Thursday, August 15, 2013

Singing with the Cathedrals?

One of my dreams as a teenager was to sing with the Cathedrals. For those who have heard me sing with my family or in a quartet, the Cathedrals music has had an influence on our song selection.

There were two singers that I patterned my singing after, Tim Riley (Gold City) and George Younce (Cathedrals). Both are what I consider the best bass singers ever. I would get up every Saturday and sing for several hours, trying to mimic their style and range.

Recently, there's been the exiting news that the former members are putting together a Cathedral Family Reunion to be held in Texas in November! Of course, I'd like to go...

But now there is a chance to actually be able to join the members on stage!!! A contest has been announced, asking those interested in singing to submit a recording. Needless to say, I'm INTERESTED.

There is only one big dilemma...

What song should I sing?

Of course, I sing bass. I don't want to pick a super slow song, nor do I want to sing something too fast. I want it to be something that would catch the "judges'" attention. I have a few weeks to get my submission in. And of course, I plan to share my progress and the completed file here as well. If you have any suggestions, let me know!


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