Monday, July 8, 2019

Radio Recap (Monday 07/08/19)

Bible Trivia Question:Who said “I am the good Shepherd”?
A. David
B. Moses
C. Jesus
D. Paul

In The News:
- On this day in 1881: The first ice cream sundae was served for the first time by druggist Edward Berner of Two Rivers, Wisconsin.

- Video Games Day

- More than 16,000 people were evacuated in Germany on Sunday as experts diffused an American World War II bomb. The evacuations took place in Frankfurt to allow the bomb disposal experts to deactivate one of the 1,100-pound bomb’s two detonators. The bomb was discovered during construction work last month.

- Running for your gate, carry-on in hand to make your flight on-time is the worst. Sliding to your flight’s gate? That’s the best. A four floor-high slide located in Singapore’s Changi Airport is designed to get you to your departure gate with the fewest number of steps possible.

- A bear in Colorado opened a car door, got inside and couldn’t get out, and then panicked and shifted the car into neutral, rolled down a hill and crashed into a tree. The bear wasn’t injured.

Fun Fact:When unrolled, this is 565 feet long... a cassette tape #funfact

Bonus News (not mentioned on-air):The average adult will spend a total of 416 days of their life in the bathroom.

Matt's Musing: If someone says "I'm a sub-par golfer" does that mean they're good at golf, or bad...? #musing

Matt's Pick Song:“For My Good And For His Glory” by The Hayes Family

Bible Trivia Answer:C. Jesus (John 10:11)

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Radio Recap (Monday 10/05/20)

Bible Trivia Question: Who is the great Shepherd? A. David B. Joseph C. Moses D. Jesus  In The News:  - National Do Something Nice Day. It w...