Monday, January 21, 2019

Radio Recap (Monday 01/21/19)

In The News:
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Today (January 21) is Blue Monday — also known as The Unhappiest Day of the Year. Researchers say unpaid Christmas bills, nasty weather, and failed New Year’s resolutions combine to make the day the gloomiest in the calendar.
If you take a lunchtime run, walk, or stroll, you’ll return to work feeling less stressed if you exercise in a park. Finnish researchers found that even short-term visits to nature areas have positive effects on perceived stress relief.
The sentence “Are you as bored as I am?” can be read backwards and still makes sense.

Matt’s Mid-Day Fact:Eighty-four percent of us say we talk about the weather at least once a day. #MidDayFact (Especially true for radio personalities)

Social Media Fun:Does your car have a name? Do you talk to it regularly or even feel guilty driving another vehicle? A survey finds 56 percent of owners name their vehicle.
… The survey also found that we speak to our cars approximately 13 times a week, with 18 percent of owners speaking to them every single trip.
… 23 percent of car owners said they’ve even felt guilty driving a car that isn’t their regular car.
… Some of the funny names of cars revealed in the survey: The Bug Slayer; Cujo; Fancy Jenny; Grease Lightning; Miss Tigglywinkle; Muscle Boy; Yoda.

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):If you want to have a child on the first day of 2020, April 9 is the day to conceive.

Matt's Musing:Space heaters are the perfect housewarming gifts... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“He Rescued Me” by Triumphant

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Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...