen from jail. He went back to jail on charges of receiving stolen property.

- A puppy in Britain had to undergo emergency surgery after eating an entire alphabet of fridge magnets.

- In Germany, a man caused about $3,000 worth of damage when he tried to use a vacuum cleaner to siphon gas out of his car. The man had mistakenly filled his tank with unleaded instead of diesel and stuck the vacuum hose in the tank to get the gasoline. The fumes exploded inside the vacuum cleaner.

Fun Fact:This year alone… 30,000 Americans will injure themselves on a.. Treadmill. #funfact

Social Media Fun:Would you try this?
Banana splits are in the dessert hall of fame. What if the banana was replaced by a pickle? That's what is happening at the Pine Mountain Country Coffee House in Festus, Missouri. Their pickle split uses Vlasic spears instead of bananas. Ice cream, whipped cream, and cherries follow to complete the weird combination. The owner of the restaurant discovered the dish when she took a food dare as a teenager. Now, it's on her menu.

Matt's Musing: You think you’re unique, until you try to choose a username.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Rumormill” by the Cathedrals

Bible Trivia Answer:B. Jeremiah (Jeremiah 25:11)

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Radio Recap (Wednesday 05/018/19)

Bible Trivia Question:

Philip had four daughters who had a special spiritual gift… what was that gift?
A. Prophecy
B. Healing
C. Serving
D. Interpretation of tongues

In The News:
- Today in 1886: Pharmacist John Styth Pemberton invented a carbonated beverage that would later be named “Coca-Cola”.

- No Socks Day

- Two in five Americans dream about the day they can tell their boss they quit. But it’s not necessarily because they hate their job — instead, it’s because 67 percent have dreams of being an entrepreneur.

- We all know the advice for healthy teeth — brush twice daily and don’t eat too much sugar. So why do those of us following these instructions find we sometimes need a filling when we visit the dentist? One thing you may be doing wrong: rinsing after brushing. Don’t do it. Once you’ve brushed, don’t rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash — you’re washing away the fluoride. This can be a difficult habit to break, but can reduce tooth decay by up to 25%.

- In Florida, a couple of guys were spotted in a truck that had been reported stolen. When the officer pulled them over, the guys jumped out and ran into a nearby office building — to hide in a stall in the women’s restroom. They even used falsetto voices to answer when the officers asked if there was anyone in there. Didn’t work.

- In a bizarre incident, a 70-year-old man in India died after biting a venomous snake that bit him first. The man tried to eat the reptile after it bit him. Following the incident, he collapsed to the ground and was taken to a hospital for treatment. He died fours hours after the snakebite.

Fun Fact:81 percent of American households currently have at least one can of Campbell’s soup. #funfact

Matt's Musing: Sometimes I stare in the mirror and just....reflect... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Greater Still” by Brian Free & Assurance

Bible Trivia Answer:A. Prophecy (Acts 21:8 & 9)

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Radio Recap (Tuesday 05/07/19)

Bible Trivia Question:How many days after Jesus resurrection did He ascend to heaven?
A. 3
B. 25
C. 40
D. 80

In The News:
- Foster Care Day & National Teacher Day

- Psychology Today says to make yourself like something more, nod while looking at it; to be more negative, shake your head.

- Using your phone while browsing in-store may be linked to an increase in unplanned purchases. The study (Fairfield University) revealed that shoppers who used their phones for purposes unrelated to shopping — including phone calls, texting, social media, checking emails and listening to music — were more likely to make impromptu purchases and forget items they had planned to buy.

- If you’re the type to dip your fries or nuggets in your frosty, then you’re going to love this. An ice cream company in Ireland (XXI Ice) is infusing hand-rolled ice cream with McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets. They literally chop up McNuggets with your ice cream.

- People in North Olmstead, Ohio couldn’t figure out why their key fobs and garage door openers stopped working. It turns out that a resident’s homemade motion detector was so powerful that it blocked the electronic signals from other devices.

Fun Fact:West Virginia and Pennsylvania were the first two states to celebrate Mother’s Day. #funfact

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):If you’re the kind of grown-up who thinks the younger generation has no initiative, you haven’t met YouTuber Michael Reeves. He’s showing the world that the under-30 crowd has plenty of initiative and inventiveness. Michael has tweaked a Roomba to swear when it runs into things. … From a technical standpoint, it’s not a terribly complicated modification. Reeves gutted his Roomba so that it could no longer clean, and fitted the freed-up space with some pretty cheap hardware. When the Roomba bumps into something, the upgraded — or downgraded? — gadget swears through an added speaker.

