Friday, February 28, 2020

Radio Recap (Friday 02/28/20)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who wore clothes made of camel’s hair with a leather belt?
A. Jesus
B. Moses
C. John the Baptist
D. Elijah

In The News:

- National Public Sleeping Day

It is a day for anyone and everyone to take a nap on a blanket at the beach, at the park, in the movie theater, on a bus, train, or subway or any other public place that may work for you. However, it may not be a good idea to take that nap at your desk during work! Some employers have begun to recognize the value of a nap. Studies have shown certain types of naps fuel the brain and recharge our batteries. Naps can improve productivity, decrease health risks and improve morale. Employers such as Google, HuffPost/AOL, and Nike offer sleep pods or sleep rooms to their employees to reap these benefits.

- Remember that song. How long does it take you to recognize your favorite song when it comes on the radio? A study (University College London) finds that the brain is capable of recognizing familiar music in an incredibly short amount of time — within one tenth of a second of being played.

- Empty Boxes beat high-tech toys. Skip the costly electronic games and flashy digital gizmos. Pediatricians say the best toys for tots are old-fashioned hands-on playthings that young children can enjoy with parents — things like blocks, puzzles and cardboard boxes — that spark imagination and creativity.

- Sundays at home are dangerous. I guess there is another reason to attend church on Sundays. More accidents in the home happen on Sundays than any other day of the week. Stats reveal 16 percent of accidents happen on the day we’re supposed to be resting. A third of all household accidents happen at weekends. Friday was found to be the least accident-prone day with 13 percent.

- National Tooth Fairy Day

It’s one way our children develop good dental hygiene. in 1927, Esther Watkins Arnold printed an eight-page playlet for children called The Tooth Fairy. It was the same year Sir Arthur Conan Doyle “proved” his claim that fairies and gnomes are real and “verified” with pictures of two little girls surrounded by fairies. The world was ripe with imagination and primed to have a tooth fairy about to come collect the lost teeth of little boys and girls and leave a coin or two behind. Arnold’s play began to be performed in schools the following year, and the tooth fairy has been slipping into homes ever since.

- ½ Americans are obese. New data from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the number of obese Americans has risen to 42 percent. And one in ten Americans is now severely obese.… If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obese range. 40 or higher is considered extreme or severe.

- Breakfast on the road. Highway patrol officers in Australia caught a woman eating her breakfast while driving. Officers observed the woman steering with her knees while holding a plate in one hand and a fork in the other. However, Police in Wales busted a woman for driving 70 miles per hour... while flossing her teeth.

- Bag of bacon. While other fast food chains are rushing to launch meatless and plant-based options, Dunkin’ Donuts went in the opposite direction and released the ultimate snack for meat lovers: a bag of bacon.

- Men Very Scared of Bugs. A fear of bugs, insects, or arachnids is among the most common of phobias. The vast majority of spiders, ants, beetles, and other creepy crawlers are harmless, but that doesn’t stop millions of people from fearing these tiny creatures. Stereotypically, most assume that women are more likely to freak out over a bug sighting than a man, but a new survey is challenging that belief. Researchers found that while 22% of female respondents said they are “very scared” of bugs, 32% of male participants shared the same fearful sentiment.

- No Apples for Villains. According to Knives Out director Rian Johnson, there’s an easy way to tell heroes and villains apart at the movies: Look at what kind of phone they’re using. If a character is using an iPhone, there’s no chance they’re going to end up being evil. That’s because of stringent product placement guidelines from Apple, which insists that its products can only be used by heroes or good characters in movies and TV shows… Over the last decade, Apple had more product placements in studio movies than any other brand.

- Slow snow plows. Police in Canada (York, Ontario) released audio of a 911 call from a man complaining about the snow plows moving too slowly. A video containing the call was posted to the York Twitter account Thursday with the words, “Pack your patience. #snowday.”

Fun Fact:
About 4.8 million people worldwide have this in common. (They were born on February 29) #funfact

Matt's Musing:
We got an extra day this year... And it's a SATURDAY!!! #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Thou Oh Lord” by the Sisters

Bible Trivia Answer:
C. John the Baptist (Matthew 3:4)

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Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...