Bible Trivia Question:
This is a trustworthy statement, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save whom?
This is a trustworthy statement, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save whom?
A. The righteous
B. The sinners
C. The children
D. The animals
In The News:
A California man using a lighter to kill a "huge" spider in his apartment ended up causing $11,000 worth of damage when the arachnid ignited a mattress.
A resident of the apartment in Redding was trying to kill a massive wolf spider with a torch lighter and succeeded in setting the pest aflame. The attempt turned to disaster, however, when the flaming spider fled into a mattress, setting it on fire.
Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Find a worm in your apple? Don’t worry… it means the apple has no pesticides! #MidDayFact
Matt's Musing:
There is no such thing as something looking "Too good to eat"... #musing
Matt's Pick Song:
“Canaanland Is Just In Sight” by Heavenbound
Bible Trivia Answer:
B. The sinners (1 Timothy 1:15)
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