Matt's Musing: 80% of adulthood is just unsubscribing from emails you no longer wish to receive... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Glimpse Of Your Glory” by the Ball Brothers

Bible Trivia Answer:C. 40 (Acts 1:3 & 9)

Monday, May 6, 2019

Radio Recap (Monday 05/06/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Ananias was told to go to a street called what?
A. Narrow
B. Straight
C. Beautiful
D. Rocky

In The News:
- National Nurses Day & No Homework Day

- 80-YEAR-OLD EARNS DEGREE _ Ruth White walked across the stage at Clayton State University in Georgia on Saturday, earning her degree in psychology. When she was younger Ruth took one class per semester and took summers off while raising a family of seven children.

- Folks on the west coast of the U.S. love their moms more than those in the Midwest. According to a poll, 44 percent of westerners would visit their moms more often if the travel rates were cheaper, but only 19 percent of Midwesterners feel the same. Meanwhile, 27 percent of all Americans only see their mom once a year.

- While driving, not being on your phone can be dangerous… especially when it’s because you're trying to find it. A Utah man dropped his cell phone, ran a stop sign and smashed through a garage door while looking for it. There were no injuries but the home suffered extensive damage, as did the driver’s car.

- A man in Taiwan reportedly fell asleep wearing his Apple AirPods and when he woke up, he couldn’t find one of them. He used an iPhone-tracking feature to search for it, and says he could soon hear the beep from his missing AirPod — coming from his stomach. He then went to the hospital where the doctors gave him a laxative to help him pass the AirPod. He said the battery was at 41% when he recovered the AirPod, which was still working.

- A man in China who went to the hospital to treat an itchy ear was shocked to find that it was caused by a spider spinning a web inside it. A doctor had to drive the spider out by injecting water slowly into the ear.

- German police say an elderly man was so annoyed at hearing the same tune over and over that he called authorities to report his neighbors. The 82-year-old told the police he was sick of the music, which would come at irregular times and at all hours. Upon further investigation, police found a musical greeting card on his windowsill, where occasional breezes opened the card just enough to play an irritating tune.

- I need to watch more superhero films! Watching Avengers: Endgame could be good for you. It and other superhero flicks aren’t just great entertainment: They can also help you conquer your fears, improve your confidence and reduce anxiety, according to a study. Experts say taking in a big action thriller could be used as a kind of “cinema therapy” to treat those with a range of psychological disorders… Researchers found that big-screen exposure to the adventures of Spider-Man and Ant-Man reduced symptoms of anxiety by 20 percent.

Fun Fact:In the U.S, there are an estimated 83 million... mothers. #funfact

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):If you’re gonna be an obscene telephone caller, don’t leave your phone number. An Austrian man who tormented women with dozens of obscene telephone calls a day was caught when he left his own number with one of his victims. The woman, whom the man had called nearly every day for six months, got his phone number by telling him she was busy at the time and would call him back later.

Matt's Musing: The most important thing to learn in chemistry... never lick the spoon. #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Alpha and Omega” by the Gaither Vocal Band

Bible Trivia Answer:B. Straight (Acts 9:11)

Friday, May 3, 2019

Radio Recap (Friday 05/03/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Which disciple objected to Mary washing Jesus’ feet with perfume?
A. John
B. James
C. Peter
D. Judas

In The News:
- On this day in 1973: The Sears Tower in Chicago was topped out as the world’s tallest building.

- Today is Tuba Day

- Tomorrow is Star Wars Day

- DRIVE THRU WAIT TIMES ARE UP _ In 2012, the fast food industry magazine QSR clocked the average McDonald’s drive-thru at 189 seconds — just over 3 minutes — and it’s gotten worse every year since. Currently the McDonald’s drive-thru wait time is almost 5 minutes. The company is not alone, as fast food’s pursuit of more expansive menus, more variety and higher customization has led to across-the-board hikes in service times in the drive-thru.

- The official international Scrabble dictionary has updated its list of approved words for the first time since 2015, opening up an additional 2,800 words to players at tournaments and at home. The new words approved by Collins, the publisher behind the Collins English Dictionary in Britain, come after some of the same terms were approved last year by Merriam-Webster, which oversees the Scrabble list for the United States and Canada. The Collins additions help standardize the dictionary for English-language players worldwide.

- Does the word moist bother you? Well, it bothers a fifth of the world’s population and there’s a study to back it up. According to Paul H. Thibodeau, from Leiden University in the Netherlands, the word moist bothers people because of what people associate with the word and not necessarily the word itself. People associate the word with bodily functions and more young, educated, neurotic women are the ones who are grossed out by it.

