Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I Made It On The TV News

Okay, perhaps not big news.... lol

One of our local television stations does a feature on their facebook page called the "OzarkSoundoff", asking viewers to comment with their opinion on a featured story of the day. The station will then feature the highlights on their evening news.

Last night, I got home from sledding with the kids, and while supper was in the oven, I participated. I did one comment, and then had to add a longer one. Of course, my comment was full of puns. The more 'likes' it gets, the more it gets bumped up. It looks like I won:


Anyway, it was pretty neat to see my comment on the news that evening!


Link to the page

Monday, February 25, 2013

Arm Hair

I have arm hair. 

Okay... A lot of arm hair. In fact, because of the hairy arms, family has referred to me as 'yeti' like Bigfoot. 

Due to the hairiness, I’ve thought about shaving. However, I think it would be a pain to keep up! Not something that I want to do.

Both of my kids will rub on my arms when sitting next to me or on my lap. For some reason, they claim that they think it feels nice.

With that in mind, the other day, I asked both of them how come they like rubbing my arms. Mysia replied that “it feels so soft.” Malachi continued with his thoughts.... “Yeah, it’s feels just like a puppy!!!”

Hmmmm... perhaps my arms could use a little trim.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Oh, The Things That You Hear!

I'm not sure about everyone else, but when I'm out in public, I like to people watch. I could probably spend an afternoon sitting at the mall just watching people and be happy with it. To me, it's entertaining. It's also fun to listen as they pass by. The conversations can be very humorous.

It annoys Lydia at times, but when we're out somewhere, I often listen in to others around us. You just never know what you might hear while sitting down at a restaurant.  And I'm sure when we take our kids, they're plenty of entertainment for those around us. In fact, I've been told by several at church that they like sitting behind us because when they do, they services are never boring.... yikes!

The other day, I came across a note that I had written. It is what I heard while shopping at Wal-Mart:

A lady passed by with to young boys in her cart. She was getting on to one of them, saying, "You are in such deep trouble! I told you not to write on anything! I said ANYTHING! ...... and your brother counts!!!"



Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Proverbs 31 woman... (continued)

I had planned to make several posts over the past few days on the Proverbs 31 woman and Lydia. However, I failed on doing them as separate posts. Instead, I’ll make them one single post… this one!

The Proverbs 31 woman has many virtues, so I’ve compiled a list.

Most of all, Lydia has strength of character.  She fears God, loves truth, and hates sin. This is the true definition of what a virtuous woman is. Like the verse says, this makes her very valuable to me. This is the foundation of all the other characteristics.

She’s trusted by her husband…. That’s me! She does good, not evil. She’s consistent, and I can count on her any day. She also “worketh willingly”, meaning that all she does is in delight and with pleasure. Like I had mentioned in my last post, this would fall under the industrious! Of course, she is not idle or lazy, she is diligent in her work. Lydia takes the time to get up and get about her day.

 One of my favorite characteristics is that Lydia gives thought on the things she knows is important. Not out of whim or sudden impulse, but she carefully thinks and plans on what is needed. She is set on making sure it is done with a purpose. I also trust and have faith in Lydia. And just like Proverbs 31 woman, she is very involved in financial decisions and transactions. She is very good and managing the family budget. (It also helps that it’s what she is going for in college).

Lydia also has compassion for those who are physically and materially poor and needy. She has shown this in her willingness to help others and be involved it charitable work with organizations in the area.

She also has a steadfast drive to give correct instruction to our children. Her determination to make sure that they have good education and knowledgeable in many things is a top priority. She also "looketh well" or keeps watch over our household very well. She misses nothing!
Of course, she is praised by her own family members. We (the kids and I) realize that she is the glue that keeps us together, and is the one that makes sure that this household runs smoothly. When she is not around, we all don’t function correctly! ;) Unfortunately, we often fail to show the true appreciation we have for her. 

But most of all, she fears the Lord! This is probably the most valuable and important of all the characteristics. 



Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Proverbs 31 Woman: Industrious

As you may guess, I like to read. I try and keep up with the news in both the Southern Gospel and geek/technology world. However, I’m married, and try my best to keep up with several “relationship” blogs. Some are humorous and some are a bit serious.
Since it’s the week of Valentine’s, several have posted about the Proverbs 31 Woman. Many who have grown up in church would be familiar with this special woman as described by King Lemuel’s mother.
There is much controversy on her abilities, duties, and actions. There is much to discus on her life; from, in and out of the home, her career, ability to do everything right, etc. Like the passage says… “Who can find a virtuous woman?”
I’ve thought about this woman, and how my wife fits many of her characteristics. So for the next few days, I plan on posting some my thoughts here!
When reading the passage, you’ll find that the Proverbs 31 Woman is Industrious. By definition, that means: diligent, sedulous, assiduous, studious, and hardworking. That characteristic is found in Lydia. If something is set before her, she makes sure to get it done. She is definitely ready for the challenge. And if something isn’t right, she’ll correct it!
I’ve learned to depend on Lydia quite a bit. She is great at planning and diligent on getting the job done. Perhaps that’s what makes her a great accountant. If there is a time she’s frustrated, it’s when she can’t finish something she’s started. Usually it’s not her fault, but that she’s come to a dead end.  (occasionally, that ‘dead end’ is because of something I did, or didn’t do)
Thankfully, she is willing to press on with anything that comes her way. She has drive and the willingness to accomplish her goals. For example, there have been many opportunities for her to give up on her accounting degree. But yet, she has gone far and beyond the two-year graduation. She is working hard and tirelessly to make sure that she furthers her education to be the best she could be.
Her character is a great example for our two kids. In fact, Mysia looks up to her when working on her “projects”, both at home and school. I can definitely credit that to Mysia’s excelling in her own right. Lydia has the industrious characteristic that I hope gets picked up by our children. One great part of the Proverbs 31 Woman!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Unauthorized Migrants"?

Well, the political correctness police are at it again. It appears we can no longer call someone who is not lawfully a citizen living in the US an "illegal immigrant". The debate is in Congress with our political leaders trying to determine the correct language. Even though it technically correct, and a proper definition.

If something is not done by the law, it's illegal. Oh, it's also been decided that they can't be called "aliens" for fear that it may cause them to feel "inhuman"! Even though, an alien is a foreigner.

So far, the correct term is "unauthorized migrants"! 

Um... yeah... Who want's to be labeled a "migrant", and an "unauthorized" one? That would make them feel more comfortable with their status? Oh bother.

I guess if you run a red light, go over the speed limit, pirate music, or steal from a gas station... it's not illegal, just "unauthorized"!

As a side note: I'm not against immigration, as long as it's legal (or authorized). We have a process in place that works and can be done. Just like I'd be expected to be in another country legally, I'd expect the same for those living here. 


Friday, February 1, 2013

What's In A Name?

For those wondering why I chose "Matt's Musings" the name of this blog. Well, there is a bit of history… a look back into the past.

I've grown up around technology and computers. I can't remember a time when we didn't have a computer when growing up. As a young child, I remember every year our family 'publishing' a newsletter at Christmas. This wasn't a one-page document, it was a publication including articles, pictures, clip-art, a puzzle, etc. I even did some of the cartoons. It was sent out to family, friends, acquaintances, church members, and even my dad's coworkers.

We we're all assigned articles. Mine was "Matt's Musings"….

When thinking of what to name this blog, I just kept coming back to this title. There are several others online who use it. And that's okay, none have it copyrighted!

I still wonder on whether I should have used other titles though. Perhaps "Matt's Mishaps", or "Maniac Mind" would have fit better!


Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...