Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Radio Recap (Tuesday 09/03/19)

Bible Trivia Question:What color was Solomon’s wavy hair?
A. Black
B. Brown
C. Blonde
D. Red

In The News:
- Skyscraper Day

- We’re obsessed with our smartphones. Over half of adults admit to checking their phone at least once every half hour. Over a quarter of adults (28 percent) think there is a conspiracy where phones slow down after 12 months in an attempt to encourage owners to upgrade.

- Everybody knows that store brand foods — pasta, canned veggies, cookies, condiments, whatever — are cheaper than the national brands. The assumption is that the national brands taste better. Consumer Reports did a study and found they don’t. In blind tests, trained tasters compared a big national brand with a store brand in 29 food categories. Store and national brands tasted about equally good 19 times. Four times, the store brand won. Just six times did the national brand won. The store-brand foods Consumer Reports tested cost an average of 27 percent less than big-name counterparts. The magazine says price gaps have less to do with what goes into the package than with the research, development, and marketing costs that help build a household name.

- In Australia, a man was having his first flying lesson when his instructor lost consciousness, forcing him to land the plane. Happily, the student landed safely and the instructor is in stable condition.

- A fire at a hotel in Madison, Wisconsin, set off alarms: guests evacuated and, by the time firefighters arrived, automatic fire sprinklers in the room had doused the flames, and the manager had ensured that the burned mattress from the third-floor room had been pulled outside. Investigators asked the unnamed guest in the room what happened. He said he was “trying to put out bed bugs with a cigarette” when the mattress caught fire.

Fun Fact:The top speed of one of these is 3.4 mph ...The American cockroach #funfact

Matt's Musing: Hanging out with skyscraper builders is so boring! It's story ... after story… after story... #musing #skyscraperday

Matt's Pick Song:“Sweeter As The Days Go By” by Canton Junction

Bible Trivia Answer:A. Black (Song of Solomon 5:11)

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Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...