Fun Fact:121 emails are received each day by the average office worker. #funfact

Matt's Musing: What happens if you get scared half to death... twice? #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Mighty Big God” by Karen Peck & New River

Bible Trivia Answer: D. Judas (John 12:2-5)

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Radio Recap (Thursday 05/02/19)

Bible Trivia Question:
What prophet was caught up in a whirlwind to heaven?
A. Elijah
B. Moses
C. Elisha
D. Daniel

In The News:
- Brothers and Sisters Day

- A couple from North Carolina who have been married for 82 years have some surprisingly simple advice for making it work: just be nice to each other. The couple, D.W. and Willie, met in 1935 and tied the knot in 1937. Now at 103 and 100, their hobbies include watching classic TV shows and working on crossword puzzles together.

- Ever feel guilty pulling out your credit card to make an essential purchase? You’re not alone — over half of Americans (51 percent) say they feel guilty about spending money. However, 85 percent said the weight of guilt lifted off their shoulders when the thing they are buying is at a discounted price. That magic number is 23 percent.

- Coffee doesn’t really expire, but after three months it’s time to toss it. Keeping coffee longer than that doesn’t mean that it’ll go “bad” — but the flavor will get weak. If you want to keep your coffee fresher longer, put it in a dry, airtight container in a cool place, since moisture and heat speed up deterioration and change the flavor. If it’s a large container of coffee, keep out only what you’ll use over a few weeks, and put the rest in an airtight bag in the freezer. This slows the molecular changes that alter the taste.

- Every month in the U.S. Google gets about 5,500 searches for the phrase “How do I use Google?” Seriously. It also gets around 1,500 searches each month for “How do I make my cat love me,” and 100,000 monthly searches for “How to win the lottery.”

Fun Fact:Men get hiccups more often than women. #funfact

Social Media Fun:One in five drivers have named their car. Women (23%) are more likely to do so than men (18%).
Is your car a boy or a girl and what’s its name?
(BTW: Seven in ten of us admit to talking to our car)

Matt's Musing: Nostalgia isn't what it used to be… #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“I'm Just Waiting For My Ride” by the Hoppers

Bible Trivia Answer:A. Elijah (2 Kings 2:11)

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Radio Recap (Wednesday 05/01/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who said, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
A. Abel
B. Joseph
C. Cain
D. Esau

In The News:
- Today in 1886: The start of the general strike which eventually won the eight-hour workday in the United States.

- May Day… it’s also Golf day and Hug Your Cat Day

- A survey (by TotalJobs) found that three out of four people want all physical contact banned at work. The idea is to remove confusion over what kind of touch is appropriate. Some companies are now considering whether they should prohibit handshakes. What about fist bumps?

- Good news for firstborn girls: a study suggests that they are more likely to excel at life than their younger siblings, something that doesn’t come as a complete surprise. Of course “most likely” doesn’t mean every single firstborn girl will be better at life than younger brothers or sisters, but the odds favor them if you believe what researchers at the University of Essex concluded. Beyoncé, Hillary Clinton, Kate Middleton, Angela Merkel, Oprah Winnfrey, and J.K. Rowling are all firstborn in their respective families and very successful, strong women.… The British study suggests that firstborn girls are statistically — 13 percent — more likely to be more driven and attend graduate school than their male siblings.

- For years, researchers have struggled to pinpoint the health benefits of chocolate. Turns out, the answer may have been to go with your gut. Findings (out of Louisiana State University) suggest that you’re not the only one who likes chocolate. Gut bacteria (Bifidobacterium and lactic acid bacteria) devour the stuff and then produce anti-inflammatory compounds which are good for you. In other words: dark chocolate is probably great for your gut health and your heart.

- Police in Wyoming say that a man who shoplifted twice in one day from the same store also asked the store for a job application.

- Mother’s Day is just over a week away. A survey shows only 2% of moms would like to receive breakfast in bed; 22% say flowers is okay; 25% like jewelry; 37% want to go out to dinner; 20% of moms say no candy.

Fun Fact:
132 islands that make up the state of Hawaii. #funfact

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):Have you “adulted” yet today? Did you pay some bills? Show up to work on time? Schedule that doctor’s appointment? Cool! Did anybody give you a sticker? “I Adulted!” is a 16-month calendar-slash-sticker book, available for $15.99 on Amazon. Along with charting the passage of time, this product comes with an advertised 100 splashy stickers that celebrate daily accomplishments such as “I emptied the litter box!,” “I cooked for myself!” and “My parents don’t pay my rent!”

Matt's Musing: All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism… #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“I Want To Know That You Know” by Greater Vision

Bible Trivia Answer:C. Cain (Genesis 4:9)

Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...