Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Dreaming of Paradise

Over the past week I’ve been in thinking about the cruise to the Bahamas that Lydia and I took back in January. It was soooooo much fun. My first time on the beach and to see the ocean, the fun we had swimming out to sea, taking naps while basking in the warmth of sun in the middle of winter…

We had such a wonderful time aboard the ship. To me it was an definitely an adventure. We didn’t know what to expect, and there was always something new happening. The food was fantastic and the pools were relaxing. With entertaining shows and performances, and things to do, it was nice to get away from life. Lydia enjoyed not having to worry about school and I didn't have to worry about work projects. We put most worries aside.

It was also nice to get away from parental responsibilities. The ability to not have to keep track of the kids was great. However, we missed our kids by the end of our trip. We found ourselves talking about them more and more, and wishing they could take in some of the experiences we had. We made sure to get pictures, videos, and some gifts (of course). When we arrived home, we found they had a wonderful time without us, and can’t wait until next year.

Oh… and yes… we are going again. And we are looking forward to it!!!

Anyway, dreaming about our wonderful vacation brings several thoughts to my mind. We got to visit some awesome places, and we hear and read of other lands that are more magnificent in beauty and relaxation.There is so many places we can visit. 

If that’s just a small taste of paradise, what is awaiting us in heaven? Oh boy! That’s a thought.


PS Interested in cruising with us in January? Check it out here: http://kwfc.org/index.php/store/southern-gospel-cruise

Friday, July 25, 2014

National Day Of The Year

Like I've mentioned before, I love odd "facts". I enjoy doing research when I get time.

Back in 2013, I started a "picture challenge" on Facebook. I took the days of the year, and would find a theme for each day to take a picture and post it. It was a bit challenging on occasion, but fun.

Since I host the afternoon on KWFC Radio (except Saturdays), and I'm using my research to announce the "Nation Day of The Year" during the 1 o'clock hour. It's been fun and sometimes unusual. You never know what I might do.

A few weeks ago it was National Chocolate Pudding Day. So the hour started with Bill Cosby introducing his favorite snack. On Donald Duck Day, listeners were greeted with his unmistakable rant. Garfield the cat told some wise wisdom about his counterpart Odie before the first song on his day as well.

I also had the most fun on National Repeat Day! I repeated myself throughout the entire hour and each song was repeated by a different artist. (We received encouraging calls and emails with that show).

If interested on what might happen, just tune in!


Monday, July 21, 2014

Oh, the Internet.

Can I live without the internet? Hmmmm... sure would be hard.

Now before you think I’m crazy (I know... too late...), but hear me out. I probably depend on the internet too much. I’m constantly connected and I use it for everything. Thanks to the internet on my iPhone, I’m able to be online 24/7. It can be good of course (the whole point of this post), and it can be bad (which I’ll avoid discussing for now, lol).

In the past, Lydia and I have talked about ditching the internet in the past. One, it would save some money. Two, we wondered if it was really necessary. Well, with all things considered, we’ve kept the internet. Now there’s no turning back.

Having the internet sure makes it easy to keep up with family and friends. In fact, that’s what what our family blog is for... to keep our family updated with what’s going on. Facebook is great on helping us keep updated with others’ lives too. 

I’ve done some figuring, and without the Internet, our lives would be very difficult. One case in point was Lydia attending college. With all classes, the internet was a necessity. Her professors use it to post assignments and Lydia would often have to to upload her homework. Not to mention that many of the quizzes were done online as well.

For me, I use it for research and file uploads for my graphic design projects. Of course, it’s also used in communication in those situations as well. It helps with extra income from time to time.

Like many things in our lives, it’s a tool. How we use it... is up to us.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Trusting Authority

How well do we trust authority? Are we allowed to question it?

In my mind… yes. In fact, I encourage it. As a nation, if we didn’t, we wouldn’t be free or have the freedoms we love so much. Our government is set up as “we the people”. It was structured to adjust and be governed by our beliefs. That’s why we vote for laws and governing officials. How well do you trust our government, do you not question everything that is going on, or blindly trust all that they do?

In the Bible, the early Christians questioned what was being taught. Acts 17:11 They were eager to learn and make sure the facts were correct.

I’m the same way. I will question authority and try to find what I hear is true or not. Some may think that I’m unstable, seeking to see if my beliefs are real. No, I’m just making sure the foundations of my beliefs are actually grounded in truth and not tradition or opinion. I want a firm foundation. Putting a false hedge around a fake belief is not going to let it stand for very long.

Authority can gain trust. But true authority will encourage those following to search and try what they hear. (1 Thessalonians 5:21, Revelation 2:2, 1 John 4:1)


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Seeking Truth

I’ve posting about my opinions and how I like truth. Facts and having the correct information is something that I hold dear.

To be frank, if I say or post something that questions a foundation of your belief, instead of criticizing me, please do your research. Don’t base it of tradition or one source.

