Monday, December 31, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Monday 12/31/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
What was the name of Solomon’s Mother?
A. Haggith
B. Abigail
C. Bathsheba
D. Ruth

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
According to industry experts, Pac-Man was the first video game to be popular with both males and females. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
Why do I feel that there is no time to check time...? #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“The Truth Will Come Out” by the Poet Voices

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. Bathsheba (2 Samuel 12:24)

Friday, December 28, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Friday 12/28/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
As a result of Adam’s sin, what became cursed?
A. light
B. ground
C. air
D. heaven

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
80 percent of resolutions fail by ... February! #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
I wish they used Elmer's glue on envelopes... It sure would taste better! #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“I’ll Live Again” by the Kingsmen

Bible Trivia Answer:
B. ground (Genesis 3:17)

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Thursday 12/27/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
King Herod was eaten by WHAT?
A. Lions
B. Ravens
C. Dogs
D. Worms

Matt's Musing:
I don’t just say crazy things on the internet, I do that in real life to... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Sleigh Ride” by the Browns

Bible Trivia Answer:
D. Worms (Acts 12:23)

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Wednesday 12/26/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who wanted to buy the ability to do miracles like Peter and John?
A. Simon
B. Zacheus
C. Paul
D. Joseph

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
65 percent of people make New Year's Resolutions.  #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
Studies show it’s totally okay for me to just say “studies show” in front of whatever I want to say.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“God Wants To Hear You Sing” by Greater Vision

Bible Trivia Answer:
A. Simon (Acts 8: 18 & 19)

Friday, December 21, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Friday 12/21/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
Where was Jesus born?
A. Bethlehem
B. Jericho
C. Jerusalem
D. Bedford Falls

In The News:
  • Winter begins (5:23 PM ET)
  • Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
  • Don’t Make Your Bed Day

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
1.1 million packages of Jell-O are purchased or consumed each day.#MidDayFact

What to by your man for Christmas?
  • When in doubt, buy him a cordless drill. It does not matter if he already has one. As a man, you can never have too many cordless drills. No one knows why.
  • If you are really, really broke, buy him anything for his car: a 99 cent ice scraper, a small bottle of de-icer or something to hang from his rear view mirror. Men love gifts for their cars. No one knows why.
  • Buy men label makers. Almost as good as cordless drills. Within a couple of weeks there will be labels absolutely everywhere. “Socks. Shorts. Cups. Saucers. Door. Lock. Sink.”
  • Rope. Men love rope. It takes them back to their cowboy origins, or at least the Boy Scouts. Nothing says love like a hundred feet of rope.

Christmas Fun:
  • What would be considered as the biggest Christmas gift in the world? The Statue of Liberty was gifted to the US by the French on Christmas day in 1886. It weighs 225 tons!
  • Christmas season sales account for almost 1/6 of all retail sales in the US.
  • The Rubik was the highest selling Christmas toy in 1980. That time it sold for $1.99 and today it retails for $10.

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):

Matt's Musing:
Christmas is the season when you buy this year’s gifts with next year’s money.. #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“The First Noel” by Brian Free & Assurance

Bible Trivia Answer:
A. Bethlehem (Luke 2: 4-7)

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Thursday 12/20/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who told Joseph the baby’s name was to be Jesus?
A. Mary
B. The shepherds
C. The Little Drummer boy
D. An angel Matthew 1:21

In The News:
  • New research shows a third of Americans are unable to name all four of their grandparents. Twenty-one percent don’t know which city a single one of their grandparents were born in, and 14 percent don’t know what any of their grandparents did for work.
  • Oreo’s newest flavor isn’t as crazy as some have been, but this one’s here to stay. The cookie company announced on Wednesday that Dark Chocolate Oreos will become a permanent flavor hitting shelves next year.
  • After we park our cars, we have trouble remembering where we left them. A new study reveals Americans spend a combined 175 million hours a year looking for their cars. On average it takes 10 minutes to find a lost parked vehicle, although five percent of respondents admitted searching for over half an hour. BTW, there’s a app for that… several in fact!

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
7 million pennies are thrown away every day. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
Christmas: the only time of year you can sit in front of a dead tree and eat candy out of socks… #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Christmas In Heaven” by Doug Anderson

Bible Trivia Answer:
D. An angel (Matthew 1:21)

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Wednesday 12/19/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
To whom did the angel say "Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy?"
A. Joseph
B. Mary
C. The shepherds
D. The Little Drummer Boy?

