Bible Trivia Question:Who wanted to know the secret of Samson’s strength?
A. King Saul
B. Deborah
C. Goliath
D. Delilah
In The News:
- Cashew Day & Humane Society Day
- According to a survey, about 14% of Americans have turkey only on Thanksgiving. Almost 18% of us have it every month.
- We may say we hate Mondays, but research suggests Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are equally despised. Researchers who looked at a poll of 340,000 people found moods were no worse on Mondays than other working days, except Friday.
- ‘Tis the season to find a mate. According to a survey, nearly one in four singles get on a plane over the holiday season hoping the person sitting in the next seat might be a future date or spouse.
- New research shows it takes less than four hours before we need a break from our extended family during the holidays. The survey of adults who are traveling to visit family for the holidays found we can spend an average of three hours and 54 minutes with family before needing a moment to ourselves… One in four of those surveyed have hidden in a relative’s house to take a moment alone, while 37 percent have gone so far as to make an excuse and leave the house altogether.
- A study from the University of Toronto claims more education gives people a sense of control but also more stress. First, they studied “mastery,” or how much control people feel they have over their life. They asked how much someone agrees or disagrees with statements like: “You have little control over the things that happen to you” or “You often feel helpless in dealing with problems of life.” University graduates had the highest level of mastery, which the researchers associate with higher earnings and lower exposure to financial strain, compared to non-graduates. Though graduates felt they had more control than people who hadn’t graduated college, they also felt more stressed. Study participants showed signs of being overworked, experiencing high job pressure and having a work-to-family conflict.
- A child’s never-ending “why’s” aren’t meant to exasperate parents. Rather, the kiddy queries are genuine attempts at getting at the truth, and tots respond better to some answers than others. This finding, based on a study involving children ages 2 to 5, also suggests they are much more active about their knowledge-gathering than previously thought.
- Police in Ontario are reminding the public to avoid dialing 911 to report non-emergency situations after a woman called to ask if she could get an “emergency ride service” to the train she was running late for.
Fun Fact:Four percent of Americans think there are too many of these, 15 percent think there are not enough. What? (Holidays) #funfact
Matt's Musing: CPR is a near-breath experience... #musing
Matt's Pick Song:“Hard Trials Will Soon Be Over” by the Cathedrals
Bible Trivia Answer:D. Delilah (Judges 16:6)