Saturday, August 17, 2013

RANT: Facebook Offensive

I hear a lot in Christian circles how horrible Facebook and social media is. Claims abound that it ruins families, causes sin, temptation, and allows filth in your life. I will not disagree that those things could happen, but there is also the fact that television and gossiping over the phone can do the same things. Like I've posted before, social media is a 'tool'. It all depends on how you use it.

For example, I've heard the argument that Facebook is evil in the fact that is cause of adultery. To that, I respond that you should then get rid of your car. You can't go anywhere to commit adultery without transportation. So would it be the car's fault? When it comes to sin, it's on the person. If you find something to be a stumbling block, then sure, remove it. But that doesn't mean it's the same for others.

With that being said, have a issue with some of my Christian 'friends' on Facebook. It's something that has been on my mind lately. It's come to be such an annoyance, that I'm using this post to address it. And I'm afraid that keep to my stance on removing filth (ironically, something that they agree on), I just might have to remove them as 'friends'. Yes.... Sad, but true.

I recently made this statement:

"I have never seen an offensive picture in the ads on FB. But, I've seen several 'friends' post offensive images recently. What's the deal? I don't need those images showing up on my computer or phone screen! Be responsible folks..."

This is something that has been really bugging me. Those who go and blast others in pubic about the use of offensive words and images seem to think it's okay for themselves to post it. They act as if theirs is done with a "righteous" tone. It's like they think it's fine for them, because what they have to say is truth. They condemn others but it's alright for them do it under special circumstances. I have one word for it.... "HOGWASH"! That's a blatant double-standard.

How can one be effective is showing a "Christ-like" example by occasionally posting something offensive? Sure, there is the 'shock value' of the post, but does it help or hinder their testimony? It sure doesn't impress me. If something needs to be said, re-word it! It's not that difficult to do.

I know that some might argue that I should "man-up" and just take what I see. Well, there is one truth to that... I need to be a "Man" and get rid of their posts. I have a responsibility to filter what is shown on my computer or phone. I also have a family, and my kids are often right with me as I browse my news-feed on my computer or phone. They don't need to see it either!

So, if you find yourself no longer my 'friend'.... you may need to clean up your posts!


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