Thursday, November 7, 2019

Radio Recap (Thursday 11/07/19)

Bible Trivia Question:What did the soldiers place on Jesus’ head before his crucifixion?
A. clean turban of wool
B. helmet of salvation
C. heap of burning coals
D. crown of thorns

In The News:- Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day • Men Make Dinner Day • Notary Public Day • Hug A Bear Day

- It’s a given that, from now through the end of the year, we’ll all add a pound or two — or five — due to the extra holiday treats on the breakroom table, the holiday party hors d’oeuvres, and so on. And guess what — kids are also eating just as unhealthy this time of year. So here’s an idea: in exchange for the holiday goodies, tell the kids you’re not stocking the fridge with soda and juices… While this isn’t the best way to get kids to eat healthier, after the holidays end you can simply continue not stocking the fridge with all the bad drinks they love.

- Planning to fly over the holidays? Travel experts say the worst days between now and the end of the year are around Thanksgiving. The report specifically mentioned the Friday before Thanksgiving for all the people who will be taking the entire week off; the day right before Thanksgiving for all the people only taking a few days off; and the Sunday after Thanksgiving for everyone going home and back to work on Monday.

- To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the iconic Skittles slogan “Taste the Rainbow,” the candy company conducted a survey among adults in the U.S. that have eaten Skittles in the last three months. Among other discoveries, they found that America is not crazy about yellow Skittles. According to the findings, only 6% of Skittles eaters favor yellow.
… Red Skittles fans are more likely to identify as hopeless romantics and are more likely to be in a relationship.
… Green skittles lovers who are single are 50 percent more likely than other single Skittles eaters to have been ghosted by their dates.
… Orange Skittles eaters are more likely to respond immediately to friends’ text messages.
… Nearly half of those surveyed eat Skittles by the handful, while 31 percent grab a few at a time, and 20 percent eat only one at a time.
… If you prefer to eat your Skittles one by one then you’re more likely to leave a party without saying goodbye to anyone, you’re a shy dater, you’re less likely to message people first on dating apps, and you hang your toilet paper in the “over position.”

- A gas station attendant in Turkey who misplaced his phone dialed the number and was shocked when he heard a ringing in his dog’s stomach. Luckily, nature took its course and he was reunited with his phone the following day.

Fun Fact:Harvard University is home to a ‘bank’ of more than 7,000 … human brains. It’s the world’s largest human brain repository. #funfact

Matt's Musing: A Mine-Craft movie would be real block buster... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Lead Me to the Cross” by Chigger Hill

Bible Trivia Answer:D. crown of thorns (Mark 15:17)

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Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...