Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summer Reading

I love to read. However, I don't have as much time to devote to it as I used to. I used to read books all the time. Now, it seems that most of my reading is done on the internet. Yes, I get sucked into reading news articles and blogs. Plus, there's Facebook...

Once again, the local library system is doing a summer reading program! Besides the kids, Lydia and I will try and take part. Lydia has already got the reading charts for the Mysia and Malachi.

We enjoyed taking part of the program last year, but I didn't do as well. I'm hoping that this year will be better. It's not required that the books be from the library, and since I read books on my Nook Tablet, there is a possibility that I can add to the list this summer. I also have a few new books in my home library that I need to read.

Mysia and Malachi have already started. So to keep up, I better get started!!!


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