In The News:
  • Today in 1843: A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, was first published in England.
  • Scientists have created a device that attaches to the stomach and tells the brain that the stomach is full.
  • ON CHRISTMAS EVE, STAY CLOSE TO AN EMERGENCY ROOM: Christmas Eve is the worst day of the year for heart attacks, with risk rising nearly 40 percent. More specifically, research showed that most heart attacks hit around 10 PM on Christmas Eve. Researchers (Lund University) don’t know for sure why Christmas Eve increases your chances for a heart attack, but they believe it’s tied to “emotional distress with acute experience of anger, anxiety, sadness, grief, and stress.” Throw in excessive food intake, alcohol and long distance traveling and you’ve got all the ingredients for landing the big one the night before Christmas.
  • Scientists know why older people tend to view the past through rose-colored glasses. Researchers found that aging brains allow negative memories to fade, leaving seniors with a distorted impression of how great life was in their younger days. It’s believed that as we get older we learn to be less affected by negative information in order to maintain our well being. In contrast, younger adults need to keep an accurate memory of both positive and negative information to help them through their working life.

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Before World War 1, 90% of books were sold by mail order and traveling salesmen. #MidDayFact

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):
  • Is Die Hard a real Christmas movie or not? 20th Century Fox has stirred the pot yet again by releasing a fun new trailer for the original Die Hard movie, selling it as fun, cheerful Christmas comedy classic.

Matt's Musing:
According to my kids' Christmas lists, they must think this parenting gig pays pretty well.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“O Little Town Of Bethlehem” by Gaither Vocal Band

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. The shepherds (Luke 2:8-13)

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Tuesday 12/18/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
How many angels spoke to the shepherds?
A. One
B. Two
C. Ten
D. A Multitude

In The News:
  • Today is “Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day”
  • Move over Red Ryder BB Guns… “You’ll shoot your eye out” applies to NERF guns as well. A 9-year-old boy who was hit in the eye by a toy arrow six years ago has had to have the organ removed after his friend shot a Nerf gun pellet at it, injuring it further. The boy was just 3 when the first freak accident occurred. Doctors saved his eye the first time, his mom is now fundraising to buy him a special prosthetic eye after a Nerf gun pellet hit him in the same eye.
  • CAN YOU TALK TO THE ANIMALS? _ In a survey of pet owners, 67% say they understand their animals’ sounds, like meows and barks. And nearly one in five of those pet owners say they comprehend completely. And 62% of pet owners say that when they speak, their animal understands the message.
  • Carnival Cruise Lines plans to have the first cruise ship with a roller coaster. (Is this to test the motion sickness patches?)

Mat’s Mid-Day Fact:
Around 15,000 farms in the U.S. grow  Christmas trees. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
This Christmas, remember... STRESSED is just DESSERTS spelled backwards. #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Who Came When Jesus Came” by the Tribute Quartet

Bible Trivia Answer:
A. One (Luke 2:8-10)

Monday, December 17, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Monday 12/17/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
What does Immanuel mean?
A. Jesus saves
B. God with us
C. God in flesh
D. God is born

In The News:
  • It’s Maple Syrup Day! How do you celebrate?
  • Do you remember your gifts? Not surprisingly, people forget the majority of gifts they receive. A new survey shows more than half (53 percent) of the gifts people received last year have already been completely forgotten. These gifts aren’t just forgotten; they’re often unused. In fact, one in six gifts received will never be touched or used again after January 1!
  • First date? New business meeting? New research shows you only have 27 seconds to make a good first impression. The research investigated the key contributors and timings to a positive first impression and found that smiling, being polite, smelling nice, being a good listener, and making eye contact are among the leading factors.
  • Stress — in moderation — is good for you. In fact, it’s so good for you that it will help you live longer. Researchers (Northwestern University) have determined that when we experience stress, our bodies produce elevated levels of special protective proteins that actually promote longevity.

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):
  • A man in China who had a strange fetish for sniffing his own socks after work whiffed his way to hospital visit. The 39-year-old man went to the hospital with a cough and chest pains last month (November). Doctors initially diagnosed him with pneumonia. But after his condition worsened further tests revealed it was a fungal infection. That’s when the man informed doctors of his habit — he enjoyed the smell of his own foot fragrance. Every day after work, he would smell his stinky socks before washing them. His sock sniffing enabled fungal spores to develop into a full-blown pulmonary infection.

