Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Proverbs 31 woman... (continued)

I had planned to make several posts over the past few days on the Proverbs 31 woman and Lydia. However, I failed on doing them as separate posts. Instead, I’ll make them one single post… this one!

The Proverbs 31 woman has many virtues, so I’ve compiled a list.

Most of all, Lydia has strength of character.  She fears God, loves truth, and hates sin. This is the true definition of what a virtuous woman is. Like the verse says, this makes her very valuable to me. This is the foundation of all the other characteristics.

She’s trusted by her husband…. That’s me! She does good, not evil. She’s consistent, and I can count on her any day. She also “worketh willingly”, meaning that all she does is in delight and with pleasure. Like I had mentioned in my last post, this would fall under the industrious! Of course, she is not idle or lazy, she is diligent in her work. Lydia takes the time to get up and get about her day.

 One of my favorite characteristics is that Lydia gives thought on the things she knows is important. Not out of whim or sudden impulse, but she carefully thinks and plans on what is needed. She is set on making sure it is done with a purpose. I also trust and have faith in Lydia. And just like Proverbs 31 woman, she is very involved in financial decisions and transactions. She is very good and managing the family budget. (It also helps that it’s what she is going for in college).

Lydia also has compassion for those who are physically and materially poor and needy. She has shown this in her willingness to help others and be involved it charitable work with organizations in the area.

She also has a steadfast drive to give correct instruction to our children. Her determination to make sure that they have good education and knowledgeable in many things is a top priority. She also "looketh well" or keeps watch over our household very well. She misses nothing!
Of course, she is praised by her own family members. We (the kids and I) realize that she is the glue that keeps us together, and is the one that makes sure that this household runs smoothly. When she is not around, we all don’t function correctly! ;) Unfortunately, we often fail to show the true appreciation we have for her. 

But most of all, she fears the Lord! This is probably the most valuable and important of all the characteristics. 



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