Bible Trivia Question:
Who’s birthday celebration was the first mentioned in the Bible?
A. Joseph’s
B. Pharaoh’s
C. Moses’
D. Jesus’
In The News:
- On this day in 1861: James Naismith, the inventor of basketball, was born in Ontario, Canada.
- Not only is it Election Day, and Taco Tuesday… but also Nachos Day! How will you celebrate?
- Imagine playing dodgeball but instead of dodging balls, you’re dodging arrows flying every which way. That’s what you can do at Archery Games Denver in Arvada, Colorado, a new concept that is becoming increasingly popular in Canada but is new to the United States. In archery dodgeball, two teams (made of 10 people each) start at opposite ends of the field with empty bows and when the whistle blows they rush to the middle to grab arrows and then attempt to hide behind inflatable obstacles to dodge an arrow flying towards them. The arrows are foam. Now, you can have an irresistible Thanksgiving dinner in a can. As a marketing stunt in 2017, Pringles created an entire holiday spread in potato ship form — we’re talking turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, creamed corn, mac and cheese and pumpkin pie. Unfortunately, they weren’t available to the public, with just a few very limited-edition packages.
- In October, the company teased fans to “get your stretchy pants ready” in an Instagram post. Now they’ve unveiled the news that three flavors — turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie — will be available for sale this year.
- Feeling a bit more anxious? Raise your hand. Errr… your left hand? Research suggests that lefties are more likely to be inhibited and anxious. Psychologists (at the University of Abertay Dundee) ran behavioral tests on more than 100 people to see if they agreed with statements like “I worry about making mistakes,” “Criticism or scolding hurts me quite a bit,” and “I often act on the spur of the moment.” The answers of left-handed subjects revealed more reluctance than righties.
- Does your employer let you take a 20 minute snooze in the afternoon? Research shows that naps can help employees and their companies! A Harvard University study showed that worker burnout set in as a day of training wore on. But allowing subjects to take a 30-minute nap after some work prevented further deterioration and a one-hour nap actually boosted performance.
Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
In a survey, the least favorite clothing men said they liked to wear is a tuxedo. #MidDayFact
Matt's Musing:
Stress is when you wake up screaming, and you realize you haven't fallen asleep yet.... #musing
Matt's Pick Song:
“Out Of His Great Love” by the Martins
Bible Trivia Answer:
B. Pharaoh’s (Genesis 40:20)
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