Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Mid-Day Recap (Monday 12/18/17)

Bible Trivia Question:
Where did the shepherds go to find the baby Jesus?
A. Egypt
B. Nazareth
C. Bethlehem
D. Jerusalem

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Research shows that people are choosing to call Uber rather than an ambulance. #MidDayFact

FB fun:
Last week, A Wisconsin reporter preparing to deliver a live report almost had to go on with a face full of snow when her cameraman pelted her with a snowball.

Matt's Musing:
If my ceiling fan could hold my weight, I would never be bored again..… #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“A Quartet Christmas” by Ernie Haase & Signature Sound

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. Bethlehem (Luke 2:15)

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