Bible Trivia Question:
How many years did the children of Israel eat manna?
How many years did the children of Israel eat manna?
A. 25
B. 30
C. 40
D. 50
In The News:
- Modern technology is saving us the equivalent of two weeks every year, says researchers. Self-serve checkouts, online shopping, online banking, online grocery ordering, TV remotes, streaming movies, paying at the pump and mobile traffic updates are saving us around 6½ hours a week.
- Scientists say the smell of fear is real and that being scared is contagious. Researchers have found that chemical signals emitted by the body in sweat when scared really can be picked up by others and can trigger fear in their brains. The discovery may help to explain why individuals with phobias such as a fear of flying can infect others who normally exhibit no such worries.
- On Christmas Eve, Americans will use 15,000 Credit cards each second.
Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
34% of adults take a nap each day. #MidDayFact
Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):
- Want to build trust in your romantic relationship? Share your password. A new study (by online security service Comparitech) found that 28 percent of men and 17 percent of women trusted their partners more after sharing their social media passwords with each other. Currently, according to the survey, 47 percent of respondents share their passwords with their better halves.
Matt's Musing:
I’ve noticed that no one is listening, until you make a mistake… #musing
Matt's Pick Song:
“Winter Wonderland” by the Nelons
Bible Trivia Answer:
C. 40 (Exodus 16:35)
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