Thursday, July 17, 2014

Trusting Authority

How well do we trust authority? Are we allowed to question it?

In my mind… yes. In fact, I encourage it. As a nation, if we didn’t, we wouldn’t be free or have the freedoms we love so much. Our government is set up as “we the people”. It was structured to adjust and be governed by our beliefs. That’s why we vote for laws and governing officials. How well do you trust our government, do you not question everything that is going on, or blindly trust all that they do?

In the Bible, the early Christians questioned what was being taught. Acts 17:11 They were eager to learn and make sure the facts were correct.

I’m the same way. I will question authority and try to find what I hear is true or not. Some may think that I’m unstable, seeking to see if my beliefs are real. No, I’m just making sure the foundations of my beliefs are actually grounded in truth and not tradition or opinion. I want a firm foundation. Putting a false hedge around a fake belief is not going to let it stand for very long.

Authority can gain trust. But true authority will encourage those following to search and try what they hear. (1 Thessalonians 5:21, Revelation 2:2, 1 John 4:1)


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