Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Radio Recap (Wednesday 07/01/20)

Bible Trivia Question:

In the story of the rich man and Lazarus, who did the rich man talk to?
A. Abraham
B. Moses
C. Isaac
D. Daniel

In The News:

- National Postal Worker Day on July 1st recognizes postal workers all across the nation and encourages us to show our appreciation. Thank the numerous men and women who work consistently and diligently to deliver all of our mail. These employees suffer some of the harshest working conditions, yet continue to persevere six days a week.

- Friendless lockdown. The lockdown has left a quarter of adults thinking they have NO real friends. And more than a fifth say the pandemic has strained existing friendships because close acquaintances have failed to reach out to them… The study also found more than one in 10 knowingly broke lockdown rules so they could see friends and family because they felt so lonely.

- Make up for men. Men’s makeup is going mainstream in America. CVS, the country’s largest drugstore chain, is making the biggest bet on the category in the U.S. yet, by adding a cosmetics line from Stryx, a brand launched last year, to 2,000 stores (about a quarter of its total)… Is makeup for men a big thing? Apparently, as about one third of U.S. men under 45 said they would consider trying makeup.

- Couch to 5k app Downloads. Downloads of Couch to 5K fitness apps have soared as people attempt to shed weight gained in lockdown. Most of the apps are designed for beginners and encourages them to incrementally increase the amount they run each week… From March to the end of June Couch to 5K app downloads have nearly doubled.

- Fun Fact: New York City spends just under $3 million a year on … rodent control #funfact

- National US Postage Stamp Day recognizes the ease and simplicity with which we can send and receive mail. A stamp represents payment for the delivery of a letter or a package. The United States issued its first postage stamp on July 1, 1847. At that time, stamps were not required. A letter could be mailed without a stamp and delivery paid for by the recipient. In 1855, the postage stamp became mandatory.

- Coke bottle. On this day in 1916: Coca-Cola adopted its distinctive contoured bottle to set itself apart from competitors.

- Saving a swimming bear. Tricia and Brian Hurt and their son Brady were fishing on a lake in western Wisconsin’s Chippewa County the other day when they came across what they first thought was a swimming dog. They soon realized, though, that it was a young bear with a clear plastic cheese ball container stuck on its head. Their first attempt to pull the tub off the bear’s head failed, but another try was successful.

- Jumping Burglars. In Spain two men were arrested for burglary by officers responding to an emergency call. The suspects’ getaway ended abruptly when, as they leaped off of a low balcony, the 17-year-old landed on top of the 22-year-old and suffered a badly sprained ankle, while leaving his colleague with a fractured skull, broken ribs, a broken collarbone, and a collapsed lung.

- On this day in 1979: Sony introduced the Walkman. It sold for $200.

Matt's Musing:

Fingertips can touch everything but themselves... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:

“I Want To Thank You” by Karen Peck & New River

Bible Trivia Answer:

A. Abraham (Luke 16:19-31)

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Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...