Friday, April 7, 2017

Mid-Day Recap (Friday 04/07/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who fed a hundred prophets and hid them in a cave?
- Samuel
- Joshua
- Obadiah
- David

Ben Speer passed away at 12:52 a.m. today. He was 86 years old.
Please continue to lift the Speer family up in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Matt’s MidDay Fact:
60% of atheists and agnostics say they own at least one Bible. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
​Well, if you count Elmer Fudd singing "Kill the Wabbit"... then yes, I do like opera. #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
The Blood Hasn't Ever Changed” by Greater Vision

Bible Trivia Answer:
Obadiah (1 Kings 18:4)

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