Bible Trivia Question:
Who lost all of his children tragically?
Who lost all of his children tragically?
- Isaac
- Jacob
- Job
- Joseph
In the News:
The "world's strongest coffee" is now available in the US, but just one cup could spill you over the daily caffeine limit. To prove the title, “Black Insomnia” was tested chemically against competitors, and is more than twice as strong as Starbuck's dark roast.
Mary Sweeney, who researches the effects of caffeine at John Hopkins School of Medicine, explains, "For the same amount of coffee, you will get double the amount of caffeine. This makes it easier to consume more caffeine than you intend to and effects can range from mild to severe, for example, jitteriness, nervousness, restlessness and trouble sleeping. The most serious effect would be cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)."
Caffeine Informer, a consumer information site devoted to help people understand caffeine, lists Black Insomnia as one of the "Most Dangerous Caffeinated Products."
Would you drink it?
Matt’s MidDay Fact:
Although known for their long necks, a giraffe can clean its ears with its tongue. #MidDayFact
Matt's Musing:
When I think about it, I've probably spent a solid year of my life just staring into the refrigerator... #musing
Matt's Pick Song:
“The Chain Gang” by The Kingdom Heirs
Bible Trivia Answer:
Job (Job 1:13-15)