Bible Trivia Question:
What were the chief priests, elders, and scribes doing when Jesus was hanging on the cross?
What were the chief priests, elders, and scribes doing when Jesus was hanging on the cross?
A. Mocking Him
B. Praying
C. Singing
D. Crying
In The News:
It’s #NationalPublicSleepingDay
These are Top 5 Places for Public Sleeping
5. Under a tree in a park
4. The mall in the middle of the work week
3. Reference aisle of the library
2. Last pew in church during services
1. A theater showing old silent movies
Where do you recommend taking a short slumber in public?
Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Studies have shown that naps can improve productivity, decrease health risks and improve morale. Employers such as Google, HuffPost/AOL and Nike offer sleep pods or sleep rooms to their employees to reap these benefits. #MidDayFact
Matt's Musing:
In this modern era, would the proper way of giving someone the silent treatment be sending them blank text messages? #musing
Matt's Pick Song:
“Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” by the Akins
Bible Trivia Answer:
A. Mocking Him (Matthew 27:41)