Bible Trivia Question:
Who saw a vision of man urging him to come to Macedonia?
A. Joseph
B. Peter
C. Daniel
D. Paul
In The News:
- Each year in April, National Arbor Day encourages us to celebrate and plant trees. The observance takes place each year on the last Friday in April.
- Dogs may face separation anxiety. Most dogs are very happy to have their people at home during this time. Experts think that our canine friends might have a major issue with separation anxiety when lockdown restrictions are relaxed. A veterinarian behaviorist says, "Dogs thrive on consistency and predictability, as we all do, so any time there’s an abrupt change, it can cause stress.” This will most likely happen when adults go back to work and children go back to school at some point. A separation anxiety specialist said once you are leaving the house more often, practice with your pup by executing small absences so the dog gets used to you not being there for incremental increases in time.
- Windows Solitaire turns 30 in May. The most famous computer card game ever turns 30 next month. With Windows 3 back in May of 1990, Microsoft began including Solitaire as part of its Windows product line. The game was created a year earlier by Microsoft intern Wes Cherry, though the card deck itself was designed by an artist and graphic designer best known for her interface elements and typeface contributions to the first Apple Macintosh (Susan Kare). … Microsoft intended Solitaire “to soothe people intimidated by the operating system,” and at a time where many users were still unfamiliar with graphical user interfaces, it proved useful in familiarizing them with the use of a mouse, such as the drag-and-drop technique required for moving cards… At one time Solitaire was among the three most-used Windows programs.
- Dog drives tractor. In Scotland, a farmer hopped out of his tractor to wrangle up a rogue lamb. In his absence, a sheepdog hopped up onto the tractor and into the passenger seat and, by leaning on the dashboard control panel, managed to send the tractor down a hill and onto a road. No one was injured.
- National Pigs-in-a-Blanket Day. Pigs-in-a-Blanket is often hot dogs or sausages wrapped in biscuit or croissant dough and baked. Pigs-in-a-Blanket are generally served as an appetizer or as breakfast. However, it can be served at any mealtime!
- On this day in 1704: The first regular newspaper in the United States, the Boston, Massachusetts New-Letter, was first published.
- The Post-it Note turns 35. The Post-it Note is marking its 35th anniversary this month. The little yellow square of paper that changed lives was actually the product of an engineering mistake by 3M scientists who accidentally stumbled upon an adhesive like none other that could stick and be repositioned on just about any surface. The three-by-three-inch pad has also evolved over time and now comes in various sizes, shapes and colors.
- On the last Friday in April, National Hairball Awareness Day draws attention to a problem many cat lovers face.
- Simulated Kentucky Derby. With this year's Kentucky Derby postponed due to the coronavirus, NBC will be airing a 'virtual' derby in its place next month. A computer-simulated Run for the Roses will pit some of the greatest Derby winners in history - like Secretariat, War Admiral, and 2018 Triple Crown winner Justify. The simulation will air May 2nd on NBC, raising money for COVID-19 emergency relief.The 'real' Kentucky Derby was postponed until Sept. 5th.
- Gum and Mint sales are bad. With more people staying at home, communicating through digital channels and aiming to maintain at least six feet of distance from others at all times, fresh breath has declined in importance. A new report says gum and mint sales are down around 40 percent since the start of the pandemic.
Fun Fact:
Each day in the U.S., 100,000 speeding tickets are issued. #funfact
Matt's Musing:
I can’t find my stencils; they’ve vanished without a trace... #musing
Bible Trivia Answer:
D. Paul (Acts 16:9)
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