Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Mid-Day Recap (Wednesday 09/19/18)

Bible Trivia Question:
In order to see Jesus more clearly, Zacchaeus climbed what type of tree?
A. Sycamore (Luke 19:2-4)
B. Cedar
C. Fig
D. Gopher

FB News:
Candy canes are quite possibly the most benign of all holiday treats. It’s not like they stir up passionate debate the way, oh, fruitcake does…. Until now.
Seattle novelty company Archie McPhee is selling mac and cheese candy canes this year.
Would you TRY them?

In The News:
  • A horde of one of the country’s deadliest spiders has moved into a Georgia woman’s new home — and she’s prepared to take extreme measures to get rid of them. Nicole Photianos jokes, “We should burn it down.” About 30 brown recluse spiders invaded the house shortly after the Photianos family moved in. At least all other insects are gone.
  • A survey of employees finds bosses have no idea what their staff do on a daily basis. One in three believe their managers are totally oblivious about the jobs they do on a daily basis.
  • Is your dog sad? That may mean that you’re probably on your mobile device too much. Some studies have shown that human relationships aren’t the only ones that suffer when you spend too much time on your phone. Experts say our growing attachment to technology could have negative effects on our pets, too. Dogs especially may feel sad when their owners focus most of their attention toward a screen, and may even develop behavioral issues as a result.
  • We all love singing along while driving. But we should be cautious while driving! An Oregon man told police he crashed his car after a bee flew into his mouth while he was singing along with a song on the radio.

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
42% percent of us say we check work email while on vacation. #MidDayFact

Matt's Musing:
A shark will only attack you if you’re wet... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Hey Jonah” by Triumphant

Bible Trivia Answer:
A. Sycamore (Luke 19:2-4)

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