Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fact or Fiction: Columbus and the Flat Earth

I love doing research... unfortunately, it's on strange or odd facts that really don't matter. Today's post takes on a common misconception. Thanks to a story, there is a belief that is still widely accepted as historical fact and it's wrong.

Today, there is a belief that people in the Middle Ages believed that the Earth was flat. Supposedly, it took one man to prove them wrong.... A sailor named Christopher Columbus.

The fact: The earliest mention that medieval people believed that the Earth was flat is found in the book, The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, written by American writer Washington Irving (noted for other such historically accurate accounts as Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow).

The ancient Greeks knew that the earth was a sphere. It's interesting that NASA knows the facts, but some history books (and even a former President) gets it wrong.

So... what did you grow up believing? Have you done your research?






Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Uncertainity Continues (Cathedral Contest)

For those wondering... yes, I'm still undecided on what to submit for the Cathedrals Family Reunion contest.

However, thanks to the response (both be comments on the internet and by telling me personally), I think I've narrowed it down to three songs. I'm going to try and see what I can do, and of course, pick the right one to submit. 

The three songs that everyone seems to like is:

• Going Home
• Suppertime
• I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

The latter, is one I recently sang at church (video here), and was not part of my original list. 

The problem I have with these three songs is that they are slow. There is part of me that is hesitant on submitting something slow that those judging will be bored with. What if they're looking for something faster, more alive. But then again, each of these three show emotion that might not be captured well on something that is too 'peppy'. Hmmmm...

Now I need to get with my brother and work on the background music. I plan on recording all three and see which is the best. Perhaps I let friends help once again???


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Want To Help Me Decide (A Cathedrals Song)?

Hey, I need some help!

There is a contest coming up, and I need to make a decision on what to submit!

I video-recorded myself singing a 13-min Cathedral medley of songs... acapella! Of course, it's not professional, and yes, I hit a few sour notes and am out of breath a few times (like on This Ole House). It's not easy trying to rush this in a garage with no air flow or air-conditioning. I'm not super thrilled with some spots, but it is a genuine rough draft!

Anyway, I need to single out, redo, and submit one of the songs for the contest! It's not going to be easy. 

Want to help me?

Here's the list:

- An Old Convention song
 - Step Into the Water
- Wedding Music
- Yesterday
- Plan of Salvation
- Sinner Saved By Grace
- Going Home
- Thanks To Calvary
- Jesus Have Mercy on Me
- This Ole House
- Roll Away Troubled River
- Who Can Do Anything
- Suppertime

Comment, email, or send me a facebook message!


RANT: Facebook Offensive

I hear a lot in Christian circles how horrible Facebook and social media is. Claims abound that it ruins families, causes sin, temptation, and allows filth in your life. I will not disagree that those things could happen, but there is also the fact that television and gossiping over the phone can do the same things. Like I've posted before, social media is a 'tool'. It all depends on how you use it.

For example, I've heard the argument that Facebook is evil in the fact that is cause of adultery. To that, I respond that you should then get rid of your car. You can't go anywhere to commit adultery without transportation. So would it be the car's fault? When it comes to sin, it's on the person. If you find something to be a stumbling block, then sure, remove it. But that doesn't mean it's the same for others.

With that being said, have a issue with some of my Christian 'friends' on Facebook. It's something that has been on my mind lately. It's come to be such an annoyance, that I'm using this post to address it. And I'm afraid that keep to my stance on removing filth (ironically, something that they agree on), I just might have to remove them as 'friends'. Yes.... Sad, but true.

I recently made this statement:

"I have never seen an offensive picture in the ads on FB. But, I've seen several 'friends' post offensive images recently. What's the deal? I don't need those images showing up on my computer or phone screen! Be responsible folks..."

This is something that has been really bugging me. Those who go and blast others in pubic about the use of offensive words and images seem to think it's okay for themselves to post it. They act as if theirs is done with a "righteous" tone. It's like they think it's fine for them, because what they have to say is truth. They condemn others but it's alright for them do it under special circumstances. I have one word for it.... "HOGWASH"! That's a blatant double-standard.

How can one be effective is showing a "Christ-like" example by occasionally posting something offensive? Sure, there is the 'shock value' of the post, but does it help or hinder their testimony? It sure doesn't impress me. If something needs to be said, re-word it! It's not that difficult to do.

