Saturday, February 18, 2017

Is ROBLOX (game) dangerous for kids???

In the news: A father has issued a warning to other parents after his eight-year-old son was sent indecent messages from strangers on popular online game Roblox.

This is something that has been a trending topic on social media, etc.

Since our kids love the game, we did some looking into these accusations posted online as well. Apparently he had lied about his kids' ages so they could have facebook (and other social media), which then lied to the settings of the game, preventing the protection in place to guard them from those extra features (chatting, etc).

If you allow your kids to miss-represent their age, how can you be mad when others do the same?

Our settings for the kids are in correctly place, and there is no illicit danger in the game. 

However, it gave us some good conversation with our kids on accepting unknown "friends", and the dangers of chatting and messaging strangers.

Here's a news link:

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