Matt's Musing:
What is the best Christmas present ever? A broken drum... you can't beat it! #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Little Drummer Boy” by the Kingdom Heirs

Bible Trivia Answer:
B. God with us (Matthew 1:23)

Friday, December 14, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Friday 12/14/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
When did Mary and Joseph call their son JESUS?
A. When he was laid in a manger
B. When the shepherds saw him
C. On the eighth day after his birth
D. When they fled to Egypt

In The News:
  • Did Christmas stop a war? Yes, Christmas did stop a war. It was World War One and a “Christmas Truce” was declared in 1914 between the British and the Germans. This began when troops on both sides took Christmas Eve off from the war and then began singing Christmas carols. Later, they came out to greet one another and shake hands while some even exchanged cigarettes as gifts.

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
It was illegal in Boston to observe Christmas from 1659 to 1681. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
Everyday I try to do something good in the world. Today, for example, I put on deodorant... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“The Greatest Gift” by 11th Hour

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. On the eighth day after his birth (Luke 2:21)

Mid-Day Recap (Thursday 12/13/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
According to the Gospel of Matthew, where did the wise men find the Christ Child?
A. In a Stable
B. In an Inn
C. In a house
D. In a Palace

In The News:
  • A new study (University of Chicago) polled married people and found that, on average, it took them just 172 days to decide that they wanted to get hitched. That’s about six months — and it’s less time, researchers found, than most people estimate they’ll need before making that big call. Surveyed singles told the researchers that they’d need about 210 days to make up their minds about their potential suitors.
  • Unfortunately, you probably won’t hear it much on KWFC. But a study shows that during Christmas time, Jingle Bell Rock is the festive song Americans belt out most while driving.

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
A pair of feet has 250,000 sweat glands. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
I thought I was being followed earlier. Looking back, I wasn't.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Silver Bells” by the Booth Brothers

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. In a house (Matthew 2:11)

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Wednesday 12/12/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
How did the shepherds learn of Christ's birth?
A. They seen a new star in the sky
B. An angel appears to them
C. The little drummer boy tells them
D. A Facebook notification

In The News:
  • For those wanting to vacation in Ohio, the fictional boyhood home of Ralphie Parker from the 1983 film "A Christmas Story" is open year-round to the public for tours and now, overnight stays. So yes… you can officially get in the Christmas spirit by staying in the home of a holiday movie classic.
  • A 102-year-old woman became the world’s oldest skydiver last weekend, falling 14,000 feet through the skies above Australia to raise money for charity and making the rest of us look like a bunch of lazy waste cases. It wasn’t the first time Irene O’Shea had taken the plunge from an airplane, either. She did her first jump on her 100th birthday. This time she set a world record and used the opportunity to get the word out about the Motor Neurone Disease Association of South Australia, a charity researching ALS and other neurodegenerative disorders.
  • A Montana family is looking for a grinch who stole a custom-made Grinch holiday costume. The Kalispell Christmas parade on Saturday was the last time the costume was seen before it went missing. Kalispell resident Tiffany Floden and her mother, Denise Robertson, made the costume. Floden believes it was stolen sometime between Saturday night and Sunday morning. It was being stored at a hotel in Kalispell that was to be the venue for a special event on Sunday.
  • Researchers say if you want more friends on Facebook… smile. They found social network users whose profile photos show them selves smiling tend to have more online friends.

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
Over the course of her life the average woman will spend $37,000 on shoes. #MidDayFact

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):
  • One of the longest-running spousal debates may now be settled in favor of men and for the sake of little boys. Leave the toilet seat up, some British doctors say. The reason: heavy and ornamental toilet seats can fall down onto the penises of unsuspecting (and just potty-trained) toddlers.
  • Authorities in Florida (Polk County) are searching for a sandwich thief who they say shoved a foot-long sub down his pants and walked out.

Matt's Musing:
Life would be easier if Kleenex just made shirt sleeves.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“The First Noel” by Brian Free and Assurance

Bible Trivia Answer:
B. An angel appears to them (Luke 2:8-9)

Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...