Bible Trivia Question:
To which garden did Jesus go, to pray in before his arrest?
A. Garden of Eden
B. Garden of Golgotha
C. Garden of Gethsemane (Matt 26:36)
D. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
In the News:
A Florida woman found an unexpected visitor in her bathroom on Tuesday night. Swimming in her toilet bowl… a 2-4 foot long iguana!
I’d say it left her feeling more than a bit “flushed”…. What would you do?
Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
You are 1% shorter in the evening than in the morning. #MidDayFact
More News:
In-N-Out is now… OUT as America has a favorite burger chain. Five Guys has triumphed over In-N-Out. The chain received the top spot in the burger category in an annual survey by Harris Poll.
Matt's Musing:
Thanks to social media, who would have thought that one day so many would be this addicted to reading and writing... #musing
Matt's Pick Song:
“Already Know How The Story Ends” by the Hinsons
Bible Trivia Answer:
C. Garden of Gethsemane (Matt 26:36)
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