Bible Trivia Question:
What was the name of the man from whom Jesus cast out demons and gave them leave to enter the a herd of swine?
What was the name of the man from whom Jesus cast out demons and gave them leave to enter the a herd of swine?
- Peter
- Paul
- Legion
- Herod
In The News:
Night owls may be able to get to bed earlier just by taking more weekend camping trips, according to new a new study.
Growing research suggests that spending just a few days in the outdoors, away from artificial lights, may improve sleep by resetting our internal clocks to a natural sleep cycle. Researchers say that fun as it may be, camping isn't the only way to get similar results... exposing yourself to morning light, cutting down on electrical light from smartphones and screens in the evening and even dimming the lights at home can help.
Of course, this study was in tents… :P
Matt’s MidDay Fact:
Armadillos can walk underwater in order to cross rivers. #MidDayFact
More News:
Once again, doctors are warning parents about a dangerous game teenagers are playing that can lead to permanent damage.
It's called the "salt and ice challenge." Kids pour salt on a part of their body and then place an ice cube over it. That salt lowers the temperature of the ice-cube and within five to ten minutes, the cube can cause serious injuries. It basically gives your skin instant frostbite causing you to lose blood vessels and nerve endings, with some cases resulting with third-degree burns.
It’s a good idea to talk with your children about the dangers of these challenges.
Matt's Musing:
The point of no return sounds like a fun vacation spot. #musing
Matt's Pick Song:
“It Looks Like Love To Me” by Crossway
Bible Trivia Answer:
Legion (Mark 5:9)
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