When doing my research, I try my best to seek out more than just one “opinion”. For example, if I’m planning a trip, besides just trusting what a hotel’s self rating is, I’ll look for others' opinions on their visit. If I can, I’ll even go so far to see if I can contact someone to see how their stay was. If I was to attend a big event like the National Quartet Convention, I’d do more than just trust what the promoter has to offer. I want to know from someone who has experienced the stay. I’ll look for recommendations, comments, and stories…. both good and bad.

I’m often confused why so many will take one person’s word as fact without looking to see if what they say is true or not. They simply believe and base so much on that one person. Just because someone has been placed in authority, or has great ideas, do your research! Please… You’ll learn so much if you do a little questioning. It’s okay!

If no one questioned things, we wouldn’t have the things we live by today. Think electricity. Or something basic of the rubber (do a study on Charles Goodyear). If it wasn’t for the search for better trade routes, there wouldn’t have been a “discovery” of the Americas.

Do you seek truth?


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sharing Truth

As I posted yesterday, I love research in “facts”. However, I find it hard to share what I’ve learned. Although some are grateful when I point out truths, some see it as an attack. If I show that what they present as fact is actually wrong, they are quick to accuse me of denouncing their beliefs.


Simply put, that’s not so. I’m just simply pointing out that they should do their own research and not base their beliefs off of one source. Just like when I present something, I encourage those reading or listening to then see if what I said is true. And if they find out I’m wrong, let me know.

Now, I’m not saying I’m always right. However, I am very careful not to say anything that could be wrong. I’ve very protective of what I say or write. I try my very best to relay things that are true, because I want to gain trust.


Monday, July 14, 2014

My Musings

There is a reason for the name of my blog...

I love facts. Anyone that spends time with me is familiar with how much “useless stuff” I know. I probably spend too much time researching things that don’t really amount to much. It’s almost became a “hobby” of mine, though not really specific.

Yes, I’ve been told that I have an analytical mind when it comes to my research and a thirst for “knowledge”, whether its useful or not. I’m very inquisitive and do enjoy studying strange facts. I don’t always take things at face value… I like to seek out the answer to “why”.

Often, it leads me learning awesome things and causes me to question our perception of things. I do this with almost everything, from what I read on the internet, the news, what friends and family tell me, and even what I hear from the pulpit. When someone makes a statement, I analyze the thought wondering if it is based on truth and fact, or just tradition and rumor. Unfortunately, I have found that it’s sometime best to keep my observation to myself, otherwise I may come across as attacking their ‘beliefs’ or that I’m better than them in correction.

It’s not my intent to be harsh. I often think that one would like to know that they are spreading falsehood or twisted facts. But that’s not the case. Therefore, I have this blog - My outlet to post my opinion. My musings. I guess I just need to be more brave with what I write...? :P

Over the next few days, I'll be posting my thoughts on "Truth".

Remember, this is MY opinion.


Friday, July 11, 2014

Having An Impact: Compassionate to Others

Being compassionate to others is not easy for anybody. Especially toward those who don’t agree or see “eye-to-eye” with you. It’s also difficult when you feel they don’t deserve the compassion.

Of course, perhaps I should define “Compassion”. I see it as having love and passion for the well-being of another. Having a tender heart. It's something that I've posted before. I'm not a fan of what is considered "tough love". Yes, I believe in doing things right. But that doesn't mean it should be done in a self-righteous, pious behavior. That won't win affection or real respect from others. I don't want to be self-centered.

Yes, I want to have a true compassion toward others. That's how to have a true impact! (John 13:34-35)


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Having An Impact: Be Faithful in Commitments

Okay, as the other things I’ve been addressing in this “series”, this one may be the most difficult. “Commitments” can include a wide range of promises, from short to long-term. Some are easy and then those that are hard. Of course, it falls in line with "helping others".

We all make commitments. I commit to making sure that that I do my daily duties. I also commit to my responsibilities. I’ve committed my life to loving and faithful my wife, and also taking care of my kids. I commit to doing my job at the workplace.

There are other things too. I often commit to duties and projects to others. I just have to be sure to follow through. That’s the hard part. My mind often forgets, and I’m also a professional procrastinator. I’m constantly trying to better myself in this area.

I’m often a “yes man” when it comes to others asking me to do favors. I admit that I’m often a people-pleaser, and enjoy helping others. However, I’ve also learned that there are times that I have to politely say ‘No”. This way, I can be more thoughtful and faithful in those commitments I make.

Yes, I have committed to be better at honoring my commitments!


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Having An Impact: Communicate Honestly

I have a little pet peeve when I hear someone relay a thought or answer a question by starting it with “Honestly..”
I often want to reply with: “Really? Does that mean everything else said wasn’t honest? I can only believe the following statement, and not any of the other things you said?”

And yes, I’ve done that a few times.

To me, being honest in communication should be a given. Why lie? I was raised to be honest is my statements and answers. If my parents asked me a question, it better have been answered in honesty and truth. I believe no one likes being lied to, or treated with dishonesty.

However, I had hard time with this growing up. I was very trusting in my friends. Sadly, many used that against me, and I was considered “gullible”. And I guess I was. Yes, I believed I should trust my friends. I was honest to them, shouldn’t I receive the same in return. Unfortunately, several took advantage of my “trusting” and would have fun at my expense.

