Bible Trivia Question:
When Jesus healed the ten lepers, how many returned and thanked him?
A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 10
Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
There were no mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, or even corn on the cob at the first Thanksgiving feast. No turkeys either! #MidDayFact
Thanksgiving Prayer
Heavenly Father, on Thanksgiving Day
We bow our hearts to You and pray.
We give You thanks for all You've done
Especially for the gift of Jesus, Your Son.
For beauty in nature, Your glory we see
For joy and health, friends and family,
For daily provision, Your mercy, and care
These are the blessings You graciously share.
So today we offer this response of praise
With a promise to follow You all of our days.
For This We Give Thee Thanks
For hands that reach and touch our own,
For baby's laughter in our home,
For shoulders that in grief are loaned,
Dear Lord, we give You thanks.
For lips that brave the tender words,
For eyes that speak what can't be heard,
For God's own precious Holy Word,
Dear Lord, we give You thanks.
For open doors and welcomings,
For friends who laugh and sometimes sing,
For everything each season brings,
Dear Lord, we give You thanks.
For large or small, the gifts You give,
For just the privilege to live,
For all we've had and yet You give,
Dear Lord, we give You thanks.
For promises that soon shall be,
Because He hung upon the tree,
For Love that lasts eternally,
Most of all, Lord, thanks, oh, thanks!
-Joan Clifton Costner
Twas the night of Thanksgiving
Twas the night of Thanksgiving, but
I just couldn't sleep. I tried counting
backwards, I tried counting sheep.
The leftovers beckoned -- the dark meat
and white, but I fought the temptation
with all of my might. Tossing and
turning with anticipation, the thought
of a snack became infatuation.
So I raced to the kitchen, flung open the
door and gazed at the fridge, full of
goodies galore. I gobbled up turkey
and buttered potatoes, pickles and
carrots, beans and tomatoes.
I felt myself swelling so plump and so
round, till all of a sudden, I rose off the
ground! I crashed through the ceiling,
floating into the sky with a mouthful
of pudding and a handful of pie. But
I managed to yell, as I soared past
the trees --
Happy Eating To All!
Pass the cranberries please!
Thanksgiving facts:
No forks at the first Thanksgiving!The first Thanksgiving was eaten with spoons and knives — but no forks! That's right, forks weren't even introduced to the Pilgrims until 10 years later and weren't a popular utensil until the 18th century.
Americans eat 46 million turkeys each Thanksgiving.
The average turkey for Thanksgiving weighs 15 pounds.
Female turkeys (called hens) do not gobble. Only male turkeys gobble.
Campbell's soup created green bean casserole recipe for an annual cookbook 50 years ago. It now sells $20 million worth of cream of mushroom soup.
Presidents originally had to declare it a holiday every year. History says Jefferson refused because he strongly believed in the separation of church and state. Since Thanksgiving involved prayer, he thought making it a holiday would violate the First Amendment. However, it wasn’t until October 3, 1863, at the height of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln issued a Thanksgiving Day proclamation encouraging Americans "in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea, and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens." Thanksgiving has been celebrated in the United States ever since.
Thanksgiving Fun:
What’s a turkey’s favorite website? Google Google Google…
What happened to the turkey how got into a fight? He got the stuffing knocked out of him!
What sound would a turkey’s phone make? Wing Wing...
Matt's Musing:
What smells the best at Thanksgiving? Your nose of course! #musing
Matt's Pick Song:
“In Everything Give Thanks” by Charlotte Ritchie
Bible Trivia Answer:
A. 1 (Luke 17:15)