Bible Trivia Question:
Who said, “If I perish, I perish”?
Who said, “If I perish, I perish”?
A. David
B. Job
C. Jonah
D. Esther
In The News:
- COFFEE CAN HELP REDUCE RISK OF ALZHEIMER’S, PARKINSON’S _ We all know by now that if we binge on tasty treats too much, we’ll end up eating ourselves into an early grave, but in recent years it’s become increasingly clear that coffee is actually pretty good for you. Recent studies have shown that being a regular coffee drinker can reduce your risk of all kinds of ailments, including heart attack and stroke. Now, a new research effort reveals that dark roast coffee is particularly good at warding off some nasty brain conditions, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. (The findings were published in Frontiers in Neuroscience.)
- Driving through Kansas may be more pleasant on your nose. Yes, you may soon be able to take a fresh breath of farm air without the stinging stench of cow manure. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new drug this week (Experior) that lowers the amount of ammonia gas emissions released by cattle and their waste. The FDA says the idea is not just to reduce the smell of manure but to also make pastures more environmentally friendly.
- A man in England attempted to rob a grocery store clerk with a potato peeler. He was laughed out of the store and later picked up by police. They didn’t find his attempt…. Apeeling.
- An Australian man was mowing long grass when he ran over something solid. He kicked away the brown lump but later ran over it again. It wasn’t until he picked it up that he discovered what it was. The man put it down and went to the house to call the police. Police cordoned off the property and called a bomb disposal unit. It was a World War II grenade.
- Tired of your cookie crumbling and your fingers soaked in milk? The Oreo Ultimate Dunking Set comes with everything you need for a perfect Oreo and milk experience…. Is it worth it?
Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
1 billion gallons of Coca-Cola is consumed every seven months. #MidDayFact
News not Aired:
- A Florida man who was asked to leave a park (near St. Petersburg) was arrested on an obstruction charge for providing cops with a phony name. Asked to identify himself, the man told cops his name was “Ben Dover”.
Matt's Musing:
I remember when shopping for cereal was a lot more fun when you cared about the toy instead of the fiber..... #musing
Matt's Pick Song:
“Way Past Ready” by the Mark Trammell Quartet
Bible Trivia Answer:
D. Esther (Esther 4:15-16)
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