This may be hard to believe, but I’ve grown up. Yes, I still long to trust others, but found I can’t always do that. On the other hand, that’s not going hinder me in being honest. I still believe in honest communication and will still strive to be honest to others.

In fact, honest communication is the staple in my marriage and relationship with Lydia. It’s been that way since we first started dating. We communicate about everything. That communication is all based on honesty.

I do want to clarify that there’s a difference between being honest and being "frank in conversation". With others, there are topics and situations in conversation that I don’t need to give all information. What I do speak of will be in honesty, but I will hold back on speaking too much if it is unnecessary. I believe that gossip is not ‘honest communication”. I can be honest without telling everything that needs not to be shared. :)

Communicating honestly is a great policy, a great way to have an impact on those around you. Something I strive to have.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Having An Impact: Show Example by Making Right Decisions

There is a motto I try to hold to: “Always Do Right.”

It’s not easy. I can’t say that it’s something that is easily chosen either. I’ve often had to step back and look at the situation to make sure I’m making the right decision. I try my best to look at all sides and consider the situation. Not rushing into a decision in I can.

At times, I have been ridiculed and mocked for picking the right decisions too. That’s hard. Especially when there is peer pressure. Of course, when having to go against the crowd, I’m not saying it’s something to shove it in their face either. I honestly don’t want to think myself as better than someone else.

As a teenager, I know I was labeled as a “goody-two-shoes”. Yes, I didn’t do much that would be considered as rebellious, and I tended to not cause trouble. However, I did have my moments. Hey…. I’m not perfect!

For the most part, I’m not always concerned on how others see me when making decisions. I try to do what’s right, and also make sure I’m doing what God would have me to do. My wife and kids are my foremost concern and priority. I figure that my greatest impact will be to my kids.

Yup, it’s my decision to live this way. 


Monday, July 7, 2014

Having An Impact: Be Helpful To Others

This topic is very much like my last post, but it is going on beyond being an encouragement. It’s actually doing something. Helping others.

Is this something I can do? Well, I can honestly say “yes”. I can help with many things. The key is to help in areas that I’m good at, otherwise, it’s wise to not attempt. For example, based on experience, if a friend needs help with a bathroom remodel, I won’t be much of a help.

One of my favorite things to do is research. I love helping other find facts about things, debunking myths, and finding out information on places or products. Of course, finding out if certain news sites are true and reliable is a challenge. This is something that friends have me do on occasion.

If I can truly help in other areas, I will. 


Thursday, July 3, 2014

Having An Impact: Be An Encouragement To Others

How easy is for me to be an encouragement? You would think that this is an easy goal for me, right? I honestly try not to bring others down. And if you’re around me often, you know that I’m pretty light-hearted. However, there are times that I can be too annoying, and even offend others. Whoops...

Needless to say, I’m trying. I think that I encourage others, but sometimes I look back and wonder if I really did. I then try and remind myself to be more mindful during those conversations.

It’s also my goal to be an encouragement online as well. For example, many of my posts through social network sites are aimed at bringing a smile or comforting thought to those who read them. Yes, there are a few posts that are serious too.

Hopefully, I can strive to be a true encouragement to others.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Having An Impact: Show A Positive Attitude

As I posted last time, there are a few things that I’m going to try to do to have an impact on those around me.

On the top of my list is “showing a positive attitude”. Of course, most who know me realize that it’s something I already strive to have. I try not to be gloomy... But I do have my days or those certain occasions (just ask Lydia or my kids).

Showing a positive attitude goes beyond being happy all day. It also means that I need to be content and positive when doing my work, or a task. That’s not always easy. When there’s a table to be cleaned off, a mess to be cleaned up, or even putting my things away… a positive attitude is needed.

My stumbling on the attitude is when things aren’t working out my way. I tend to get frustrated, and boy, does it often show! I clam up or try to hide my emotions. That’s definitely not positive. Then, there’s those times where I get agitated enough to vocalize my thoughts - not good.

I hope that I can work on this even more, and show a positive attitude more often.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Having An Impact...

“How can I be a difference in this world?”
Isn’t that an interesting thought? During one if his messages, my pastor once made the point that we all have an impact on the people around us. Sometimes that impact can be good or bad. Yes, how we act can affect those around us.

As I sat in church, I began to think of several things in my life I need to make sure I change and help improve my impact on others around me. I wrote them down, knowing that I might not remember them at any given time. Some of the things on this list are ‘no-brainers’, and something I try to do anyway from day to day. However, it makes a great reminder and I figure that it could be an outline for how I live.

• Show A Positive Attitude
• Be An Encouragement To Others
• Be Helpful To Others
• Show Example by Making Right Decisions
• Communicate Honestly
• Be Faithful in Commitments
• Compassionate to Others

Now I’m sure that I could always add more, but I figured that this would be a great start. Even though some sound similar to each other, each one has a specific meaning and part. So, to give me a guideline, I’m going to address each of them in my next blog posts! Stay tuned over the next few days!


Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...