Friday, January 31, 2020

Radio Recap (Friday 01/31/20)

Bible Trivia Question:
Who quoted Scriptures when tempted by Satan?
A. Job
B. Moses
C. Abraham
D. Jesus

In The News:

- Hot Chocolate Day

- Facebook says it reached 2½ billion users in the last part of 2019.

- Quit work today. This Friday, January 31 is, according to research, the most popular day (in the most popular month) for people to quit their job, as those back in the saddle after the holidays find themselves staring at the year’s calendar and questioning the point of it all. For some, the urge may be fueled by a dread of keeping up the work routine after kids go back to school; for others it could be down to the fact January is a dull month.

- New year's diets. It’s the end of January and by now more than one-third of people who made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight have broken it. By March, only 13% will still be on their diet, and by April only 7% will be hanging on.

- Kobe Bryant tribute. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said at a press conference Wednesday that Kobe Bryant will be honored as part of Sunday’s Super Bowl.

- Preschool Fitness Day

- Leave old grenades alone! In Germany, man who bought an old hand grenade from a friend was arrested after throwing it out a window to see whether it worked. It sort of ‘poofed’ — and freaked out a lot of people. The man was arrested.

- upside down license plate. A New Jersey motorcyclist cited for turning his license plate upside down because he liked the way the plate looked and “wanted to be different” has lost his attempt to rescind a traffic ticket he received. A state appellate court has ruled that the ticket and the $139 penalty Scott DiRoma received in municipal court were both justified. DiRoma claimed the law is vague and doesn’t prohibit an upside down license plate on a motorcycle.

- Google pays hackers. Paying hackers is not a bad thing. Which is why PayPal recently paid $15,300 to one; Tesla is offering $500,000 to anyone who can hack a Tesla Model 3; and Apple is prepared to cough up $1.5 million to iPhone hackers. Not to be outdone, Google has added a bonus to the $1 million offer to any hackers that compromise the security element on Pixel devices.… Since 2010 Google has paid out more than $21 million in rewards. In 2019 alone, roughly $6.5 million in rewards were paid by Google — twice as much as has ever been rewarded in a single year before.

- Looking to treat your special someone with something unique on Valentine’s day? Head over to Dunkin’s for a slam dunk for your date! Dunkin’s Valentine’s Day drinks are pink velvet-flavored and cute. That’s right… they’re mixed with red velvet cake flavor… yum!

- Pickle Bouquet. Not sure what to get your sweetheart for Valentine’s Day? Instead of flowers, how about a lovely arrangement of pickles? Boston-based Grillo’s Pickles is bringing back its famous pickle bouquet. It’s a do-it-yourself kit that comes with instructions for how to put the bouquet together. The kit includes an empty 32-ounce pickle container, 15 wooden skewers, artificial floral filler and cellophane, plus a coupon for a free jar of pickles. It’s being sold online for $25.

- Super Bowl and God. 26% of Americans say God determines who wins the super bowL _ Their hands might be gifted… their feet fast… their strategies on the field absolutely cunning… but a quarter of Americans don’t really think it matters. They believe that God personally controls who wins the Super Bowl.

Fun Fact:
The oldest cow lived to age 48. #funfact

Matt's Musing:
Pringles cans should have a twist mechanism like stick deodorant.... #musing

Matt's Pick Song:
“Testimony” by the Mark Trammell Quatrtet

Bible Trivia Answer:

D. Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11)

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Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...