Friday, June 21, 2013

Before Clicking "Send"

Lydia and I text a lot. I try to send her notes throughout the day, and when she gets a break or takes lunch, I hear back from her. But that's not it… even in the mornings and evenings we communicate through our phones.

We constantly keep up with each other. Of course, we are best friends, and a married couple! Duh! ;)

There is one thing I've learned: check before clicking "SEND"

Sure, it sounds simple. Now, I'm not just meaning to check for spelling errors, but making sure that it's going to the right person. I have made the mistaking of sending "love notes" to others besides my wife! YIKES!

Thankfully, it's been with friends who have done the same thing when texting their wives. Whew, that's a relief. However, I'm more cautious now.

I wouldn't want any of my friends getting the wrong impression! lol!


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