Thursday, August 28, 2014

Logo Design: Dove Brothers Band

Recently I was commissioned to redesign the logo for the Dove Brothers Band. They had created several years ago, but did not have access to the high quality file. They needed something that they could use for print.

I offered my services, and they accepted. I then spent several nights finding similar fonts and recreating the elements. The logo is now entirely vector, allowing them to be able to take it to any printer for whatever their need is. Plus, I think it looks a lot sharper… but that’s my personal opinion.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

KWFC Fan Day at the Southern Gospel Picnic

Last Friday the staff of KWFC had the privilege to be at Silver Dollar City to hand out our popular fan for those attending the first day of the Southern Gospel Picnic festival. Although it was hot, there was a pretty good turn-out. We stood at the entrance, greeting visitors as they walked in toward the square. They went pretty fast.

I met friends and listeners of the station. We also had the chance to take in one of the performances of the Mark Trammell Quartet!

The fan was one of the projects I had been working on over the past month. I have a template I’ve worked with over the past several years, but it is necessary to make sure that the schedule is correct and free from any mistakes. Yes, another thing to add to my portfolio!


Monday, August 25, 2014

I took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!

A friend of mine, Patrick, nominated me to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. (Click to view) So, in my backyard, I filled up a bucket with cold water and added shaved ice... brrrr! Just like all who has done this already, I plan to make a donation this weekend. 

There has been a few on social media that have started questioning the idea of supporting ALS. They claim that it would be morally wrong as a Christian to donate to a foundation that has financed Embryonic Stem Cell Research. They make note that the research is done with aborted babies. Hmm... would I want to take part in this?

As many of my friends and family know, I don't just want to go with what I read on facebook. And with that in mind, I decided to do my own research as well.

Based on reporting from the American Life League, a spokeswoman from ALSA wrote the following:

The ALS Association primarily funds adult stem cell research.  Currently, The Association is funding one study using embryonic stem cells (ESC), and the stem cell line was established many years ago under ethical guidelines set by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS); this research is funded by one specific donor, who is committed to this area of research.  In fact, donors may stipulate that their funds not be invested in this study or any stem cell project. Under very strict guidelines, The Association may fund embryonic stem cell research in the future.

After do more reading, I found this: "Embryonic stem cell lines do not come from aborted fetuses."

Cells with the potential to form embryonic stem cells in a lab dish only exist in these four to five day old blastocysts. They are a fleeting cell type that disappears after that point in time. A common misconception is that the cells can come from aborted fetuses, which is in fact not possible.

All the human embryonic stem cell lines currently in use come from four to five day old embryos left over from in vitro fertilization (IVF). In in vitro fertilization, researchers mix a man's sperm and a woman's eggs together in a lab dish. Some of those eggs become fertilized and begin developing. At about five days the egg has divided to become a hollow ball of roughly 100 cells called a blastocyst which is smaller than the size of the dot over an “i”. It is these very early embryos that are implanted into the woman in the hopes that she becomes pregnant.

By the way, when I make make my donation, I'll include instructions not to use it for Embryonic Stem Cell Research, and designate it to something specific. Now that's not too hard!


Friday, August 8, 2014

“Prayer Discount”

Earlier this month, the news of a restaurant in Winston-Salem, NC offering Prayer Discount went viral. You get a 15% off your check if you said grace before your meal. Many were in support of their practice. However, there was just as many in disagreement, calling it discrimination.

Sadly, Mary’s Gourmet Diner has now discontinued the four year policy, claiming they have been threatened by a lawsuit. Apparently, the atheists at the Freedom From Religion Foundation got offended. They claim that is illegal to “charge an atheist more than a Christian."

Many restaurants and chains give discounts to seniors, military, students, single mothers, and even those with well-behaved children. Can a drop-out sue a business for not getting a student discount?



Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...