Bible Trivia Question:
Jesus said “I am the Light of the” WHAT?
Jesus said “I am the Light of the” WHAT?
A. Universe
B. Heavens
C. World
D. Heart
In The News:
- WHAT IS THE EXACTLY PERFECT TIME TO DRINK YOUR COFFEE? _ Most people drink coffee first thing in the morning. But is that the right way to do it? If you’ve ever had coffee and felt like it didn’t work, you’ve run into the field of chronopharmacology — the study of how medications and drugs interact with your biology. I’ll skip the boring parts and get to the caffeine: In the morning your coffee will probably be the most effective if you enjoy it between 9:30 and 11:30. In the afternoon the precise optimal time to drink coffee is at 2:16 PM.
- WHY DOES CHRISTMAS START SO EARLY? _ Halloween is over which means Christmas is just around the corner. Or so you’d think if you visit retail stores this week. Why does Christmas start so early? One theory is that during World War II it was necessary to mail Christmas gifts early for the troops in Europe. Merchants joined the effort to encourage customers to shop and mail early, and the protracted Christmas shopping season was born.
- It’s November, and with thanksgiving at the end of this month, today is a start of an annual trend on social media… #30daysofthanks Do you do this? Can you find something daily to be thankful for?
Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
In the US, 450,000 people injure themselves each year trying to slice a bagel. #MidDayFact
Matt's Musing:
Remembering to remember is always the first thing I forget.... #musing
Matt's Pick Song:
Bible Trivia Answer:
C. World (John 8:12)
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