Friday, January 18, 2019

Mid-Day Recap (Friday 01/18/19)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who said “Here am I; send me”??
A. Moses
B. Isaiah
C. Joshua
D. Paul

In The News:
  • Worth trying? (Might need to get extra strong toothpaste) The limited-edition breakfast treat combines white marshmallows with pink, blue, and yellow cereal pieces covered in sugary dots reminiscent of those found on Apple Jacks or Oreo O's. So yeah, your milk is gonna taste pretty sugary once you devour a bowlful.
  • A woman in Germany was charged with assault after hitting a man in the head with a bagel. They couple had been arguing over the correct way to slice a bagel.

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:
On average, Americans throw away 20,000 Televisions a day. #MidDayFact

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):
  • Tony Beckham was leaving for work Monday morning when he spotted a man looking into a window of his house in Wellington, Florida. That window led to his 14-year-old daughter’s room, in which she was dressing for school. Beckham, a former cornerback for the Tennessee Titans, chased after the man and tackled him to the ground. He held him there until deputies arrived. The peeper was taken to a hospital for treatment of facial fractures, then was charged with lewd and lascivious behavior.

Matt's Musing:
A landline is only good for calling a cellphone when you lose it.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Hallelujah, Jesus Saves” by Zane & Donna King

Bible Trivia Answer:
B. Isaiah (Isaiah 6:8)

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Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...