Monday, July 21, 2014

Oh, the Internet.

Can I live without the internet? Hmmmm... sure would be hard.

Now before you think I’m crazy (I know... too late...), but hear me out. I probably depend on the internet too much. I’m constantly connected and I use it for everything. Thanks to the internet on my iPhone, I’m able to be online 24/7. It can be good of course (the whole point of this post), and it can be bad (which I’ll avoid discussing for now, lol).

In the past, Lydia and I have talked about ditching the internet in the past. One, it would save some money. Two, we wondered if it was really necessary. Well, with all things considered, we’ve kept the internet. Now there’s no turning back.

Having the internet sure makes it easy to keep up with family and friends. In fact, that’s what what our family blog is for... to keep our family updated with what’s going on. Facebook is great on helping us keep updated with others’ lives too. 

I’ve done some figuring, and without the Internet, our lives would be very difficult. One case in point was Lydia attending college. With all classes, the internet was a necessity. Her professors use it to post assignments and Lydia would often have to to upload her homework. Not to mention that many of the quizzes were done online as well.

For me, I use it for research and file uploads for my graphic design projects. Of course, it’s also used in communication in those situations as well. It helps with extra income from time to time.

Like many things in our lives, it’s a tool. How we use it... is up to us.


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