Monday, June 24, 2019

Radio Recap (Monday 06/24/19)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who was the grandfather of Ichabod?
A. Saul
B. Eli
C. Samuel
D. David

In The News:
- Science has discovered that the secret to getting someone to do something is to ask them in their right ear. Research shows that people prefer to be addressed in their right ear because they will find it easier to process the information and are therefore more likely to perform a task. Known as the “right ear advantage,” scientists believe it’s because information received through the right ear is processed by the left hand side of the brain which is more logical and better at deciphering verbal information than the right side of the brain.

- A walk in the wood has taken a Minnesota (Duluth) man man back seven decades. 88-year-old Ray Ulvi makes canes and was searching some woods near his home for the perfect branch when he found instead a piece of his past. He saw something round in some mud and picked it up. It was a decades-old hockey puck with the initials ‘RU’ carved on both sides — his initials that he carved into the puck when he was a teenager. Ulvi figures the puck had been in the woods for 70 years. Ulvi isn’t sure how his puck ended up in the woods. The neighborhood rink was a block away.

- A survey of licensed drivers reveals the top thing that makes people mad while driving is someone not using their turn signal

- When a guy in Germany told a bank teller he was robbing her she stayed calm and told him she’d be happy to hand over the money in her drawer, but first she needed to see some proof of identification. The robber handed over his ID card and was given a small amount of money. He fled but forgot to take his ID card with him and was arrested a few hours later.

- A young boy in France was so determined not to go to the dentist that he faked his own kidnapping. On the day of his dental appointment the 12-year-old vanished, only to turn up around dinner time. That’s when he told his parents that he’d been kidnapped in the morning but was able to convince his kidnappers to give up their plan. The parents called police, of course, who looked at surveillance video around the area of the alleged kidnapping and found him hanging out in coffee shops, candy stores and bakeries.

Fun Fact:1957 is when we were finally introduced with the first frozen pizza. #funfact

Matt's Musing: You can always improve your day by ordering coffee in the voice you use for your pets... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“Calvary Came Through” by Gold City

Bible Trivia Answer:Eli (1 Samuel 4:16-21)

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Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...