I know that some might argue that I should "man-up" and just take what I see. Well, there is one truth to that... I need to be a "Man" and get rid of their posts. I have a responsibility to filter what is shown on my computer or phone. I also have a family, and my kids are often right with me as I browse my news-feed on my computer or phone. They don't need to see it either!

So, if you find yourself no longer my 'friend'.... you may need to clean up your posts!


Friday, August 16, 2013

That "Evil Laugh"

Like mentioned in my last post, I believe I'm a light-hearted type of guy. I like to find humor in things and am generally always on the positive way of thinking, no matter what the situation. At least, that's what I'm accused of. And I agree.

I find humor in many things and usually will end thoughts with a chuckle. However, I do it too often and Lydia refers to it as my "evil laugh". Since she started pointing it out, I've noticed that yes, I do it quite a bit. It's almost becomes routine. In fact, I'll probably do it every other sentence. Yikes!

The kids have noticed it too. Now, it's not like I do it to be mean, or in a sarcastic way. I usually find humor in whatever I'm talking about and automatically laugh about it. That laugh is in an audible chuckle. It's not that I don't take things serious, it's just that oft times, I find humor in whatever the topic may be.
Again, like I've mentioned before, I try and see things in a positive light, no matter what the subject. I guess that it's not always the best approach, and it can been seen as disrespectful. I'm not intending it to be that way. But truthfully, I do try to make situations a bit more light-hearted. Apparently, I feel that things are more comfortable when in a positive mood.

So, if you're hanging out with me and I give my "evil laugh"... go ahead and laugh with me!
Oh, I think I like like the term "Crazy Laugh"!


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Why So Serious?

Lydia pointed out that, often, people don't take me serious. What? Seriously?

Okay. Yes, I admit it. I don't come across very serious when in conversations. I'm light-hearted, and can make a joke about almost everything (or I try). My comments tend to be on the positive side, and I do laugh at the irony of situations. I guess if you recorded my life, it could very well be a great comic strip or sitcom. I'm not kidding. Reading "Baby Blues" would give everyone a great insight on our family!

Am I a clown? Perhaps. I've been told I'd make a great stand-up comedian, and could hold a crowds' attention. Unfortunately, that crowd would either be young kids or elderly folks in a nursing home! However, to be honest, I'd be up for the challenge...

I do tackle serious topics, but it is in a way that's different than what others do. I have a odd way at making people think, it just won't strike them until later. My humor in conversation can be sarcastic at times. And people don't always catch it until later. Which is my strategy. I like people to think things through instead of making rash decisions on opinions, or being caught up in the moment with how they feel on maters. I am being serious, but in a different way. For example, there are often meanings behind my posts on Facebook and twitter... you just have to catch them!

There are times people don't know how to understand my way of conversation. Stepping back, I guess I can understand. I'm a bit unique. Hopefully, I'm not a walking contradiction. I want to come across as truthful. If there is a question about my stance on something, feel free to approach me and ask. If there is a disagreement, I will not attack you. My goal is to listen, but also give my opinion. Who knows, I may agree!

By the way, if you haven't noticed, I'll tackle some interesting topics here on my blog. I'm not here to spread hate or anything. Just trying to get people to think... and express my opinion too!


Singing with the Cathedrals?

One of my dreams as a teenager was to sing with the Cathedrals. For those who have heard me sing with my family or in a quartet, the Cathedrals music has had an influence on our song selection.

There were two singers that I patterned my singing after, Tim Riley (Gold City) and George Younce (Cathedrals). Both are what I consider the best bass singers ever. I would get up every Saturday and sing for several hours, trying to mimic their style and range.

Recently, there's been the exiting news that the former members are putting together a Cathedral Family Reunion to be held in Texas in November! Of course, I'd like to go...

But now there is a chance to actually be able to join the members on stage!!! A contest has been announced, asking those interested in singing to submit a recording. Needless to say, I'm INTERESTED.

There is only one big dilemma...

What song should I sing?

Of course, I sing bass. I don't want to pick a super slow song, nor do I want to sing something too fast. I want it to be something that would catch the "judges'" attention. I have a few weeks to get my submission in. And of course, I plan to share my progress and the completed file here as well. If you have any suggestions, let me know!


