Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Radio Recap (Wednesday 09/02/20)

Bible Trivia Question:

Which apostle betrayed Jesus with a kiss for money?
A. Matthew
B. Judas
C. Peter
D. James

In The News:

 - National V-J Day (Victory over Japan Day) recognizes Allied Forces’ victory over Japan during World War II. Officials announced the surrender of Japan to the Allies on August 15, 1945. The official signing of surrender took place on September 2, 1945, officially ending World War II.

 - A new survey (iHeartMedia) found that listeners’ trust in radio and its on-air personalities continues to grow as social media has become far less trustworthy over the past year. The new survey revealed that radio is number one in trust and is two times more trustworthy than social media. The survey of radio listeners found radio to be 79% percent more or just as trustworthy versus a year ago, while social media is 50 percent less trustworthy during the same time period. In particular, sentiment for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter has plummeted in recent months, with Facebook down 56 percent, Instagram down 38 percent and Twitter down 140 percent… The survey also discovered that radio delivers tangible benefits to listeners, with an overwhelming majority of respondents citing that it improves their mood, helps them feel less isolated and more connected to their community. Listener connection with radio personalities is strong, with 77 percent trusting the information they receive from their favorite on-air hosts… The survey found that for radio listeners 18-69:

• 75% trust radio

• 66% trust television

• 57% trust websites

• 38% trust Twitter

• 37% trust Facebook

 - Walmart+. Walmart says it will launch its new membership service, Walmart+, on September 15. The service includes a ton of perks for members. For instance, they will receive unlimited free delivery from stores on more than 160,000 items, including groceries. Walmart+ members will also receive fuel discounts of up to five cents a gallon, and tools like Scan & Go in the Walmart app, where customers can scan their items as they shop and check out using Walmart Pay. Walmart said that it will continue to add additional benefits as the service continues… A Walmart+ membership will cost $98 a year or $12.95 a month and all memberships include a 15-day free trial period.

 - Benadryl Challenge. Teens across the country are partaking in a challenge that encourages each other to take as much allergy medicine as needed to hallucinate, with some TikTokers taking a dozen or more pills before trippin’ out. Johnson & Johnson is urging parents to be aware of the Benadryl TikTok after a 15-year-old girl died from it and put three Fort Worth, Texas teens in the hospital. Ingesting large doses of Benadryl can result in seizures and serious heart problems.

 - Fatty Foods and sleep lacking Teens. Teens who sleep less than eight hours a night on weeknights eat more fatty foods and snacks than those who get more than eight hours of sleep a night. Researchers say that teens getting too little sleep can result in chronic changes in the diet that can increase the risk of obesity, especially in girls. Prior studies have shown that too little sleep can lead to weight gain, but the new findings show where the extra calories come from.

 - National Blueberry Popsicle Day. Scheduled in the midst of the dog days of summer, it’s a delicious way to cool off. You can purchase a box of blueberry-flavored Popsicles or make your own. Either way, the treat will be a tasty one! With the end of summer at hand, now is the time to celebrate this National Day.

 - According to Real Simple magazine… The Best Time of Day to Read (and Retain) is 8AM or 10PM. If you’re going over notes for today’s presentation or memorizing the names of your child’s classmates’ parents before the school open house tonight, do it early in the morning, when your immediate recall is highest. For longer retention, evening is better.

 - Roller Skates! The pandemic has spurred a nostalgic resurgence of a lot of things, including roller skating. According to Google data, searches related to roller skating nearly quadrupled from March to May, and interest in the activity has led to lower inventory and back orders everywhere from big-box stores to specialty brands. Several styles on the Dicks Sporting Goods website are currently listed as “limited stock” while Moxi — one the biggest roller skate sellers in the country, which sells vintage-inspired skates in whimsical colors and patterns — announced on Friday that it is temporarily pausing sales of American-made roller skates to work through its current order backlog.

 - Best time to take a nap. According to Real Simple magazine… The Best Time of Day to Take a Nap is 1PM to 2:30PM. Doctors used to think afternoon sleepiness was the result of a big lunch. But they’ve found that in the early afternoon there’s a dip in body temperature, which causes sleepiness.

 - How do you sleep? The position in which you sleep at night reveals your personality (Britain’s Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service). The six basic sleeping positions and the personality traits are:

• Crouched in the fetal position: Shy and sensitive

• Soldier position flat on the back with arms at the sides: Quiet and reserved

• On the side with legs outstretched and arms down: Social and easy-going

• On the side with legs outstretched and arms outstretched: Suspicious

• Flat on the tummy with hands at the sides of the head: Brash and gregarious

• On the back with outstretched arms and legs: Unassuming and a good listener

… Crouched in the fetal position is most common way to sleep, assumed by fully 51% of women. The most unusual is on the stomach with only 6.5% of respondents saying they sleep this way. Once we adopt a preferred sleeping position, we rarely change it.

 - According to Real Simple magazine…The Best Time of Day to Clean the House is 4PM. You’re more likely to whistle while you window wash (and not kick over the bucket) if you do it in the late afternoon. That’s when hand-eye coordination is at its peak and mood levels are high.

 - Old Navy Voting. To address a nationwide poll worker shortage and encourage employees to vote, Old Navy announced Tuesday that it will pay its employees to work at the polls on Election Day and give workers up to three hours of paid time off on November 3 to cast their ballots. It’s part of a broader initiative by more than 150 major retailers to encourage civic participation at a moment when the country is faced with some of the biggest crises in generations.

Matt's Musing:

I like to finish other people’s sentences because my version is better.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:

“He Rescued Me” by Triumphant Quartet

Bible Trivia Answer:

B. Judas (Luke 22:48)

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Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...