Saturday, August 10, 2013

School Command Center

Lydia had came across a blog that described a Family School Command Center. It's a centralized place in the house where all the things from school get placed at the end of the school day. Things are then prepared and in place, ready for the following day. This is in hopes that nothing will get lost, and all will be there when ready to go to school in the morning.

We have totes for each kid that holds their backpack and school supplies. We hung a file rack for their homework and papers that need to be seen by us. Then there is a pin-board for us all to see those important notes throughout the week!

We hope that this system will work, and that all will go well. I guess we'll wait and see since school starts next week!


Friday, August 9, 2013

Monster Trucks

Malachi loves Monster Trucks. Just like any boy... they're just awesome. He has several as toys, and enjoys running over his hot-wheels. One is a Batman Monster Truck. To our delight, while browsing youtube one time, we found it is a model of the real Batman Monster Truck! That made his day!!!

Back in the spring, Malachi had gotten sick, so I stayed home with him. There wasn't much to do, and since he had to rest, we searched Netflix for something good. Sure enough, I came across a documentary by the History Channel on the history of Monster Trucks. The show was awesome, showing us the first and biggest, and eve some of the accidents that have happened over the years. 

Needless to say, sitting on the couch together was a "bonding" experience for both of us. Since then, we have watched that video several times as buddies.

The other day, I was loading Netflix, and noticed that someone had recently watched a cartoon movie with Monster Trucks. So I went into his bedroom where he was playing and getting ready for bed, and told him what I saw. He looked at me with a serous face and said, "Don't worry Dad... it was just a cartoon, it wasn't the one with 'H' on it!"

Lol! ('H" meaning the "History Channel")

What an awesome little guy!


Monday, August 5, 2013

I'm a Yellow Belt!

Last month I made a post about taking up tae-kwon-do. Well, I'm happy to report that last Saturday, I moved up to the yellow belt rank! Hooray....!!!

Now comes the task of learning a new form. I'm excited about it, but at the same time, a bit intimidated. I just got the white belt form down, and now I have to learn a new one. But, I'm going to do it. I can't back down now.

I have found tae-kwon-do to be a bit dangerous though. During class, we were learning new kicks and as I jumped up, I slipped and fell backwards toward the ground. I wasn't on the floor mats, and I landed on my right arm, just below the elbow. Talk about pain. I also strained a leg muscle. Go figure.

Perhaps if I can do all this damage to myself, if I get into a situation where I need to use my techniques, my enemy would get quite a bit of damage as well! ;)


Friday, August 2, 2013

That's My Brother (Song)

During our church's Family Super Rally (a one-day VBS) last Saturday, our youth pastor, John, was leading songs. His two kids were on the platform with him. What happened during one of the songs made us all laugh.... so I wrote a song about it.

Now I just need a tune to go with the lyrics!


That's My Brother

I had an older brother,
He grabbed and licked my hand,
I tried to pull away, 
I just couldn't understand,
I want to say it was nice,
And he was showing me love,
But I live with him ev'ry day,
I just knew he deserved a shove!

That's my brother, my dearest big brother,
Tryin' to get me in trouble, just makes me see double,
Yup, that's my brother, my annoying big brother, 
He annoys me all the time, just him breathing is a crime,
He's like no other... That's my brother!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Who I Am

My mind often wanders, and I often wish I could just put it all here. I just don't think the world could handle it!

Everyone has quarks and things that just annoy others. So, out of the blue, I asked Lydia to point out a few things. I'm now wondering if that was a mistake. Now I'm looking at myself a bit differently in a few ways.

For example, I didn't realize that I have an "Evil Laugh" that I use constantly. Yes… I'm going to make a post about this later.

Lydia mentioned a few other things. Some were humorous, some embarrassing. That conversation didn't end my thoughts, it fueled them! I'll be the first to admit that I'm not "normal". I have an odd sense of humor, I try and look at things from a positive side, and I tend to go overboard …..whoops….

I know I can't change who I am in most ways, but I can try to correct some things. It many ways, I'm the true me. I don't have anything to hide.

One thing that you can rely on, I'm a nut… And thankfully, my wife and family loves me anyway! ;)


Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...